Fasting is a beautiful way to build awareness and focus. It elevates the sense of our connection with the universe. Fasting is one of the ancient practices that our ancestors propagated us to follow. Many religions and communities follow fasting so meticulously for its wide array of proven spiritual and health benefits.
Fasting, if done right, helps to rejuvenate and detox the body and holistically improves the overall health.
Why Fruit Fasting?
Fruit fasting, just like any other fasting technique, creates an environment for the body to heal when the stored toxins are being flushed out of the system. Most of us would have tried one or the other methods of fasting such as Fruit Fasting or Vegetable Fasting or the combination of both, etc. Also, many are stuck in one method of fasting and eager to move forward from one fasting method to dry fasting, which is the highest fasting level towards spiritual awakening. But fasting has to be done from the base level i.e Fruit Fasting and to be taken forward gradually with professional support, whereas random switching over different fasting methods is neither safe nor advisable.
Why HLP Fruit Fasting for you?
We at HLP community have stepped forward to clear the myths around fasting with the help of professionals who also happen to be our HLP Community members. Commencing this month, we have this guided fasting session with coaching and support from our On-Board Naturopath and Ayurveda Practitioners who will be available online to support and clear all your queries. As every individual is unique, so is their health condition. One fixed fasting plan may not be suitable for all. Hence, the diet for Fruit Fasting is proposed only after careful study about every individual’s health history. Every member after the enrollment process will have a session with our Coaches to discuss the health concerns and zero-in on the fasting diet plans.
Enrollment starts on 21st June 2020 ,ends on 30th June 2020.
Preparation phase is from 16th July 2020 to 17th July 2020
Fasting is from 16th July 2020 to 18th July 2020
Enrollment process as follows:
On Submitting the enrollment form, your Profile with medical history will be analyzed by our Ayurvedic practitioner according to your Prakriti – the Vata, Pitta and Kaph combination.
The analysis will be continued by our Naturopath Practitioner in customizing the fruits diet based on your body type and your preferences to make this fasting journey an enjoyable one rather than unpleasant.
You will receive a communication with all the guidelines and schedules for Day 0 – Day 3 of Fruit Fasting.
After all, the real Spiritual journey is being at present to enjoy our life without any regrets.
What are the Levels in Fasting?
There are 18 Levels of Fasting. This periodic fasting cycle will be done once every month, commencing on an Auspicious Day.
May Month- Level 1 – Fruit Fasting,
June Month- Level 2 – Vegetable Fasting and so on…
Ending with the Last Level- Dry Fasting which is the highest goal in spiritual awakening.
Is Weight Loss a goal in this fasting?
Fruit Fasting is not a weight loss regime. Weight loss involves an altogether different approach and mechanism. The aim of this fasting program is to detox and reboot your mind, body and spirit.
Is it compulsory to take All the Levels?
We would love to have you travel with us from Level 1 and graduate happily till the highest level which is the Dry Fasting. Or you can choose to try Level-1 and explore your fasting practice gained in this program.
Important Note:
This program is not applicable for
Pregnant women
Lactating mothers
Menstruating women
Children below 18 years
Anyone under Serious Medical Conditions ( You will be filling the Health Form once you have enrolled, based on that you will be getting the next steps of the fasting process )
If you are looking forward to experiencing the purest bliss of chanting, meditation practice during your food fasting, then this is your beautiful beginning.
Come join us!!! Let’s Detox our system through this refreshing, rejuvenating and reviving Fruit Fasting Program with an amazing deeper spiritual experience.
Happy Fasting!!!
Fasting is not just a Physical Discipline, it is also a Spiritual Feast – Jentezen Franklin
6-Months Online Support Program to Lose Weight Gradually and Sustain It.
Your Weight Loss Dream becomes a Reality with our 6-Months Online Support Program! Our Simplexity Diet Solution is HOW, WHAT & WHEN TO EAT
“If you are serious about losing weight in a holistic way… if you can enter this six months commitment… if you want to reinvent your healthy self … then this is the right program for you at the right time.”
Are you Overweight? You are not alone. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has coined the term “Globesity”, to bring to light the global scale of overweight as a serious public health concern.
Overweight is the leading cause of other health related issues, to name a few-
Heart Disease
Hormonal Imbalances
Liver Problems
Bone & Joint Disorders
Psychological Issues & Sleep Disorders, etc
This Pandemic induced be-at-home lifestyles with zero physical exercises, add fuel to the already existing health and obesity-related issues.
Weight Loss is the need of the hour, especially for the people transiting between the 30s and 40s and maintaining the right BMI is the key to avoid 90% of the diseases. Taking advantage of this scenario-
The Weight Loss Industry has come up with lots of tricks to cheat people to loot money in the name of: dietary supplements filled with chemicals, weight-loss surgery that can pose serious side effects and complications, unrealistic diets which cause more harm than good to the body.
Weight-loss industry, being a $70 Billion market in the USA, is booming with programs endorsed by famous dieticians, celebrity doctors, healers, etc.
“Lose Weight not your Health!” Beware of short-cut diets and fast-track plans to weight loss. The results of such diets are short-term and create health disorders in the body.
The bottom line: That extra weight is a prospect to a lucrative business. And, to gain that money, these companies are willing to stretch the truth of what their products or services can do. However, you must understand the fact that they are more than just fads or fascinating ideas from people under limelight who would have you believe that their recommended supplements or diet plans will bring you the desired weight-loss results you so rightly deserved.
Hence, we do not want our people to fall prey to this money-minting market. Rather, we wanted to make sure that people reach out to us through their conscious/mindfulness. Unlike network marketing, our Weight-loss and wellness program is purely an informal HLP community’s initiative and the privileged audience is our Whats-app Community parents.
Our HLP Weight Loss & Wellness Program Focus On:
We follow the food habits passed on to us by our ancestors. We have been consuming certain foods in a certain way for ages/generations. Shifting to a shortcut swiftly from our long followed habit is highly dangerous to our health. We have to take it gradually with time.
Our HLP community emphasis more on our
Types of food – Seasonal, Native Varieties, Local
Eating Habits – Eat only when hungry, Munch the food well with saliva, Drink your food, Drink water later on.
These practices that we followed for ages are being ignored or forgotten owing to our current lifestyles.
Our Holistic Weight Loss Program comes to You with:
We, the HLP World, take immense pride in launching the groundbreaking weight-loss and wellness program.
Commence and continue your weight loss journey with the constant support of our HLP community along with the Naturopath Practitioner.
Your Nutritious Diet is custom-made by the doctor based on your Body type/Prakriti.
The diet & fitness plan is fine-tuned to your normal routine without affecting your natural and native habits.
You will have one review session per month with the doctors to discuss your progress or concerns. Also, you can reach out to our community or doctors anytime for online support.
Gradual weight loss removes the unwanted body fats and re-balances your body’s metabolism, naturally.
Our Nature-inspired weight loss mantra is HOW, WHAT and WHEN to eat. The good news is we endorse no-
NO Supplements
NO Unusual/ Extraordinary Exercises
NO Medicines
NO Expensive Coaches
This program is like a catalyst to enable and empower your life’s journey holistically. At HLP.World we are with you to support and walk together in this gradual and graceful path.
Enrollment process as follows:
6 Months Weight Loss & Wellness Program 1st Batch Begins On: 1st August
One-One Consultation (total of 7 consultations) With Naturopath Doctor: 1st Month you get 2 consultations, 2nd month on-wards you get 1 consultation/month. (Meanwhile, you can also reach out to our community or doctors anytime for online support.)
Currently, we plan to keep the numbers bare minimum with the existing technology set up behind the screen to run this program. However, with the increasing number of inquiries and registrations, we might have to increase the contribution to meet up the technology expansion in future.
There are a lot of people out there who lost money, health and peace in this race without proper guidance about ‘WHEN, ’WHOM’ and ‘WHERE’ to approach for the right weight-loss program. We want to make this wellness program affordable and reachable to everyone in need.
Weight-Loss is no more an elite scheme and this is something within the reach of a person with just a mobile phone with an internet connection. So, do make use of this opportunity and share with people who are in dire need.
Let us all enjoy the journey of Life-style change towards “A HAPPY HEALTHY ME!”
Good Health is your Birthright. It is your responsibility to claim it!
Learning and staying positive during the pandemic times. Let us spread knowledge than spreading virus.
When the lockdown started and when everyone was thinking what to do and how to deal with the lockdown, our community quickly devised a learning plan so all of our paretns make use of the lockdown time effectively and enjoy it it positively. So for 3 weeks, parents from our community who have expertise in their own areas and are passionate about what they do and practice came forward to do the webinars. Thanks to every parent who contributed and selflessly shared their knowledge.
Thanks to Subash and Karthik from the technology team without their support it would have been impoosible to conduct the event.
Here is a huge list of feedbacks from our parents:
“I do participate,I think all individuals who are doing seminar and the people who support them are great and we all are so grateful for the effort,the most memorable thing and u can see that most of parents are so grateful from their soul. So it’s a soul satisfaction to meet the great practitioner and like minded pioneers. I guess it’s the first time in the whole great times that such wonderful crowd with positive attitude and great knowledge leaves the session and never forgets it..” – Deepa Babu
“The webinar sessions are so informative and very useful as a knowledge source. Instead of lockdown period, these webinars can be conducted on a regular basis so that whichever topics need elaborate discussion can be handled. Above all, We are very grateful for the people who are presenting, thanking them for their time, patience and the effort to share their knowledge with others. Priya, you are doing an amazing job..I saw your first workshop in ezone learning and then today..You are an inspiration to many..It’s actually simple but we have all lost these practices due to our convience, say laziness and so called advertisement world..Thanks for people behind this wonderful session making is us realise” – Minu Amar
“The webinars are truly inspiring and informative. It has helped in lot of learning and now want to explore it by trying to make few changes in life. As told in the admin message the webinars are truly spreading wisdom within. Thank you to all who are taking the initiative”– Bharathi Balarajan
“I joined the group yesterday and attended two webinars live, Watched the earlier ones too. Really inspiring,motivating and informative. The people talk,convey things so lively in such a way that, While we leave the session,some values have already got transferred to us from the speaker.The talk delivery is simple,yet powerful that none can leave the session empty handed. Many thanks to everyone for this initiative, Thanks for the opportunity. We are getting a satisfaction that,The lockdown is being used for learning something new and valuable. Thanks & Regards”.
“Amazing session Anusha. You shared lot of valuable information n tips .On my personal experience One thing I would like to share .I never took iron tabs during my preg though I have twin babies..infact my doct didnt suggest me at all.The reason is the values are always with in the limit.People who are anaemic or haemoglobin levels are dropping, the best home remedy is, take 2 to 3 dry dates n soak over night n take it with water.when you chew the dates consciously actually you enjoy the juice.I have taken this throughout my preg. Also make sure you take pomegranate or apple daily once min.These really helps alot in increasing the haemoglobin levels. When I tested my haemoglobin levels in 8th month actually it was increased by 0.3. Compared to 3rd month Thank you again Anusha for sharing valuable info.”-Samatha Kudilika
“I am attending all the webinar daily. My sincere gratitude to the speakers, coordinators and everyone who is making it happen. Started playing board games which I forgot. Exploring ancient art forms with my six year old. Inspired by up cycling session. Following yoga in a fun way with my daughter which is far easier than the counting. I loved all the sessions, looking forward for more of them. Special thanks to Velu Anna”– Amruta Zhope
I am not able to join in for the live sessions. However i am veiwing them later during my convenient time. The sessions are really good, very informative and helpful .– Balaji
“Lockdown webinars has been one of best part of lockdown. The range of topics and the experience shared by our parents has been truly overwhelming and I thoroughly enjoyed each and every webinar till date. So far I’ve missed only 2 live sessions,but I always ensure I view the recorded versions. Today’s webinar on Special Children/Parents has touched my heart in numerous ways. My thoughts on todays webinar-“The more we approach without judgement.the more the kids open up. This is great and True. Its starts with mother. Love your child unconditionaly !!! “Serve your child” is my take away message from this Webinar. These words apply to every parent and child relationship.” Thank you HLP team and Velu Anna for this initiative. My gratitude!“
“The sessions are great with lot of information.. It’s a wonderful opportunity to know about new and unique topics like art forms, minimalism, upcycling.etc..” -Jisha
“Indeed a great Insight. Never missed any sessions. The good thing is I have started follow and implement the take away from each session. Except Day-9 session”- Vijay Tejas
“Really feel very blessed to be part of these webinars. My gratitude to each & every soul behind this initiative so far, Most of the topics were like it was particularly for me. Its really thought provoking. As Tanushree said in her Upcycling webinar about her machine -same story with me. I too have a new Machine lying untouched. I was actually exploring with old clothes available @ home during this locked down, now after the webinar i am going to try my hands on Denim as well. Going forward, will be very keen on buying stuffs. Likewise, each webinar has taught me sooo many good things. Thanks a bunch once again” -Shylendhiri Ravi
“I have been watching few webinars , had to miss the rest due to time constraint. They are extremely useful anf inspiring. Choice of topics were diverse and that way it made it more interesting. Kudos to the presenters and experts and the organising team.”-Ramya
“Hi, I am participating or watching recording daily. I am loving it. It’s very inspiring, informative and transformative..My kids also enjoy watching it with me..I don’t know how much they understand but I guess they like the energy of it.. Thank you all so much.” -Monika Mehta
“Today’s parenting session made me cry Priya .I don’t know why but I m not getting connected to my daughter the way I wish to maybe bcoz of my unstable health & due to which mind is always unstable at times & her energy s always on peak so I m getting under scale with her energy & to match her demands .Yes the Parenting session by Divya & today by Bindu had really touched me so deeply that If I express more than words teardrops will roll out .So,I just hope you can understand my feelings & thoughts . It’s really interesting very learning & very informative .Thank you to esteemed Parents,Community Members & ofcourse the Founder Anna”
Ruchi Parmar
“The sessions are very useful . All the topics are really great ‘ Eye openers ‘. Really appreciate all of them who have conducted the sessions with complete professionalism! The content provided was mind blowing !!! Each one them open heartedly shared everything that they know”– Vishnu Priya
“Thanks entire team for beautiful sessions.. though I couldn’t login at 9am.. I watch videos later.So much knowledge sharing.Thanks each of the speakers for wonderful sessions n knowledge sharing.Thank you admins n Velu Anna for giving all of us an opportunity to attend such sessions 20 Our Ancient board game with what we have!!Had great fun playing this son enjoyed alot… infact he won the race .Thank u Roopa for reminding us at right moment.”- Harika Balam
“Thank you very much for giving this oppurtunity. Bindu haridas explained well. At the time of explaing about self support i got tears, my current situation made me cry. But her words gave me possitive energy to fase the situation. My 3.3 years autistic kid Athreya can enjoy today unwards with me while playing. Thankyou so much to whole team.” – Savitha
“Today’s session of Divya on parenting 0 to 3 years was too good..Every other sessions were also good..I felt very connected as i have a toddler and felt to be very helpful information.Thanks Divya”
Kiranmayi Vikram
“Very very nice session.. I don’t have a child yet.. but I thoroughly learnt from it.”- Kanu Jain
Totally second that! Things you mentioned require continuous efforts and kudos to you to keep at it and improving on it.! Inspiration abundance! – Sandhya
“She has given wonderful food for thought..some are very small things that go unnoticed but cause huge changes. Wonderful session by @Priya” – Kiranmayi Vikram
“I connected most of the sessions. Loved the traditional games one! I heard that the rules of the games will be shared in the group. Would be nice, if it is shared. Dr. Lakshmi’s session was very helpful“- Uma Jairam
“Although I am unable to be live for the webinars but I am catching up when ever I can. They are very interesting and informative.. The speakers all have immense knowledge and speak from years of experience. Thanks to all the speakers who share their wisdom with us.” – RituSinghi
“I am not able to join live and hence missing to post live queries as well. But I make it a point to go over later whenever I have free time. All the topics covered so far resonates to what I would like transform my lifestyle to. I loved the spiritual embryo topic, native eating and minimalistic living so much. The speakers are definitely experienced and are talking out of there own experiences which brings a different dimension to topics being spoken. I am thankful for the yoga webinar we got introduced to Bihar school of yoga and now while family does / follows yoga lessons from there YouTube site( we were doing random yoga sessions until now ) Gratefulness and looking forward for future webinars !“
Priyadarshini is an Engineering graduate in Electronics and Communication. She used work for Dell, Later shifted to Chennai after marriage and worked in Ericsson as system analyst.
I have always been passionate about our tradition and curious to know about our ancient wisdom and practices, which made me join this group.
View all posts by Priyadarshini Somasundar
Our whatsapp group grows bigger day by day. Yearly once, We conduct a survey to understand each other and realign our focus, so that we as a community can gear up for next year.
Important reasons are
This helps identify the inactive parents who block the space in the group. They do not respond to the survey, We know they do not read the message. So we move them broadcast group and make space for new parents. We cannot keep new parents waiting to join us.
It is always good to push ourselves out of comfort zone. So we reshuffle the group so new parents, new friends, new ideas.
Parents in our group for more than a years know this ritual. So please fill the survey there are hardly 5 questions. Be honest and share our thoughts…
Happy to share the survey results in public. Happy to see soo many parents want to join to revive our ancient wisdom.
This brilliant newsletter was made by parents of 48 days program and few core parents. Archana, Vishalin, Yamini,Bharathi and Tejaswini.
Greetings from Swarnaprashana Team,
The year 2017 has been a phenomenal year marked with many Aha moments with sparkles of Magical stardust. Yes…who doesn’t like a celestial upgrade !! The Swarnaprashana community birthed to build community-based holistic living and for the revival of indigenous practices, has created a fresh wave of change. The driving force ingrained with social impact has transformed organically into ‘Socio-spiritual’ platform and it touched many lives and families significantly.
“If what we cannot give socially, that we received can we uplift and heal other people !!”
The man behind this 5-year labor of love has always remained one among us and one serving us. He is the dreamer and the doer; planner and perfect executionist. The dawn of 2017 planted many fruitful desires on his visionary board and steps driven and strings pulled by the divine nature. The inner tussle made a loving inquiry, “If what we cannot give socially, that we received can we uplift and heal other people !!”. This brought forth a need to step into the limelight and blend his creative craftsmanship and the visionary leadership. Thus, Mr. Velu Jayaprakash, the founder of swarnaprashana community penned his title as Soul Coach and crafted a beautiful journey for the swarnaprashana family.
The year began with a skimming process. All the existing community members took the ANCIENT WISDOM TRANSFORMATION survey and only committed families joined us back. The response and the feedback were overwhelming. All the WhatsApp groups went through revamping and new groups were formed. With the new energies, the first webinar of the year was conducted. It was an intensive talk on Swarnaprashana by Mr.Velu to educate and empower all the new and existing parents. It was also a privilege that Mr.Velu was invited to give a talk at the National conclave on corporate social responsibility – Future perspectives in Chennai.
Earlier Sriram, a parent shared posts on herbal gardening. As a value addition, another blog was written by Hridya, a parent. This article Glory of gardening speaks about growing your own veggies as a necessary measure when the world is on the brink of natural disaster. Hridya shared her family experiences and how one gets to see the beauty of interdependence and sustenance in the ecosystem in our own backyard through elements of gardening.
HLP Store, our own community online organic produce shopping portal continues to grow and keeps up the practice of free salt donation. It brings us all fresh indigenous organic produce sourced directly from farmers and includes parentreneur’s ancient, natural home remedies. To share the same joy, Ruchi a parent has put up snacks stall made out of organic products received from HLP Store as part of republic day celebrations at her community.
Raising social awareness and responsibility is another initiative that adds a feather to the community works. When Tamilnadu was raging with Jallikattu issue, Velu, the founder has taken a firm stand and delved the truth behind the politics and the controversy around Jallikattu to the community to save this indigenous practice of India. Another burning issue was mandatory vaccination drive introduced by the Govt of Karnataka was a major concern to many parents. Heaps of knowledge sharing and myth busters disseminated in a marathon discussion among all the parents across the community. To help parents make an informed decision and to bring this to a logical conclusion backed by the expert’s advice, Mr. Velu in association with Dr. Selva shanmugan, a Siddha specialist & President, World Siddha trust, India had released a special footage only to educate our community parents with the due disclaimer. This timely guidance has helped many parents immensely.
Ishani, the parenting expert of our community facilitated Art of holistic living workshop in Udaipur. This is our first and one of a kind workshop to spread the wisdom and rare practices to people outside our community. Besides holistic living, the Meditation during the session helped many find their life purpose. Many have pledged towards the path to go chemical free and it was an eventful workshop.
Building a wisdom centric community space has been one of the primary focus of SWP community. Mr.Velu is a significant contributor to nurture this space. He shared precious wisdom and shed light on many topics/practices uplifting the quality of life of many families. To name a few:
Kala Sarpa dosha
Wedding anniversary
Cradle ceremony
Sabudhana: veg or nonveg
Rethinking thyroid
About vaccine changes and lifestyle changes
Understanding Shatavari and many more….
A dream project has come to life in March 2017. The first-ever holistic spiritual retreat to the divine abode of Siddhars, the Sathuragiri hills was announced. Only the divine love bestows the keys of knowledge. We at the parent community were bestowed with these divine blessings to envisage and execute this spiritual trip. It is the first time ever that a group of 50+ individuals ventured into this hill, the best part is most of the parents have seen each other for the very first time. The trust and credibility earned by the leader were evident as parents came forward knowing that the place lacks basic amenities and everyone’s bhakti, physical and mental strength would be put through a stringent test.
Few experiences shared by parents who undertook this life-transforming journey.
When our intentions are true, nature does miracles. This trip indeed was one such divinely orchestrated one where help n guidance blessed every step. A beautiful mango groove as the base camp, healthy organic food cooked with love, trekking along steep terrain of jagged rocks were just a few streaks of experiences on that auspicious Shana pradosham day. Many divine coincidences and signs were part of these journey along the bodhi caves, Pathanjali lingam, Naaval Ootru the pond with sacred waters laced with miraculous herbs till the summit at the Sundara and Santana Mahalingam temple. The descent was awaited with a fresh day where true to its essence, a talk by experts like traditional dinacharya by Dr. Selva shanmugan, Yoga Nidra by Yoga expert Mr.Ganesh and powerful kriya meditation by Mr.Velu were arranged as a learning bonanza. To etch everything eternally in the time capsule, drones were engaged and a documentary of the trip is captured. Thanku to all the divine souls who made this divine dream come true.
5th Year Anniversary Celebration of Swarnaprashna Parenting Group
The second day dawned bright and early. The first session of the day was Yoga – guided graciously by parent Bhooma. Though Bhooma did not have any indication that she will be called on to conduct the session (as the other person who was supposed to do it had to drop out due to unavoidable reasons), she enthusiastically stepped in and ensured the parents were not disappointed. I heard the Yoga session was very energetic and rejuvenating. Unfortunately, I missed it! The early morning chirping of the many birds on campus and the peacocks from the nearby fields compensated a wee bit for missing such a wonderful session though (or so I consoled myself!).
Yoga session by parent Bhooma
After a quick breakfast, all parents gathered at the pyramid room with much anticipation and glee for the day’s program. We were not disappointed. The formal program kicked off with a small recognition ceremony to honor the core parents who have contributed their time and energies over the last few years towards the growth of the Swarnaprashna parenting group. Without these do-gooders, our community will not be what it is today. Many thanks to these kind souls who continue to dedicate their efforts to the cause of holistic living and parenting.
Parent Nandhini and core member of Swarnaprashna Parenting Community getting honored (one of the many parents who have tirelessly worked over the last few years towards the cause of holistic living and parenting)Parent Team honoring Velu Jayaprakash, the man behind Swarnaprashna who is making all this possible (through the guidance of his Guru as he likes to acknowledge)
After the recognition ceremony, Ranjan Mullaratt, a Kalaripayattu expert with 30 years experience in the art form, spent over an hour with us sharing his knowledge about the most ancient martial art of the world. Kalaripayattu (Kalari meaning an enclosed space and payattu meaning practice), which is said to have originated from South India, is believed to be taught first to Sage Parasurama by Lord Shiva. The art form was eventually spread world-wide by Bodhirama including to China. Today, it is practiced widely in Kerala, Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh in India. Placing a high importance on the guru-shishya parambara, Kalaripayattu is extremely beneficial for both physical and mental health. It follows the principles of Ayurveda and incorporates traditionally guarded secrets on vital nerve points to disarm the opponent in a fight.
Ranjan Mullaratt, a Kalaripayattu expert talking to us about the age-old martial art form
Next up was the super fun, super powerful, super thought-provoking session on Natural Foods by Dr. Maran G. A raw food activist and a firm proponent of Naturopathy, Maran G is what you might call a bomb of energy and traditional knowledge. Dr. Maran runs a tiny food joint in Sivakashi, Tamil Nadu named “Thaivazhi Iyarkai Unavagam” (translated roughly as Traditional & Natural Food Restaurant) – it serves over 300 people each day with completely wholesome, raw and uncooked food and helps them fight many diseases and illnesses with food as medicine.
Dr. Maran G – A raw food activist and proponent of Naturopathy with Parent Gayathri (who helped translate Maranji’s priceless talk to English for the benefit of all parents who did not understand Tamil)
Known for his selfless and passionate work on spreading the wisdom of consuming raw and natural food, Maran G is a wonderful human being who has dedicated his life for the betterment of the health of his fellow beings. An hour or so with him was just not enough – his enthusiasm, deep knowledge, jovial nature, literary skills, and caring attitude made us all wish he could spend the entire day with us talking! WE just couldn’t get enough of the many tips and recipes he shared with us all so generously. God bless Maran G and his kind – we were in turn for sure blesses to be part of his session that day. Though I am planning to cover the tips/recipes given by Maran G in another blog post, here’s what he really wanted us all to take away that day, if not anything else:
Pearls of Wisdom from Maran G’s talk:
Drink plenty of water
The more flour/starch you consume, the more pain you will suffer. Avoid plan starch food.
Follow the Natural way of life – have more fruits and vegetables (raw). Consume Amla/Guava/Dates/Fig in plenty.
Walking for 10 mins barefoot is equal to walking 1 hour in shoe. Try to walk barefoot as much as possible and stay connected to Mother Earth.
A lifestyle without physical work and filled with bad food habits is sure asking for trouble.
One must do the super brain yoga (thoppukaram as it’s called in Tamil, usually performed in front of Ganesha with both hands on the ears) at least 21 times a day to stay fit, young, and healthy.
At least one meal a day must be Fruits only. Once in a day at least, you must do fireless cooking!
For Thyroid, Diabetes and improving memory power, soak 2 Ladies Finger in water overnight and have that water in the morning.
Try to have a wholesome and raw breakfast. You can always add spice to it in the form of pepper, jeera, ajwain. Replace Coffee/Tea with Dry Ginger Tea.
Physical exercise a must for a healthy body. If you don’t have time to do exercise, you can at least walk in the form of a 8 shape right at home
Most importantly, pls ensure your children inculcuate the good habit of eating raw and healthy food – enrich their water bottles and tiffin boxes with the best food Mother Nature herself has prepared lovingly.
Do not watch any TV, mobile or other devices while eating.
Never eat after 7 in the night!
The above is just barely scratching the surface of what he shared. You must definitely attend one of his sessions if possible in the future.
Standing ovation to Dr. Maran – one hour with him is just NOT enough!
We all proceeded to lunch – thinking if we should start practicing all Maran G told us right away – unfortunately, bad habits formed over decades of lifestyle needs at least a few days of convincing one’s own mind and self before making the switch. Maran G, however, did not think so. He liberally shared his meager lunch of 2-3 fruits with everyone at the Lunch hall. Indeed, a very selfless Samaritan he is.
Usually, any session planned right after lunch will turn out to be boring (even if it is not really so – thanks to our full stomachs!). But we had a surprise coming for us. The team from Kreedaa Kaushalya, who came all the way from Mysore, enthralled us the next one hour with the traditional games of India. Right from Indian Chess, Pagaday, Aliguli Manay to Adu Huli Ata, it was a fun session where the children and adults even got to play a game or two.
Traditional Games that transported us to our childhoods
The team of RG Singh, Raghu Dharmendra, and Dileep Gowda have done extensive research on the traditional games, their use and their importance in our culture and have made their knowledge freely available to anyone who is willing to pay attention. In this day and age where children are glued to mobile screens for hours together, traditional games offer a hope and promise of getting them back to an engaging form of play which are also designed to make them more mentally agile and fit. Do check out the Kreedaa Kaushalya team at their shop opposite Mysore Zoo or catch them at their blog here: And don’t forget to introduce your children to the rich game culture of India.
Children getting lost in the wonder of Traditional Games, thanks to the session by Team Kreeda Kaushalya
The next session was on Karathandavam, another martial art form of India. It was very interesting to learn about this ancient art and appreciate the beauty of many practices that were part of our culture.
A quick demo of Karathandavam – another ancient martial art form
A quick water break later, all of us assembled again for another one of the most interesting sessions of the meet – Yoga point of view from Thirumoolar by Siddha Dr. Selva Shanmugam. A very deep subject, with profound wisdom and insights, Thirumanthiram and its teachings on Yoga and Medicine is not very easy to be discussed in just a few hours. But Dr. Selva Shanmugam did fantastic justice to it, while still keeping it absolutely relevant and informative, by sharing his decades of research and knowledge of Thirumoolar’s text. The following lines from his presentation stand out strikingly clear even today in my mind:
Andathil ullathae Pindam,
Pindathil ullathae Andam
Meaning what’s there in the Macrocosm (the Universe) is what’s there in the Microcosm (The Body) i.e. man is a universe in himself. These lines were said many thousands of years ago by Siddhas (ancient Tamil Sages) – and it is being discovered to be true by modern scientists even as we read these lines today. Whether one views these lines literally or with more spiritual intent, it is certainly not something one can just understand in a day and gain mastery (in fact, nothing in life is like that, but these kind of topics definitely need their own time, effort and dedication to really understand, let alone start practicing them).
Dr. Selva Shanmugam sharing his decades-long insights from Thirumanthiram
After that intense session, parent, healer and acupuncture therapist, Anandji did a light and simple session on Body, Mind and Soul – he gave us a very good understanding of the these three realms and even shared an easy way to meditate. Thanks Anandji – it was indeed a new way of looking at meditation (where one just lets the thoughts flow without getting too attached and instead focus on “who” is having these thoughts).
Healer Anandh talking about a simple meditation technique
Post that, it was time for little Ishita’s first birthday celebration!! A celebration where everyone wanted to get as close to the birthday cake as possible!! Joking aside, I am still in awe of the parents’ clear commitment and conviction towards holistic living (they sacrificed the usual first birthday celebrations and instead chose to attend the outing and celebrate the little one’s birthday with us). Anyhow, again on a lighter vein, thanks to dear Ishita and her parents, we got to taste one of the yummiest Millet based cakes made by parent Sharanya (again proving the power of parenting community coming together for the benefit of each other). God bless you, Ishita dear!
Little Ishita’s birthday celebration at Swarnaprashna’s fifth-year anniversary celebration Someone called for a quick group photo before Maranji takes leave. Check out the cute little guy striking a pose in the front!
The day wound up with Dinner and another meditation practice session by Velu. This time, the meditation was focused on building a positive aura around ourselves, an energy ball of protection and good will. Suffice it to say, it was one of the most intense moments of my life! Beyond that, it is very difficult to write about what we all experienced – a mild sense of liberation, lingering joy and the thrill of having discovered our own mind power – definitely something to be experienced rather than heard from someone!
Children being very much a part of the day’s proceedings – thanks to all the parents who came together to keep them entertained
Vaijayanthi is a freelance business writer and full-time gardener. She coaches people on adopting a chemical-free lifestyle through her initiative called the Kaustubam for Sustainable Living Practices. She also conducts various physical workshops and training sessions on sustainable living and Gardening for children in Bengaluru through the initiative The Happy Child.
View all posts by Vaijayanthi
5th Year Anniversary Celebration of Swarnaprashana Parenting Group
It was Monday morning. I woke up with a strange and wonderful sense of peace and calm – very unlike other Mondays – in fact very unlike most other days as well! A quick recollection, and it all came flooding back – a weekend full of learning, unlearning, joy, celebration and a sense of time standing still. And yet, it all got over so quickly! Yes, I am talking about the fifth year anniversary celebration of the Swarnaprashna holistic living and parenting group.
Held on 10th and 11th of June 2017 at the very picturesque The School of Ancient Wisdom at Bangalore, the event was a meeting of kindred spirits and parents who became quick friends. Though packed tight with learning sessions on everything from Yoga & Meditation to Parenting & Healthy living, the two days were as relaxed as one can ever hope to get. For me, personally, it was a total treat, like a surprise package of all things that are on my “most liked list” – as if someone had gone through my mind map and picked the choicest of favorites and come up with an agenda that I would never miss for the world. I am sure it was the same for almost every parent who came to the meet! Now, that is not a small feat to achieve – but achieve it they did, the organizing team of Velu, Divya, Mani, Priya, Ananth, Nandhini and all the others who worked hard for more than a month to pull together this beautiful event for others. There is a reason I have emphasized the last word – I will elaborate more on it later.
The lush green and peaceful School of Ancient WisdomThe beautiful environment of The School of Ancient Wisdom
All of us were to arrive by 5 – 6 PM on Friday evening. But as luck would have it, the rain gods decided to give us a shout! It started pouring delaying some parents from reaching the venue before 6.30 – no problem, said the kids who had arrived by then….We will just take our time getting to know each other so that we can hack our plans for the next two days! And that set the tone for the next two days – something you would never have seen in any other meeting of adults in your life am sure – a free rein of the meeting room for the kids to play, run, fight, sleep, eat and what not – amidst very serious discussions!
So while the adults listened, talked and took notes (pretending they don’t hear the noise!), the little ones had the time of their lives as well. This itself can be one of the best highlights of the meet – a highly tolerant and relaxed huddle of parents where every single parent took the disturbance (adventure for the kids!) in their stride and kept a watch on the kids collectively. Reminded me of the long forgotten huge joint families of yesteryears. Yes, I know, we are a parenting group and some might say this is expected but well, I can only thank the organizers and all the parents for proving we can have a productive meeting with our kids
After a quick round of introductions of all the parents and how they came to be part of the Swarnaprashna group, we came to know that one of the child had her first birthday the next day – and the parents have decided to spend it with us, in this retreat, instead of the usual party and merry – a awe moment of their dedication and interest to the cause of holistic living for sure.
It was soon time for Dinner followed by the Negativity removing mediation session by Velu. The day was also perfect for it – being a Friday AND a full moon day – a great combination to rid oneself of negative influences and disturbing feelings. If you have been following the discussions on the WhatsApp parenting groups, you will know that removing dhristi is one of the suggested weekly rituals one can follow to maintain emotional health and well-being for the entire family for those who believe in it. It is usually done with salt/chilies/mustard/eggs or any combination thereof (some also use natural straw/camphor and burn them after the cleansing ritual). Scientifically, we are using these high pranic energy filled items to “absorb” the negative energies around us, helping us keep a clean energy space around us. However, our meditation session focused on removing the negative energy within/around us in a different way by using a combination of visualization and self-suggestion. Each of us was also asked to hold a metal coin in our right hand (or a Lemon) which acted a medium to capture all the negativity – this was thrown into the fire built specifically for this purpose at the end of the meditation session.
One of the main things that we learnt during the pre-session discussions was on the importance of discarding the materials used for removing the dhristi (like the coin/salt/chillies…etc.) safely – without letting it affect another person (i.e. not throwing it in a public place where another person is bound to walk over it). As important as it is to get rid of our negative energies, it’s equally important to ensure we don’t pass it off to another person, knowingly or unknowingly. So it’s always best to discard any items we use in a space where another person/animal will not get exposed to it – for at least 24 hours. After that, the energy will get dissipated naturally. The meditation was a very soothing experience for me (not what one might expect out of a Dhristi removing ritual aka Black magic removing meditation!) – and helped me slip into good sleep in the calm and safe environment of The Ancient School of Wisdom.
Vaijayanthi is a freelance business writer and full-time gardener. She coaches people on adopting a chemical-free lifestyle through her initiative called the Kaustubam for Sustainable Living Practices. She also conducts various physical workshops and training sessions on sustainable living and Gardening for children in Bengaluru through the initiative The Happy Child.
View all posts by Vaijayanthi
It is a long journey from where this group of parents started 5 years ago, with 6 parents. Today, as we stand, this group of like-minded people committed to nourish their kids and live a holistic life with ancient wisdom gifted to us by our ancestors, has grown strong with 6500+ parents and continues to grow on a daily basis.
After the past Sathuragiri retreat, the community’s energy was so high and determined to meet each other and celebrate this 5th year. Happy to see parents in our community took ownership of this event, felt like a family get together. Some highlights of our WhatsApp post.
Out Station Parents
The plan was to start, at 5PM on Friday, the unpredictable weather took over, many parents were stuck in traffic. So we had to delay, all kids found their ways to keep them busy. We started to introduce all the parents and their journey of how they ended up in our group. It was finally good to put a name to face. Gratitude to @Ananth who took a day off on Friday to make sure out station parents reach the venue safer. In parallel he took care of posters, banners, etc. @Ananth @Rajasaker @Mani made sure all the banners were fixed on time. Really glad to see @Nikitha Jain flew all the way from Delhi for this event, @Yoga Jothy from Hyd, @Saranya from Chennai, @Vijaya from AP.
At the resort, we made a solid demand to replace 5 whites. Due to operations and financial issues, they could not do it. So from our community, we estimated the use of 2 poisons, white sugar, and white salt and replaced with jaggery powder and pink salt. In the last min, we came to know from our team that jaggery powder was not available, @Ananth took charge and arranged 25kgs to the event. To make the check-in smooth, @Divya and @Priya planned meticulously to allot rooms in such a way that parents have their own space. Unfortunately, the resort management wanted to fill block by block not random rooms at different rooms. It was the time when most of the parents are stuck in traffic. Then we took help of the resort management and tried to rearrange the rooms. The SoAW was kind enough to offer to upgrade the rooms to accommodate for kids too. So all kids were given same coats, some even had extra beds.
We made a history by planting Birth Star Trees
In parallel, we had plenty of issues to source 27 birth star trees, we had to refer back our blog to get alternative trees. @SriNandhini did multiple follow ups with them to make sure we have all the plants. Finally when the plants arrived, none of the plants had a name tag. We had no idea which plant was referring to which star. @Divya and @Srinandhini spent nearly 3 hours to figure out while the session was happening. Luckily Dr. Shankar was of handy help, he was able to help us spot some plants.
@Srinandhi also make sure all were given a small tulsi as a return gift.
@Priya also sourced seed balls from chennai as an additional return gift.
@Srinandhi @Divya – did an amazing work on getting those toys, stationery. They and other parents made countless shopping time for this events.
Parent Monika celebrated her daughter Ishitha’s First Birthday at the event.
The first birthday is always very important and special to parents than kids. We are honored to see when parents decided to celebrate with like-minded parents and seek blessings. @Sarayna our Nala group active member (and Admin) took charge and experimented with Ragi and millets to make a healthy cake. In spite of her daughter’s health issues, She personally baked and delivered the cake as a surprise. As the principles of reciprocity continue, @Monica arranged healthy sweets for all parents.
Shloka Time
Within 10 mins, @Roopa took charge of all the kids and made them practice shloka. Along with her, kids did a decent job of chanting.
Maran Ji – the showstopper among all speakers
Though all experts share their in depth wisdom, It was this humble healer, who stole the show! Though he is not fluent in other language than Tamil. His true intention, sincerely reflected in his voice and attitude. All our parents were breathless with his sense of humor and able to make his strong point in everyone’s mind. This is one of the reasons I wanted him to be the first speaker. (but have to make a switch in plan due to logistical reasons) @Gayathri did an amazing job to catch up with Maran ji’s high velocity speak into English. But many parents was able to make sense from his talk. His simple and effective solutions was an eye opener. After his talk…Few parents immediately made a commitment that they would translate his recipe book into multiple language book.
Laughter Therapy
On request of Maran ji. He handed over a small book about laughter therapy, he wanted some parents to quickly learn and do a session, @Vaijayanthi jumped into action and did a session (I really missed it, have to see the video to comment, heard it was good)
Wedding Anniversary Celebrations
Though we know about the birthday we planned it well. But one of our parent @Divya was celebrating their anniversary, came to us as a surprise. In the mid of chaos at events, handling guest, kids, other running issues, the core parents really hacked a plan to at least arrange a flower bouquet. All parents showered flowers over the couple with their blessings. and gifted Darbai grass meditation mat. Yes @Divya it was a small gift from our community.
Darbai Grass Meditation Mat
We wanted to give something ancient but spiritual for the guest. One side we have a negative budget to work on and another side, time was limited. At this junction, I was suggested this idea. But I strongly suggested standard size would not be really useful if you are really a meditation and seek to benefits from the grass. So he had to work his way to find a lengthy grass from Haridwar to make this custom size, I demanded. The extra mat was sold to few parents at the end of the event. (Yes, we will launch this mat on demand)
A Parent almost skipped a Wedding function to attend our event
@Priya known as a please use reply button admins, really skipped her cousin’s wedding reception to hand hold our event, late in evening, @Saranya took charge of her to reach the wedding at night and @Priya ran back to the event after the early morning wedding.
First Preview of Sathuragiri Footage
It was nice to see the energy of parents clapping and making notice like a movie experience. The first draft copy of the footage of our recent Sathuragiri retreat. Personally, the video has some elements like swp talk, and my long thank you note etc.. I felt this is not in context with the motive, so we will edit it and add some more footage of parents and publish it in few weeks.
Some notable gestures
Bhooma Balaji supported us in conducting the amazing Yoga session in the morning, since our Yoga expert could not make it at the last moment.
Roopa engaged the kids in one of the session by interesting Origami. Along with Vaijayanthi Roopa performed the role of time keeper
Pottery session was enjoyed by both kids and adults.
Nadiyan Divya’s hubby, took the initiative to take a child to the hospital due to unexpected emergency.
Shilpa’s mother was so thoughtful by sharing her homemade Marmalade pickle to our parents (Sunday lunch table had that).
Efforts of Raja by running multiple times for all the physical work.
Mani and Raja at the second day, gave their rooms to the camera crew and adjusted in a hall.
Healer Sangeetha Shah, only member outside the group who listened to her intuition and took part of our celebration.
We identified nearly 40 parents from the 1000s of parents who did the little things that mattered to the community. Parents who made it to the event received their awards. For parents who did not make it to the event, once we have enough budget, we will post it to your house soon. A detailed post is on the way about this tomorrow.
There are many untold stories to share about this landmark event of our WhatsApp group. I tried to bring that I could recollect quickly. I might have skipped some, this does not mean their work is unnoticed, it is just my memory (RAM space is limited).
Moving forward, As core group is restructuring, we decided to be more of quality focused and removed parents who do not follow group disciplines. The idea is reduce the group size and keep only like minded people who are serious about holistic living.
Velu Jayaprakash is a social entrepreneur, product manager, techy, photographer, meditator, father of two angels, ancient wisdom seeker, holistic adviser and Soul coach. You can reach him at velu.jayaprakash AT gmail DOT com
View all posts by Velu Jayaprakash
Our whatsapp group grows bigger day by day. Yearly once, We conduct a survey to understand each other and realign our focus, so that we as a community can gear up for next year.
Important reason are
This helps identify the inactive parents who block the space in group. They do not respond to the survey, We know they do not read the message. So we move them broadcast group and make space for new parents. We can not keep new parents waiting to join us.
It is always good to push ourselves out of comfort zone. So we reshuffle the group so new parents, new friends, new ideas.
Parents in our group for more than a years know this ritual. So please fill the survey there are hardly 5 questions. Be honest and share our thoughts..
Happy to share the survey results in public.
Which areas would like the group to focus on?
Home remedies
Healthy living
Healthy lifestyle
No comments
Ancient practices
Spiritual practices, Food practices
Child development
Ancient wisdom
Home Schooling, Parenting depends on Child’s Age
Inspite of lifestyle changes, some people tend to have some or other ailments. Would be great if we could have a team of ayurveda, homeopathy doctors who have history of treating common diseases successfully
Ancient herbal knowledge Home remedies Healthy living
Am still a learner… trying to understand the practices and applying into everyday action.
Art forms too
Meditstion and spiritual practices in general
Website can include more details
Organic in house (read flat) farming. Material supply like seeds, mud etc..,with appropriate write up on how to grow depending on the location eg Hyd is a hot PLC vs Kerala humid, so the method of growing n watering varys so we need to have all this written in our database to help next set of new parents or generation. Involving n meeting up of each city parents n helping increase production through the ancient ways to help reduce cost so that products are affordable.
Parenting/grooming for toddlers thinking…Ancient techniques of grooming socially the kids. Guidance for how we can keep our kids away from bad habits they learn in schools. Training to the parents to become a healer like reiki etc….Art of healing…
Need more posts on ancient knowledge
Adolescent health
Child food recipe with month and quantity Women health benefits Growing vegetables at home
Healthy recipes for kids and adults, pregnancy tips diet plans, day to day life.
Spiritual aspects like meditation,how to teach kids to meditate ,at what age to start teaching them, how to implement it at schools for better behavioral development.
Natural way in building the immune systems
Continue to revive the ancient wisdom, parenting tips for raising healthy kids with healthy minds, more about siddha and ayurveda as a way of our living
I think group is already doing a wonderful job..but few areas would be how to make perishable organic products available locally at cheaper rates thru a trustworthy source..HLP is doing an amazing job…but for us to move into fully organic lifestyle this is a must.
Vedic way of rearing children
Parenting, Reviving ancient practices, Motivating parents to keep on track and keep trying, holistic living, growing our own food, being a community that supports each other, child development, spiritual practices we can adopt
Providing information about how to replace bad practices
Parenting. Ancient remedies. Indieginious food.
Holistic parenting. Child behaviour. How to inculcate our culture and beliefs in our children.
Cooking oil
Still more on how to increase the mind power and how to manifest positive vibrations.more and aura science
Ancient rituals
Everything natural
The current focus on immunity and holistic parenting are my need.
Would focus more on ancient practice’s which we aren’t aware off;
traditional cooking
Preventive remedies
Natural ways to reduce weight
Healthy lifestyle. Food as medicine
Building immunity in children Using products grown naturally for better and healthy lifestyle. Eleminating allopathic medicine to natural n safe cure… treating issue from the root. Holistic approach towards living a healthy life and a constant in achieving the same… and spreading the knowledge for betterment.
I am happy the way the group is going ahead.
Parenting issues like bringing up the child in this competitive world
Home remedies for kids, weight loss and cholesterol management for adults. General mental and physical health management.
to focus more on kids overall devolpment
Yoga postures and pranayama, and a detailed list of do’s and don’t for bringing up kids and an ultimate list of foods to begiven to them with timing and season wise.
All the areas which are currently covered.
On matters relating to childbirth and pregnancy.
Siddha medicine and ancient agriculture
Holistic practices, reasons behind festivals. To know more about ancient practice and reason why our ancestors followed it so that we can implement in our life and educate our kids. PARENTING.
Ancients way of living and helping others.
Child care, Ancient practices, coping up with current lifestyle changes
More on parenting
It would be helful in child upbringing in a holistic way
Changes in food habits and lifestyle; Parenting; More sharing of experiences by others on changes they have adopted and difference they have seen.
In a general sense – Ayurveda, Siddha knowledge, interesting temples and culture and maybe some relevant astrological insight
Ancient wisdom, Spirituality, Science behind the belief, Positive motivation. Need weekly updates as posted in early days by Velu sir i.e based on each day what can be do’s & don’ts.
Childcare and general healthy habits
Parenting workshops if possible
Ancient healing methods /ancient recipes
Availability of products for remedies/ holistic products to tier 2 cities
More Focus on issues with Adults as well
Overall holistic development
Ancient way of life , organic food , health
Healthy food
Physical , mental and emotional growth of children and must have foods for everyone to avoid deficiencies.
Parenting and health
Children’s immunity development, ancient holistic methods for treating various disorders
Preventive measures Emotional n spiritual wellbeing
The topics currently being discussed are good.
Food and holistic practice
The current focus of the group is fine
Ancient food and natural healing of health
Focus more on lifestyle ailments and their cure through ancient remedies
Home remedy organic products
Holistic, we can continue the topics which are folowing
Home remedies and self awakening through ancient ways
Children’s health, Pregnancy care
Ancient wisdom- healthy practices which can be adopted regularly..and ofcourse home made remedies for kids and adults
On health issues and general knowledge
Traditional methods
Enlighting us with traditional way of living
i think focus should b all over human development…
It gas focussed on everything
Conduct workshops/meets regularly
Would like to see More on meditation,yoga and more about the importance of good food(both recipes and veggies)
Mental Development
Herbal remedies for babies
Immunity,healthy foods
The group is heading in right direction and needs to focus on ancient texts alittle more
Please mention few things you like about the group?
Ancient remedies
Ancient wisdom
Focussed,Authentic info,Genuine people
Home remedies
Immediate response
Immediate response to queries
1. Wealth of Knowlegde, 2. Helping other parents, 3. Different views on Holistic approaches
Ancient knowledge and Parenting discussion
Interactive. And good suggestions
Home remedies/ holistic approach towards traditional practices
Knowledge base and the groundedness of the team
Very organized and organic. Lots of very helpful informatuon
People are ready to share their knowledge and help fellow group members
People are happy to help. Admins are excited to answer. Sharing of knowledge.
Love the blessing part.
Team effort
Holistic wellness
Caring and trust among the members Experienced parents Instant help when required Incline us to move towards natural remedies and food
Avoiding the medicines and antibiotics for small problems like cold and cough.Going for home remedies. Oil bath importance. Everything, everything.
I like the group for the wealth of knowledge that one acquires be it food, lifestyle, spirituality,help when needed(in form of suggestions) ,basically everything is done with good intention.
Immediate solutions given by parents for our speedy recovery
I have come to know so much about the meaning of our rituals, why we need to follow them, about the influence of nature on us, etc. Also i have come across the precious swp with arka which is so effective. I have been introduced to the world of organic living which i can blindly trust. I have come to know a completely holistic way of living and sharing regarding food, medicine, practices etc. In a nutshell this community has literally opened a new world and a new way of living to me for which am very grateful and thankful.
A big learning process of ancient practices, holistic approach to our routines..
Honest discussion
Ancient wisdom, spiritual knowledge sharing (like Saduragiri travel coming up), parenting and child development tips, support
Focused, helping, act as a vast knowledge base, motivating towards healthy living
I like the knowledge shared. The explanation of why and how. Ancient remedies. Holistic parenting. I am awe for the knowledge shared here. It makes me immensely happy and blessed that I am part of this community. It’s a blessing for my children also.
It is very supportive. I have found answers to many of my queries without even asking. And i have also learnt so much about our own traditional system
Helping others to lead a healthy life
Very caring,helping to widen knowledge about our tradition and ancient customs,remind us about healthcare and ancient safe methods.
All admins r very talented n co-operative
It is very focused
Immediate response to doubt raised by any member, irrespective of how New they may be.
Anytime parents are ready to help; got to know abt the ancient practices; learnt lots and lots of home remedies; parents positive words which motivates other parents which I liked to the core.
All are verfy friendly and answers query very promptly.
Holistic approach, consistent response from admins and experts
Giving importance to holistic practices, oil bathing concept, homemade solutions for everything, most importantly I like we get genuine reasons for things like y we tie hip thread, y ear piercing is important, annaprashan etc.before knowing to this group I thought it just rituals now I came to know the importance of it.
I like the way people help each other with ancient wisdom. Also I love the immediate response for the queries.
Prompt response to the queries. Constant approach in sharing the ancient wisdom through simple procedure for better future Easily approchable and warm nature of admin towards other parents. Vast database of knowledge… which shows pure, dedicated and hard working people… who have put together the entire wisdom in such a beautiful way on website and through blog… that all questions in mind to particular issue is penned.. all questions are answered completely at all forums.
Very helpful parents and getting to know out ancient traditional food and following it. Helps to inculcate clean habits.
Queries are answered instantly
The motive of every individual to get back to living like ancient days is really encouraging.
the ancient knowledge the admins got
Amazing participation, getting new infos, the amazing effort to bring back the traditional foods back into our community..
I like to be part of this group as it shares the details about the roots of everything connected to our original, ancient practises. It helps my logical mind to believe the advices given by elders. This year, it really helped me to grow as a mother in breast feeding as well as home remedies for sicknesses in children. Heart filled gratitude to the founder and the group!!
Very nature friendly holistic and spiritual outlook on health matters. Velu sir takes special interest on queries that do not have a definite answer and provides expert opinion.
Helping each other, gained many holistic information which I have never heard before, great platform for learning. Overall its agreat group which gave me lots of idea about parenting as I have intoduced many holistic things in my kids life. Right time I have joined this group.
Quick response for needed people
You get to clear all your doubts on ancient practices and food, smoothing words from the parents
Various topics discussed, introduction of unique things like subhasitas, A2 milk, home grown herbs, dedication of the people like Velu Anna, Nandhini, Yamini, saranya and priya in helping others parents in the group.
Holistic approach towards life. Enlightment towards natures way of living. Very importantly simple home remedies.
Members are so willing to help and guide you.
The wealth of information, but mainly the drive and helpful nature of people I have had the opportunity to interact with. Thank you
Parents are well connected to help each other at any time. Learning more valuable things from every message.
Inputs of parents for any problem
Instant home remedies.. Discussions on parenting
Interactive, active,valuable suggestions
Very supportive
Utterly helpful; taking effort to make lives of others heathier
Parents being very supportive and responsive to queries of everyone
Ancient wisdom about our food, knowledge about how to cure ailments with the things easily available at home
Everything but most important is lifestyle change & adopting better practice
Really appreciated , so many are replying for queries with home remedies
Very informative, interactive and giving the right knowledge about food
Unity and admins dedication
Active participation, following rules with no junk messages Details about the blog articles
Parents helping each other
Selfless knowledge sharing
It covers all aspects of the daily routine and health.
I like home remedies, use of traditional food and traditional practices.
I just joined the group and I have been liking the health-related discussions most of all
It’s absolutely providing knowledge in aspects of health and food.i have practised few methods for my 11 months son and got great results. Even I shared those msg with my friends who are not in group and found good results.
Holistic views on health related issues
Group member’s response
Co operation of members, ready to help nature, proactiveness..
Focussed approach and readiness of Members to help each other
Immediate or late I got answers for my queries.. Many things I was not aware.. Group gave me clearity about things like milk, wheat, Swp etc. I like the products too.. They are really pure like ghee, honey et..
Scientifically reasoning ancient beliefs and an endeavour to reintroduce it in todays world
A parent when i need and messages in the group the immediate response and care from other parents is awesome
Its very organised and I has helped me aand my family friends to the core
Everyone tries to help one another with their knowledge / practices, when there is a need
Community work
Bringing closer to using traditional/holistic living
Prompt reply
sharing knowledge is one of the most appreciating aspect of this group…this is really v helpful in day today life.
Everthing .helpful knowledgeable ppl.and an eye opener for me to be in the group.feels like my holistic family of friends
Helping/ knowledge sharing nature of people in group
all are ready to help
The selfless helpful tips and solutions offered by all that too instantly.
Ancient recipes Focused
Informative group and everyone help eachother
Traditional remedies,fast response
Dedicated group where parents are benefitted with ancient knowledge and better life style advices.
The contribution each parent gives to the group and the effort taken to implement it
Being always there for the help with answers to our queries based on parents personal experiences
What are the areas we should improve in the group?
Reducing Home Remedy questions
Suggestion of good experienced knowledgeable doctors, healers etc across India.
I consider myself a learner thus will not be able to comment on this question. Kindly excuse.
Nothing, as of now.
We need to see if we can store these amazing information so we here other than just whatsapp messages because it gets lost. Akso nee parents don’t have access to previous messages. Just classifying and putting these messages in somewhere like Google docs or blog would be surely helpful
Website , infornation passing to the group
Should inform d parents to look into remedies already there in website before posting, n we need Sunday gap
Just joined the group so can’t suggest. It seems to be good now. May be the rest of the 3 whites be addressed and the products be our in the site soon.
More ways/ methods to adopt to protect oneself from negative vibes, how to get rid of black magic, training on parenting.
Avoid repetitive queries
Need age appropriate group for adolescent children.
More information needs to be updated on the site so that repetitive questions can be avoided and we can use those information without interrupting the group unnecessarily…
I like the group and giving the response to people in need is great. Thank you so much for taking time and educating. So much effort and good heart. God bless you all.
There is already a plethora of information exchanged regularly.So, I am happy with the way the group in functioning.
In my point of view, we are sailing in the correct path of finding the ancient widom in the holistic way.
Nothing i can think of
The group is becoming more like a remedy helpline, which is corrected to a great extent..but grouping parents as per kids age category with few worthwhile admins would tackle the case…my opinion
Nothing much
May be more webinars of knowledge sharing.
Please make the website more user friendly. It is a little difficult to find relevant articles in the website.
NA-i am new to the group
Areas of healthy body mind and soul.How to obtain the same.
I think I ppl covered each n everything
Nothing as yet
I want this group to continue the good work. Thank you
Some questions which parents ask are unattended sometimes. And they keep a remainder saying plz respond to my query which I asked yesterday…I’m very sure that we all are busy.. But at end of day we should make sure there are no unattended queries..
none so far
I won’t say improvements just a suggestion we should get Community Store products whenever we want instead of only 5 days. This will help us to use more of natural products.
Food recipes I guess
To early for me too answer as I am a new parent recently joined the community… but going forward will keep sharing my views on areas of improvement… if felt the need so for any particular issue.
Not mature enough to suggest such holistic group.
Answer queries of inactive parents like me. I do not respond but read all the conversations.
Nothing in specific.
it will be better if the group provides weekly bulletin of health
Find a solution to send the healthy foods and medicines outside India also, so that the numerous helpless Indians who are living without any support to live a traditional Indian life can also get the benefits.
Right now, can’t think of any.
As this is a diverse group, I think everybody is doing their best.
Availability of products in site
Other than always discussing about remedies for few illness, it would be useful for us if you share many ancient practices. This group has many gurus who have lot of knowledge in holistic and ancient things… so would like to hear many things from you all and enlighten ourselves and guide our kids in right path.
Child Development and Care
More webinars…
Its improving gradually in a positive way. Nothing as such.
Too early for me to comment. But maybe taking backup of previous discussions and posting it online for all community members to access (like an archive) will help a lot of new members and maybe reduce repeat questions. Also an app for the website would be great to easily browse blogs etc. on phone.
Having not been around for very long I trust the direction is in good hands.
When new members are added attach the Swarnaprashana blog address, so it might avoid repeated question regarding remedies. Weekly choose a topic for healthy discussion.
Lengthy conversation thread
Group is doing great..
Focused topics can be discussed on particular days,regular introduction of people and what they do.
Spoc on case of emergency or for certain areas
Improvising and adding more products .. which u are already doing so it’s natural that group shall improve
I am new. Should take sometime to provide any improvement areas.
If any topic is discussed in detail,then it would help if you put the update on the blog so everyone can refer it. Sometimes it is difficult to go back and search in whatsapp.
More approachable to new parents …feel lost at times
NA,iam very new to this group..just joined 1 week back
Making one page with all items and easy to order
Maybe a monthly periodic email summarizing all the important discussions will be better.
To keep the group more focused, connected and dedicated .
Collating all the information.
Pregnancy and post delivery
As I m very new to the group, I don’t think something is missing here. I m satisfied alot with the areas you have been covering here.
Every month one topic should be discussed as topic of the month….and we should have some experts discussing it….it can be notified before hand so that those who have any queries they can put it forward
Tracking payments of swp
Not required .. it is the best .. and topics come random as per need which are best answered.. also to organise the meetings in north region
As per my knowledge I am very satisfied with what group is going on.
Website to include discussion of common remedies in whats app group…it has been done partially, but sometimes when needed we cannot recollect chat and cannot find the same in website
Sometimes the topics are re discussed many times.
Feedback be given for products bought
As of now nothing..
Ignoring questions from people in need, importance of day to day ancient practices
Team is doing the great in improving our lives.cant ask for anything more but SAY THANK YOU
Liking it this way
repetition of queries should be avoided
As u have mentioned the remedies for cold n cough..please separate for child and adults as it gets confusing about the dosage.secondly if you could take money yearly for swp.
Nothing as such now as most of things/current issues are covered.
all herbs r not available …try to help with familiar herbs
Sharing the knowledge mostly via site. If possible why can’t we publish a newsletter say monthly for a beginning. It can include a short study or personal experience, feedbacks, who is who (behind the screens), can keep a quiz (tracking answers might be a nice issue). We can include so many good articles too.
Documenting all the practices
Nothing according to me.
To record the sessions that happen so that the parents who missed it can be benefitted
Not focusing on same things repeatedly
It’s perfect for me.
Right now doing good
I think everything is going well
This group is beyond my expectations. I’m still in learning curve . Would like to grow with the group and explore and go hand-in-hand.
More knowledge on Siddhas
About being inter-dependent and once in a while have a theme of writing letters
Velu Jayaprakash is a social entrepreneur, product manager, techy, photographer, meditator, father of two angels, ancient wisdom seeker, holistic adviser and Soul coach. You can reach him at velu.jayaprakash AT gmail DOT com
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