Unlocking Financial Wisdom

Navigating Prosperity Through Timeless Wisdom ~
A 2Day Gurukul by Velu Jayaprakash

True spiritual growth flourishes when the foundation of financial planning is strong, nurturing the soil from which our higher aspirations bloom. With EMI’s, Loans, with Wrong Coverage of Insurance, it is impossible to live a peaceful life and grow spiritually. Many people end up giving their youth to Banks and end up in a illusion of financial security. It is time to wake up and relook into one of most important accept if financial planning that will safe guard your life, your old age, and protected the loved once.

In this Gurukul you will learn the following:
A Holistic Approach to Financial Planning
Setting Goals: Align Your Finances with Your Dreams
Multiplying Money: Time-Tested Strategies for Wealth Creation
Fail-Safe Wealth Multiplication: Balancing Risk and Growth
Financial Retirement: Paving the Way for a Secure Future
BONUS – WILL Drafting: Ensuring Your Legacy and Intentions Are Honored

But it’s not just about money – it’s about holistic wealth. Discover how nurturing your financial well-being aligns with your spiritual growth. Remember, true abundance extends beyond riches; it’s about finding balance and peace in all aspects of life.

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your financial journey and unlock a prosperous future. Reserve your spot today!

The real story behind this Gurukul topic-

A heartfelt encounter with a parent from our community left a profound impact on me. They shared the story of their 16-year-old special child, who requires constant care and cannot function independently. With aging parents, they grappled with the weighty concern of ensuring their child’s well-being and financial security after their passing. This poignant moment spurred me to delve deeper into the realm of finance, recognizing its role as a fundamental life skill often overlooked.

Guiding them through a holistic perspective on financial planning, I witnessed a transformation in their outlook. It dawned on me that economic wisdom goes beyond spreadsheets and investments; it’s a tool for safeguarding our loved ones’ futures. Another instance etched itself into my consciousness – a 55-year-old community member, once deeply entrenched in the IT world, found himself abruptly laid off. His financial stability shattered, and his responsibility to provide for his daughters’ future loomed large. In this moment of crisis, we stepped in, weaving a plan that offered hope and security.

These encounters, with their stories of illusion shattered by life’s realities, underscored the urgent need for a paradigm shift in financial planning. Media-driven illusions often cloud our judgment, pushing us into uncharted territory. The realization that well-intentioned plans can go awry hit home. From these poignant experiences, the seeds of a transformative workshop were sown – a workshop designed to empower our community, to debunk myths, to teach the true essence of financial security, and to foster holistic growth. Together, we embark on this journey to unlock financial wisdom that transcends illusion, leading us toward a future of genuine prosperity and well-being.

Testimonial from this parent –

“In the embrace of uncertainty, where our special child’s future felt fragile, our community emerged as a beacon of hope. The financial planning guidance by Anna became a lifeline, illuminating a path we never thought possible.
Through his guidance, we not only learned to navigate finances, but uncovered a profound way to safeguard our child’s journey. Armed with a solid plan, we face tomorrow with renewed strength, knowing our child will thrive long after we’re gone. His support reached deeper than numbers; it was a heartwarming gesture that whispered, ‘We’re here for you.’ Today, we’re resilient, fortified by the assurance of a secure future. This transformation is our community’s gift, and we’re forever grateful.”

– [Name undisclosed], Touched Parent


Day 1 – If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here
Day 1 – If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here
Day 2 – If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here
Day 3 – If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here

8 thoughts on “Unlocking Financial Wisdom”

  1. It was an eye opener!!
    Already learnt financial planning on my own, this session helped me to fine tune it and improve it.

  2. Financial awareness and investment planning is quite challenging for any one. This gurukul has taught us with immense knowledge and we learnt wide range of options available for investment . Real life examples helped us to understand the concepts better. The topics like buy or rent the house is indeed an eye opener.

    This is must gurukul for any one Interested in better financial planning.

    Thank you Anna for taking up the class. Thank you HLP team for all the coordination.

  3. I don’t have money then what will I invest?” This is a classic question that I have come across multiple times and was I myself was a victim of this limiting belief for too long. Coming from a typical Indian family, I can say that this is a very common belief.

    If you also have it and think that finance and related wisdom is only for those with some money in hand or that you are really good with money and think that you don’t need any wisdom then in both the cases you should register and access the recording.
    I can guarantee that there is some wisdom for everyone. No matter where you are in your financial journey, this is going to help you.

    Whether you have just started earning or you have some savings you will learn something. I would say the beginners must register. The case studies done were both shocking and also eye opening for me. Do register and find out for

  4. Expressing my gratitude from bottom of heart to Velu anna and all his team, who made this gurukul session happen. It was soo rich in content and have learnt a lot in those three days. All those tips and key information received in the calls, and ability to ask the questions and also get to listen to other group members views and ideas, is really very helpful. Now I know where to begin and how to look at my finances. I am surely equipped with all the right tools and strategies to asses my numbers more meaningfully and start working towards safe guarding my future. Cannot thank enough for giving such a clear note on writing a will, or stocks or bonds or general day to day care. It is really amazing to see what anna has covered in those three days. Definitely it is God, who sent me to attend these sessions, bang in the right hour of my life. 

  5. I would like to say it was an wonderful Session indeed a must to attend for every individual. We think we know how to handle Money?, but we really don’t know the right way to handle it and multiply it.
    This session will be an eye opener for every individual to start thinking about the money and the way to handle it first and then multiply it.

    Also an eye opener session to think
    „ what will happen to our dependents when I will not be available“.
    What to be done?
    How my dependents will survive ?
    What is the best method?
    Who is the trusted person? Relatives? Friends? Think??
    Answers will be available in the session for sure.

    The session was really great and interactive and the good part is a thought we added in the session which will help every participant in their financial way to achieve.

    „Money should be available as an emergency „
    Think how?

  6. Thank you Velu sir for this holistic session. Attending the sessions gave me an idea of where I stood financially. I will definitely follow the path you have taught us. I learned a lot from the class. We all know about loans but how to repay the loans nobody taught, You taught us. I am very thankful to you sir. Everybody knows investment but the right way to invest is the main part which I learned after joining the class. Heartfelt Gratitude sir.

  7. Gratitude from the bottom of heart for such a effective gurukul class..The real time examples and case studies would help many parents like me to plan their financial needs properly without burning their hands in wrong ways …It’s eye opening session to differentiate trading and investment…

    The ultimate end ” writing will ” in right way is necessary for everyone…I would say except Hlp no one could guide us to overcome financial problems/ planning smart financial secure at this nominal fee…

    Thank you once again …For those you missed to attend ,i strongly recommend to pay for recording and get it and come out of your financial issues easily ..

  8. After this session one can get idea where he or she is on financial path. Also this session helped us on personal level to decide correct way of investment. The most important thing was real life examples we discussed. Different investment ideas we got. Very helpful session. It was very professional. In other classes they will give you very limited knowledge. But here lot of deep knowledge we received. Thank you so much Velu Sir and HLP team.

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