6-Months Online Support Program to Lose Weight Gradually and Sustain It.

Our Simplexity Diet Solution is HOW, WHAT & WHEN TO EAT
“If you are serious about losing weight in a holistic way… if you can enter this six months commitment… if you want to reinvent your healthy self … then this is the right program for you at the right time.”
Are you Overweight? You are not alone. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has coined the term “Globesity”, to bring to light the global scale of overweight as a serious public health concern.
Overweight is the leading cause of other health related issues, to name a few-
- Heart Disease
- Hormonal Imbalances
- Diabetes
- Liver Problems
- Bone & Joint Disorders
- Psychological Issues & Sleep Disorders, etc
- This Pandemic induced be-at-home lifestyles with zero physical exercises, add fuel to the already existing health and obesity-related issues.
Weight Loss is the need of the hour, especially for the people transiting between the 30s and 40s and maintaining the right BMI is the key to avoid 90% of the diseases. Taking advantage of this scenario-
- The Weight Loss Industry has come up with lots of tricks to cheat people to loot money in the name of: dietary supplements filled with chemicals, weight-loss surgery that can pose serious side effects and complications, unrealistic diets which cause more harm than good to the body.
- Weight-loss industry, being a $70 Billion market in the USA, is booming with programs endorsed by famous dieticians, celebrity doctors, healers, etc.
“Lose Weight not your Health!” Beware of short-cut diets and fast-track plans to weight loss. The results of such diets are short-term and create health disorders in the body.
The bottom line: That extra weight is a prospect to a lucrative business. And, to gain that money, these companies are willing to stretch the truth of what their products or services can do. However, you must understand the fact that they are more than just fads or fascinating ideas from people under limelight who would have you believe that their recommended supplements or diet plans will bring you the desired weight-loss results you so rightly deserved.
Hence, we do not want our people to fall prey to this money-minting market. Rather, we wanted to make sure that people reach out to us through their conscious/mindfulness. Unlike network marketing, our Weight-loss and wellness program is purely an informal HLP community’s initiative and the privileged audience is our Whats-app Community parents.
Our HLP Weight Loss & Wellness Program Focus On:
We follow the food habits passed on to us by our ancestors. We have been consuming certain foods in a certain way for ages/generations. Shifting to a shortcut swiftly from our long followed habit is highly dangerous to our health. We have to take it gradually with time.
Our HLP community emphasis more on our
Types of food – Seasonal, Native Varieties, Local
Eating Habits – Eat only when hungry, Munch the food well with saliva, Drink your food, Drink water later on.
These practices that we followed for ages are being ignored or forgotten owing to our current lifestyles.
Our Holistic Weight Loss Program comes to You with:
We, the HLP World, take immense pride in launching the groundbreaking weight-loss and wellness program.
- Commence and continue your weight loss journey with the constant support of our HLP community along with the Naturopath Practitioner.
- Your Nutritious Diet is custom-made by the doctor based on your Body type/Prakriti.
- The diet & fitness plan is fine-tuned to your normal routine without affecting your natural and native habits.
- You will have one review session per month with the doctors to discuss your progress or concerns. Also, you can reach out to our community or doctors anytime for online support.
- Gradual weight loss removes the unwanted body fats and re-balances your body’s metabolism, naturally.
- Our Nature-inspired weight loss mantra is HOW, WHAT and WHEN to eat. The good news is we endorse no-
- NO Supplements
- NO Unusual/ Extraordinary Exercises
- NO Medicines
- NO Expensive Coaches
This program is like a catalyst to enable and empower your life’s journey holistically. At HLP.World we are with you to support and walk together in this gradual and graceful path.
Enrollment process as follows:
6 Months Weight Loss & Wellness Program 1st Batch Begins On: 1st August
Limited to 108 Registrations. Register Now! https://rzp.io/l/hlpweightloss
Enrollment Dates: 20th July-31st July
Duration of the Program: 6 Months
For Whatsapp members : Rs.700 per month
For Non Whatsapp members : Rs.750 per month
One-One Consultation (total of 7 consultations) With Naturopath Doctor: 1st Month you get 2 consultations, 2nd month on-wards you get 1 consultation/month. (Meanwhile, you can also reach out to our community or doctors anytime for online support.)
Currently, we plan to keep the numbers bare minimum with the existing technology set up behind the screen to run this program. However, with the increasing number of inquiries and registrations, we might have to increase the contribution to meet up the technology expansion in future.
There are a lot of people out there who lost money, health and peace in this race without proper guidance about ‘WHEN, ’WHOM’ and ‘WHERE’ to approach for the right weight-loss program. We want to make this wellness program affordable and reachable to everyone in need.
Weight-Loss is no more an elite scheme and this is something within the reach of a person with just a mobile phone with an internet connection. So, do make use of this opportunity and share with people who are in dire need.
Let us all enjoy the journey of Life-style change towards “A HAPPY HEALTHY ME!”
Good Health is your Birthright. It is your responsibility to claim it!