D.E.A.R Meditation-Batch 5

Drop Everything And Recharge with Velu Jayaprakash

5 Days from 29th January 2024- 2nd February 2024

The most demanded need of our community ever since we started the WhatsApp Groups is – MEDITATION . Almost everyone I have met in person or online, everyone wants to learn & practice it. I did not take this seriously initially, as I believe, if we do not have a proper body, it is hard to even sit for that long.

I have spent many years in the community trying to make the shift in all our lifestyles with holistic and home remedies to help with all common ailments. But I realize the battle with food is an ongoing one. As we research more and more and help people to come out of this toxic food, the mafia itself is transforming at greater speed with the media to make it even more challenging.

Additionally, pandemic and lock-down created too many psychological issues in everyone’s mind that it might take generations to recover. Over a decade, as a community, I strongly now believe that many of our parents here are now ready with the shift we have already implemented in our lifestyle .

The time has finally come to start sharing this wisdom with all of you . My intuition has given a green signal to go ahead! I have learnt and practiced various types of meditations from various gurus, self taught teachers and many masters. But everything I found is not a direct approach, I felt there is some hidden agenda or some catch or some drawback in every process that I have followed. Over my years of practice I have refined a few methods with the help of some real Siddhas, who are not in Social Media or on the Internet to arrive finally to one of the best ones.

I have followed it for years and it these methods does not require any prerequisites. When we stop doing those fancy meditations, we are back to square one, the same monkey mind will wake up. But what you are going to learn now is something that will transform your life and even if you stop it(which you might not). In case you did, you will stay at that elevated level for a long time.

So here we are with D.E.A.R -Drop Everything And Recharge ! On these 5 days, I will be guiding you step by step daily on how to MEDITATE. You might wonder if you can sit for an hour and meditate ??? Then get ready to discover yourself !!!. I will guide and meditate along with you and expand my Pranamaya Kosha to accommodate you all. I don’t have to be in person to make you all feel the experience. You will feel it wherever you are in the world.

Watch this video before you enroll

Note : The introduction video is about the first batch of D.E.A.R Meditation which was a 21days Program. This Batch 5 event is for 5 days from 29th January to 2nd February 2024

Who can enroll?

🚩 One who wishes to learn meditation and don’t know where/how to start.
🚩 One who believes that they can spend 1hr out of 24hrs for their own wellness which may have multi folded results in all aspects(with their past, previous, present or future lives)
🚩 One who finds the only one reason to join and NOT give 100s of excuses.
🚩 One who can commit to attend regularly on time and practice sincerely.

Enroll only if you agree to these conditions

🚩 Daily you will be up and ready by 4.45 AM IST. Join the session daily before 4.55AM IST. Post 5.05AM IST entries will not be allowed. Kindly respect everyone’s time and efforts.

🚩 You should be MUTE in Audio, UNMUTE in Video. YOU can also MUTE other senses too :).

🚩 NO Discussions, directly dive into the ocean of meditation. You listen to my voice and follow what I say for the next 1 hour. If you want to go for natural urges, leave quietly and come back without much delay.

🚩 NO recording allowed nor will we be sharing any recorded files. As this is heavily customized as per that particular day. I will refine various things to various people based on the need and as a channel. So there is no benefit you get from recordings.

Lets D.E.A.R together !!!

Date : 29th January – 2nd February 2024

Time : 5 AM – 6 AM IST

Register Here: https://rzp.io/l/DEARB4Oct

Register before: 28th January, 06.06 p.m. IST

Venue : Online , Zoom session

Contact : Mareeswari +919566025481

Feedback received from our previous batches

“60 minutes to a better you” is the simplest way to describe this program. I had tried meditation before but couldn’t sit more than 10 minutes due to neck stiffness. Under Velu Anna’s guidance I have been able to sit through the whole hour with ease. The guidelines are practical and easy to follow. These 21 days have made me a calmer person. So if you wish to improve yourself this is surely the path. Thank you Velu anna and the HLP team for this opportunity!


This the most practical introduction to meditation that I’ve had. Though I missed couple of sessions I’m happy I completed. At least 3 different people have told me that I’m glowing. From feedback perspective I feel in the initial sessions there were many comments on correcting people’s postures etc. I feel this could have been shared individually without affecting the flow of the meditation. Of course I leave it to the team to find the best way possible. Otherwise it was a great experience. Never seen so many 5ams continously in my life before. I wish to continue practicing.

Priya Thej

Was part of this beautiful 21 day journey. It brings in calmness, peace with one self. I wasnt sure if i could sit for 1 hour in meditation but it was totally possible with Velu’s guided meditation even from day1. Throughout the day had meditative effect, could resent to sit for meditation anytime. Thank you so much Velu anna for sharing this meditation process. You are such a wonderful soul.


Always wanted to do a meditation class but very skeptical of Joining the classes. But any class at HLP, has been very knowledgeable and techniques have been very effective This 21day journey of meditation has been wonderful and learnt a lot about myself and my body and my personal challenges


Find more testimonials here

Feel really blessed to be part of the first batch, this is my first ever meditation class and am grateful that I didn’t miss even a single day of class and was on time and could sit through the whole one hour.. looking forward to practice it daily and enjoy the benefits of it


It’s a wonderful experience . Every day gained a new experience . So many changes in my body (my sleeping time, food cycle and awakening up early morning )… whether I did the meditation in correct procedure I don’t know but I tried my best and deeply followed ur instructions Anna … Thank you for the wonderful opportunity.. feeling blessed to have this session!


I was part of this 21days meditation, it has been amazing experience. I enjoyed it. It made me calmer ,focused and gave me clarity of thought. So many great things I learnt and best is that we have to behave normal and breathe normal and just have to be aware all the time ( tried many meditations before where they tell to concentrate, to visualize etc). Best ever experience


Thanks for giving the wonderful start of different lifestyle, which I was trying to do it for long time. This 21 days of program, helped to achieve or change things in me like first and foremost waking up by 5.00 am. Even after having a stressful work schedule and restless sleep due to kid’s health issues could able to manage whole day without any issues, thanks to meditation session. Thanks for this wonderful knowledge.


Being a person with zero idea about meditation, these 21 days of D.E.A.R have taken me on an incredible journey. It brought a new and unique experience every day. There’s still a long way to go, and I’m enjoying my baby steps towards a wonderful journey to my inner self.


Pitru Paksha Shraddha 2023

Honouring our Ancestors, Nurturing Our Roots

Pitru Paksha or Mahalaya Paksha is the 16-day ritual observed to pay gratitude to our Ancestors or Pitrus. These rituals are to pay homage to the departed souls and seek their blessings.

We are all aware of the fact that the Moon plays a vital role in our lives. Full Moon or New Moon days influence human minds to a greater extent. It is believed that the souls of our ancestors come closer to the Earth plane when the Moon’s influence is less on Earth (New Moon Day). Also, they possess special powers that they can pass on to their bloodlines.

Pitru paksha is the special period during the autumnal equinox when our ancestors have the privilege of visiting their bloodlines. So, it is paramount that we pay our respect and gratitude to them while they are with us for 16 days until the NEW MOON DAY.

Why should you observe Pitru Paksha?

Here are a few indications that a person or family is facing ancestral issues.

  1. Recurring family patterns of dysfunction
  2. Recurring or Unexplained health issues
  3. Continuous Financial Constraints
  4. The sudden emergence of long-hidden family scandals or secrets
  5. Emotional turbulence

Highlights of HLP Pitru Paksha

The participants will observe the following rituals under proper guidance

  1. Ancestral Blessing
  2. Tharpanam Ceremony
  3. Guided Meditation
  4. Family History
  5. Heritage

Pitru Paksha is a time for introspection, remembrance, and gratitude towards one’s ancestors.

Watch this video to understand the significance of Pitru Paksha.

Dates: 29th September 2023 to 14th October 2023

Registration Link: https://rzp.io/l/PitruPaksha23

 Venue: Zoom/Whatsapp

Last day to enroll: 27th September 2023
Pre-Ritual Preparations Starts on : 28th September 2023

Contact : Dr. Mareeswari  +91 9566025481

Here’s what our past participants have to say about their experience

..During this process of two weeks realised the importance of ancestors , without them we don’t exist.
Just amazed to realize an entire family tree of 100+ people is started by one person.( Great grand fathers).


This program helped to connect to my ancestors and below are some of the experiences during the program…
Health Front – One of the health related disorder / problem which was troubling me for the last 1+ year got resolved.
Karma & Dharma Front – It made me realize feeding the needy (animals and humans) should be a regular practice.
Mind Wise – Helped me calm my mind by taking away some of the uncertainties that was disturbing me on a continuous basis…
I would like to conclude by saying “This is just a beginning and as I pray and seek blessings, miracles will happen.”

Overall the experience was priceless!


The whole 15 days was full of mixed emotions and experience. Though I didn’t get much weird dreams or none of my ancestors came in my dream… I just followed it as my duty and finished it atlast…now feel like achieved something by completing it finally


It was great to be doing these rituals every single day. I wanted to do something related to ancestors. I am glad I had a chance and thankful to each of you here.


Join us to honor them and strengthen your family roots!!!

Unlocking Financial Wisdom

Navigating Prosperity Through Timeless Wisdom ~
A 2Day Gurukul by Velu Jayaprakash

True spiritual growth flourishes when the foundation of financial planning is strong, nurturing the soil from which our higher aspirations bloom. With EMI’s, Loans, with Wrong Coverage of Insurance, it is impossible to live a peaceful life and grow spiritually. Many people end up giving their youth to Banks and end up in a illusion of financial security. It is time to wake up and relook into one of most important accept if financial planning that will safe guard your life, your old age, and protected the loved once.

In this Gurukul you will learn the following:
A Holistic Approach to Financial Planning
Setting Goals: Align Your Finances with Your Dreams
Multiplying Money: Time-Tested Strategies for Wealth Creation
Fail-Safe Wealth Multiplication: Balancing Risk and Growth
Financial Retirement: Paving the Way for a Secure Future
BONUS – WILL Drafting: Ensuring Your Legacy and Intentions Are Honored

But it’s not just about money – it’s about holistic wealth. Discover how nurturing your financial well-being aligns with your spiritual growth. Remember, true abundance extends beyond riches; it’s about finding balance and peace in all aspects of life.

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your financial journey and unlock a prosperous future. Reserve your spot today!

The real story behind this Gurukul topic-

A heartfelt encounter with a parent from our community left a profound impact on me. They shared the story of their 16-year-old special child, who requires constant care and cannot function independently. With aging parents, they grappled with the weighty concern of ensuring their child’s well-being and financial security after their passing. This poignant moment spurred me to delve deeper into the realm of finance, recognizing its role as a fundamental life skill often overlooked.

Guiding them through a holistic perspective on financial planning, I witnessed a transformation in their outlook. It dawned on me that economic wisdom goes beyond spreadsheets and investments; it’s a tool for safeguarding our loved ones’ futures. Another instance etched itself into my consciousness – a 55-year-old community member, once deeply entrenched in the IT world, found himself abruptly laid off. His financial stability shattered, and his responsibility to provide for his daughters’ future loomed large. In this moment of crisis, we stepped in, weaving a plan that offered hope and security.

These encounters, with their stories of illusion shattered by life’s realities, underscored the urgent need for a paradigm shift in financial planning. Media-driven illusions often cloud our judgment, pushing us into uncharted territory. The realization that well-intentioned plans can go awry hit home. From these poignant experiences, the seeds of a transformative workshop were sown – a workshop designed to empower our community, to debunk myths, to teach the true essence of financial security, and to foster holistic growth. Together, we embark on this journey to unlock financial wisdom that transcends illusion, leading us toward a future of genuine prosperity and well-being.

Testimonial from this parent –

“In the embrace of uncertainty, where our special child’s future felt fragile, our community emerged as a beacon of hope. The financial planning guidance by Anna became a lifeline, illuminating a path we never thought possible.
Through his guidance, we not only learned to navigate finances, but uncovered a profound way to safeguard our child’s journey. Armed with a solid plan, we face tomorrow with renewed strength, knowing our child will thrive long after we’re gone. His support reached deeper than numbers; it was a heartwarming gesture that whispered, ‘We’re here for you.’ Today, we’re resilient, fortified by the assurance of a secure future. This transformation is our community’s gift, and we’re forever grateful.”

– [Name undisclosed], Touched Parent


Day 1 – If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here
Day 1 – If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here
Day 2 – If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here
Day 3 – If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here

Discover the Art of Feng Shui

Are you seeking to create a harmonious and balanced living space? Do you wish to invite positive energy, abundance, and prosperity into your life? Look no further! Our exclusive online Feng Shui course is designed to help you unlock the ancient secrets of this powerful practice.

What You’ll Learn from this Gurukul

  • Introduction to Feng Shui principles and history
  • Understanding the Bagua map and its application
  • Enhancing the flow of chi (energy) in your home
  • Creating auspicious spaces for love, health, and prosperity
  • Balancing elements to bring harmony and well-being
  • Tips for decluttering and organizing your space

Avail recording of this past event : https://www.hlp.world/challenge-page/healandprotectwithartoffengshui


Day 1 Part 1 – If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here
Day 1 Part 2 – If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here
Day 2 – If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here

12 Magnificent Vegetables

An un’beet’able, ‘peas’ful online Gurukul by Velu Jayaprakash

12 vegetables to take you on a tantalizing culinary journey with a delightful fusion of astrology and nutrition

Take a ride through your taste buds to a whole new universe of flavors, nutrition, and soul nourishing experience with 12 vegetables that energizes your health and life

Are you drenched in a pool of stress, fatigue, anger, and other health issues?

Are you soaking too much information on keeping yourself healthy but finding it difficult to implement/consume them?

Are you looking for a comprehensive, informative, and accessible guide to good practices about food and everything related to it?

It’s time to change the gear of your culinary journey and reroute your navigation for healthy and active lifestyle.

A healthy outside starts from inside

HLP World is geared up to take you on a delicious trip on everything about food (and astrological connections) that is going to stay in your mind forever and change the texture, color, and feel of your food in your plate.

Right from understanding what our body is made of to knowing the causes of diseases, we will explore deeper knowledge on food description, its types, its relation to subconscious mind, six types of tastes, and dig into great methods of panchbhuta energy.

In this online wisdom event, we will specially concentrate on 12 lesser known/neglected vegetables that are power-packed but aren’t used in our daily life due to ignorance. You will become aware about:

  • Powerful 12 Vegetables and their gunas
  • Mystic connection of 12 vegetables with 12 zodiac signs
  • Relating 12 vegetables with physical activity zone
  • Bija mantras blessed by Siddhas
  • How to select and clean the vegetables, and methods followed by our wise ancestors
  • How to incorporate these 12 vegetables in your daily life – sharing recipes of salad, juices, and other forms

If you want to bring healthy revolution in your life, then NOW is the ripe time to join the right tribe!

Day 1 – If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here
Day 2 – If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here
Day 3 – If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here

Sacred Threads & Knots

A Gurukul by Velu Jayaprakash

Strengthen the roots of ancient ritual through a story of knots and threads woven around culture and spiritual guidance for blessings, protection, and divine connection

Are you tired of sieving truth from fabricated stories about one of the most traditional practices?

Are you looking for ways to piece together ancient practices with scientific explanations?

Do you want to embrace spiritual guidance without twists and turns?

If you are willing to go on a sensory exploration about the sacred thread, we will gift you an opportunity.

HLP world is bringing a golden chance to debunk and untangle knots of misinformation and bring to surface truths and facts that have been submerged with time.

From knowing the different colors and materials used to tie at different parts of the body to choosing the color, it will be a complete hands-on session with guidance on protection, divine connection, and empowerment.

The session is carefully stitched with bagful of information on:

  • How to tie a knot and how many knots to tie?
  • Who should prepare it and how to clean it?
  • What are the related mantras for specific purposes?
  • What are the benefits; what evils can be prevented?
  • What is its role in witchcraft?
  • How long the effect lasts?

Family heads, astrologers, family matriarchs, priests, celebrants, and everyone else can learn and bring it to use and help themselves and the community around them.

We are opening the doors for learning this subtle culture @Bangalore! Join us!

black pleated fabric placed on table

Date & Time:
25th June 2023, 8AM – 4PM IST

Montfort Spirituality Center, Bengaluru

Enroll here:

Enrolment closes by:
22nd Jun 2023 11:11 PM IST

More details, contact
Minu : +91 95135 80222

Astrology Consultation with Inhouse Astrologer at Bangalore

Introducing a unique opportunity for in-person consultations with our esteemed astrologer. Join us as we embark on this stellar adventure to unlock the secrets of your stars and gain valuable insights into various aspects of your life.

Why you can’t miss this opportunity:

1. Expert Guidance: Our astrologer is highly knowledgeable and trained in various astrology disciplines, ensuring accurate and unbiased guidance to help you make well-informed decisions in life.

2. Personalized Experience: In-person consultations provide the opportunity for deeper understanding, clarity, and personalized guidance tailored to your specific needs and concerns.

3. Privacy Guaranteed: Your confidentiality is our priority. Rest assured that your discussions with our astrologer will remain private and secure.

4. Comprehensive Consultations: Whether you have questions about your education, work, career, health, lifepath or finances, our astrologer is here to provide answers and guidance.

5. Embrace Holistic Living: By understanding the cosmic influences on your life, you can better align your actions and decisions with the holistic values of our HLP World community.

Points to note-

1. The service is available in limited slots, on first come first serve basis.

2. Only one profile per registration and reading is allowed.

3. A maximum of 45 minutes will be provided per profile.

4. If you want to bring in multiple profiles, please register again with details.

5. Walk-ins are not entertained. In case if time and astrologer permits, we might allow few more profiles. But there will not be any commitments on this.

cluster of stars

Date & Time:
25th June 2023, 10AM-5PM IST

Montfort Spirituality Center, Bangalore

Enrolment Link –
Shared in your respective whatsapp groups!

Enrolment closes by:
22nd June 2023 11:11 PM IST

Minu- +91 95135 80222

Ayurvedic Camp at Bengaluru

“One of the most sublime experiences we can ever have is to wake up feeling healthy after being sick.”

Rabbi Harold Kushner
  • Wouldn’t it be great to have a doctor who’s been a member of our HLP Community since day one and understands holistic living?
  • They would be able to better understand the pulse of our people and guide us toward a healthier lifestyle.
  • Are you looking for a reliable and experienced Ayurvedic doctor to consult with for your health issues?
  • We are thrilled to announce that we are organizing an Ayurvedic Camp in Bangalore, fulfilling a long-standing request from our community members. Our Ayurvedic expert, Dr. Lakshmy.
Colorful gradient badge clipart, abstract

Date & Time:
24th June 2023 2PM to 6PM

Montfort Spirituality Center, Bangalore

Appointment Link:
Check your respective whatsapp group

To ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience, please follow these instructions:
✔ Come on time and wait in line
✔ Bring your supporting documents, reports, and tests
✔ Be clear, ask questions to the doctor, and clarify your doubts
✔ Follow the treatment and have faith
✔ Ask for the next follow-up date with the doctor

Priority will be given to those who book an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome but may have to wait. In case of an emergency, the team will decide to send the respective patient to meet Dr.

We invite everyone who is in need of Ayurvedic consultation to come and meet the doctor. Depending on the response we receive, we will also bring in experts in other areas such as Siddha medicine, Naturopathy, Healing, and Psychology Counseling.

Spread the word and let’s take a step towards a healthier lifestyle with Ayurveda.

Empowering Your Inner Goddess: A Spiritual Menstrual Workshop – June 2023

By Mareeswari Aravindhram, Spiritual Menstrual Coach

Unlock the power of your menstrual cycle and connect with your spiritual self in our upcoming Spiritual Menstrual Workshop. This workshop is a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. Learn about the spiritual significance of your menstrual cycle and how to harness its energy to manifest your desires.

Our experienced facilitators will guide you through various spiritual practices, including meditation, yoga, and breathwork, that will help you connect with your inner self and unlock your full potential.

Join us for a day of transformation and sisterhood as we explore the sacredness of our menstrual cycle and embrace our divine feminine energy. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with like-minded women and explore the spiritual dimensions of your body. Register now for our Spiritual Menstrual Workshop.

  • Learn about the spiritual significance of menstruation and how it can be a time for deeper connection with yourself and the divine
  • Develop a greater understanding of your own menstrual cycle and how to work with it in a way that honors your body and supports your spiritual growth.
  • Explore practices such as meditation, yoga, and journaling that can help you connect with your inner wisdom and intuition during your menstrual cycle.
  • Connect with other women who are on a similar path and create a supportive community for yourself.
  • Gain tools and practices for working with menstrual challenges such as painful periods, irregular cycles, or premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
  • Tap into the power of your menstrual cycle for manifesting and setting intentions.
  • Experience greater self-awareness and personal growth as you deepen your relationship with your body and its natural rhythms.
red leaf with water dew

Date & Time:
24th Jun 2023 10.00AM to 5.00 PM IST

Montfort Spirituality Center, Bengaluru

Enroll here:

Enrolment closes by:
21st Jun 2023 11:11 PM IST

More details, contact
Minu : +91 95135 80222

Rudraksha: Divine Seeds for Spiritual Journey

A Gurukul by Velu Jayaprakash

Experience the transformative power of the legendary Rudraksh in our upcoming virtual event!

❓ Do you know that a Rudraksh tree can bear Rudraksh beads with multiple mukhis (faces)?

❓Do you want to know how the different faces (mukhis) of Rudraksh can help you in specific outcomes?

❓Are you aware that the type of Rudraksh changes according to person’s numerology?

❓Are you curious to know how the divine power of Rudraksh beads can transform the journey of your life?

In Shiva Purana, Lord Shiva said to Parvati:

Rudraksha vividhaha protastesham bhedanvadamyaham |
Shrinu parvati sadbhaktya bhuktimuktifalapradan

Meaning: There are many types of Rudraksh. Apart from providing salvation, there are many secrets which I’m going to reveal to you. 

In this virtual event, you will get enlightened on:

  • Understand the spiritual significance of Rudraksh and how it will benefit you
  • Explore in-depth about the different types of Rudraksh seeds, their properties, and using them correctly to maximize benefits 
  • Get to know about the various ranges (1 mukhi to 21 mukhis) and how they help in a different situations to different people
  • Immerse in the divine connection, vibrations, and transformations the beads gift us
  • Learn the ways to cleanse the divine seeds to maintain their powerful potency
brown beaded necklace on beige background

Date & Time: 23 -25 May 2023 5-7PM IST

Contact : Minu +919513580222


If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here

If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here

If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here