Ancient Wisdom Transformation Survey 2018

Our whatsapp group grows bigger day by day. Yearly once, We conduct a survey to understand each other and realign our focus, so that we as a community can gear up for next year.

Important reasons are

  • This helps identify the inactive parents who block the space in the group. They do not respond to the survey, We know they do not read the message. So we move them broadcast group and make space for new parents. We cannot keep new parents waiting to join us.
  • It is always good to push ourselves out of comfort zone. So we reshuffle the group so new parents, new friends, new ideas.
  • Parents in our group for more than a years know this ritual. So please fill the survey there are hardly 5 questions. Be honest and share our thoughts…

Happy to share the survey results in public. Happy to see soo many parents want to join to revive our ancient wisdom.

Leave your feedback