Just like we must be careful and choosy about the food that strengthens our body, we must be equally watchful of our thoughts entering our mind. In this fast paced life, it’s easy to get drowned in chaos and confusion. The only solution to wriggle out of this is Meditation.
Meditation is the fuel to our soul. It is the beginning and the end of what we are. It is not an option or a chance, but “the perfect solution” to progress in this journey of life.
Be it season, food, or mood, we easily get bored with single option. Variety is the spice of life. It is important to learn few methods so that we implement them according to our needs, apart from refreshing our minds. That’s why our ancestors followed and guided us with various techniques for generations.
I have been learning meditation from the age of 13. After learning from n number of gurus, teachers, books, etc., I lost (invested) my life and future in this. I’m sharing only those methods that I have learnt from my experiences and intuition. If you practice regularly, you will see noticeable changes in yourself.
We started with our first technique which was very successful – D.E.A.R Meditation. This technique focused on chakras to expand our body to 4th layer – intellectual body. This is an ideal method of meditation that helps you in balancing your day-to-day family life while keeping you spiritually centered. We have finished three batches of D.E.A.R meditation successfully at Chennai, Bangalore and Online. You can read the feedback here in comments section.
You can read the feedback here in comment section https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEAc0abByNk&t
It’s time to take the next step and elevate your experience with an advanced technique that will make you go deeper. Since the process is little complex, we will learn it part by part and then assemble it together at the end. Then you can practice it on your own. Depending on the participation, we can come up with a group meditation. This method is for spiritually inclined individuals.
We are opening the doors of opportunity to everyone, irrespective of physical distance @ Hyderabad after successful sessions in Bangalore, Chennai and Online. The upcoming session will be conducted in Hyderabad on Dec 17th (9 AM – 5 PM).
Lets get ready for an energy transformation and fly like a butterfly in your mind!

Date : 17th Dec 2022 (Saturday)
Venue : Montfort Retreat, Montfort Nagar, Prgathi Nagar, Uppal, Hyderabad, Telangana – 500039
RazorPay Link : https://rzp.io/l/HYD2
Last Day to Register: 14th Dec, 2022
Contact : Minu +919513580222
*Prices may vary post last day
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In case, if you are want HLP WORLD Community to conduct Butterfly Meditation at your place, Please reach out to Minu @ 9513580222. Or you WhatsApp Group Admins.