Everyday #Lockdown Learning
 When we can’t go outside, let’s go Inside!!!

Our ancestors have always guided us to live in peace, health and harmony. The best way to find a answer is not by looking outside, but by focusing inside. On those same lines, When we need to learn or kindle the holistic senses, you do not have to look out, But look inside our HLP Community. That said, We present you a bundle packed with inspirational, practical and fun-filled insights from our group to utilize in this home 🏡 confined situation and wipe away the boredom.

Coming straight from our talented, skilled and intuitively enabled parents from our group.They not only have shared their wisdom across our WhatsApp Groups but also are extremely good at living their word.

 Let’s unclock you mind with our completely *FREE* Webinar 

 *Topics on Focus*
*Minimalistic Living
 *Ancient Indian art forms
 *Ancient board games
*Traditional Farming & Native Foods
*Parenting (0-3 yrs)
*Art of Eating
*Denim Upcycling
 *Pregnancy Care
*Special Children Needs
*Story Telling
*Home Remedies

*Types of Schooling – Panel Discussion
*Human Design

Tune in to our FB Live Events happened in 2020 Lockdown period!

Come Join Us !!! Let’s Learn & Explore…

Let us not spread the virus, but wisdom
with heart and soul
velu jayaprakash

You can also join us in the below platforms,

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SwarnaPrashanaForAll/

HLP Store (our community shopping page): https://hlp.world/store/

Join our WhatsApp group link – https://swarnaprashana.org/join-our-whatsapp-group/

Instagram page – https://www.instagram.com/holistic_living_and_parenting/

Youtube Channel SWP –https://www.youtube.com/c/SwarnaPrashana

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