Discover the Art of Feng Shui

Are you seeking to create a harmonious and balanced living space? Do you wish to invite positive energy, abundance, and prosperity into your life? Look no further! Our exclusive online Feng Shui course is designed to help you unlock the ancient secrets of this powerful practice.

What You’ll Learn from this Gurukul

  • Introduction to Feng Shui principles and history
  • Understanding the Bagua map and its application
  • Enhancing the flow of chi (energy) in your home
  • Creating auspicious spaces for love, health, and prosperity
  • Balancing elements to bring harmony and well-being
  • Tips for decluttering and organizing your space

Avail recording of this past event :


Day 1 Part 1 – If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here
Day 1 Part 2 – If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here
Day 2 – If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here

From Tradition to Wellness: Embracing Fermented Rice and Probiotic Goodness

Shared by Tejaswini, member of 48days of Holistic Living workshop

In the quest for optimal health and well-being, we often seek out natural remedies and ancient wisdom. One such remarkable discovery is the combination of fermented rice and probiotics, a dynamic duo that holds immense potential for enhancing our overall wellness. This captivating partnership offers a plethora of benefits that go beyond the ordinary, revitalizing our bodies from the inside out.

Fermented rice, a time-honored practice that dates back centuries, involves the fermentation of rice grains using beneficial bacteria or yeast cultures. This transformative process not only enhances the flavor and texture of rice but also generates a powerhouse of nutrients and gut-friendly microorganisms. Coupled with probiotics, which are live bacteria and yeasts that confer health benefits when consumed, fermented rice becomes an extraordinary source of nourishment for our bodies.

In this blog post, we embark on a journey into the world of fermented rice and probiotics, exploring the incredible benefits that await those who incorporate them into their lifestyles. From supporting digestive health and boosting immunity to improving nutrient absorption and promoting mental well-being, the advantages are truly awe-inspiring. So, join us as we unravel the secrets behind this exceptional fusion and unlock the door to a healthier and happier you. Get ready to witness the wonders of fermented rice and probiotics as we delve into their extraordinary benefits and how they can transform your well-being.


When it comes to fermenting rice, the choice of rice variety plays a crucial role in the overall outcome and nutritional value of the final product. While modern, commercially available rice varieties may be more widely accessible and easier to cultivate, there is a growing appreciation for the importance of using traditional native rice varieties in the fermentation process. These heirloom grains, often passed down through generations, carry a wealth of benefits that contribute to the overall quality and authenticity of fermented rice products.

  1. Rich Nutritional Profile: Traditional native rice varieties tend to have a more diverse and nutrient-dense composition compared to their modern counterparts. They often contain higher levels of essential minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, which are not only beneficial for our overall health but also contribute to the flavor and complexity of fermented rice.
  2. Unique Flavors and Aromas: Native rice varieties have distinct flavors and aromas that are deeply rooted in their terroir. When fermented, these flavors and aromas are further enhanced, resulting in a more intricate and enjoyable sensory experience. By using traditional native rice varieties, we can preserve and celebrate the culinary heritage and regional diversity of fermented rice products.
  3. Preservation of Biodiversity: Embracing traditional native rice varieties in fermentation practices helps preserve the rich biodiversity of rice. Many native rice varieties are adapted to local environments, resistant to pests and diseases, and exhibit robust genetic diversity. By cultivating and utilizing these varieties, we contribute to the conservation of agricultural biodiversity and safeguard the genetic resources that are vital for future food security.
  4. Cultural Significance and Heritage: Traditional native rice varieties are deeply intertwined with the cultural identity and heritage of communities around the world. By using these varieties in fermentation, we honor and respect the knowledge, traditions, and farming practices passed down through generations. It allows us to connect with our roots, promote cultural diversity, and support the livelihoods of small-scale farmers who have preserved these rice varieties for centuries.
  5. Environmental Sustainability: Native rice varieties are often better adapted to local growing conditions and require less intensive cultivation practices. They typically have a higher resistance to pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical inputs. By embracing traditional native rice varieties, we promote sustainable agriculture, minimize environmental impacts, and contribute to a more resilient and ecologically balanced food system.

Few suggestions for the native rice – Thanga Samba, Garudan Samba, Kaattuyanam, Kullakar, Mapillai Samba, Poongar,..

Check out the native rice varieties available in our parent-community-run-store –
HLP Store


🥣 It’s always advisable to use any of the traditional native rice variety. Alternating the variety also helps to get the various nutrients from different types. Every native rice variety is very unique with different healing properties.

🥣 Start the fermentation process in the afternoon only.

🥣 Sign of good fermentation is the bubbling you would see in the corners/ top, which mostly not the case with just night fermentation.

🥣 Soaking, sprouting, fermentation, slow cooking are the key methods to follow from the traditional cooking methods.

🥣 SOAKING: 2- 6 hours depending on the rice variety.

🥣 The rice must be cooked in SLOW COOKING method only as it ensures the maximum nutrients retention.

🥣 DESTARCHING is the most essential step during this process. So do NOT skip this step

🥣 Adding the SALT previous night only enhances the bioavailability(optional)

🥣 A simple fermentation is good for the gut microbiome. Addition of spices enhances and gives different benefits.
Ex : Cumin – Gastric Issues
Fenugreek – Arthritis

🥣 Using earthen vessels for cooking and fermentation is advisable.

🥣 Avoid consuming fermented rice during cold, fever etc. Observe your body and the changes.

🥣 Always use freshly cooked(Same day cooked) rice for fermentation. Also do not use cooked rice stored in refrigerator for this.

🧉Sharing the slow cooking method I am following for TN boiled rice variety.


⿡Soak the rice for 4 hours

⿢For 1 glass of rice, you would need 7-8 glasses of water. First, bring the water to a rolling boil. Never put the rice & water together while cooking.

⿣Wash the soaked rice 2-3 times until the water runs clear. Do not discard the water. This is good for watering plants(either pour it as it is or you can ferment this water, dilute and use for plants).

⿤Add the rice into rolling boil water and immediately bring the flame to sim. Let the cooking happen in sim only throughout. It takes 25mins to 40 mins to cook depending on the variety of millets, boiled rice or brown rice it is.

⿥Once the rice is cooked enough, drain and de-starch. Place it back on flame for 4-5 min. Rice is done.

🧉Time taken for pressuring cooking – 10min
Pot/ Open cooking – 20 min
Slow cooking – 45 min.

⿦Once de-starching is done, let it cool down. Add fresh water again to the cooked rice until the rice is covered and keep it overnight.

⿧DO NOT COVER IT WITH A LID. We all generally cover it with lid. I did the same mistake for long time. Only recently after getting into bread baking , understood the significance of using natural wild yeast that’s available in abundance in the air.

So, the right way is to cover the vessel with a Muslin cloth that allows the natural yeast to aid in the fermentation process. Closing it with Lid delays the process and it’s not much beneficial too.

⿨As mentioned, the right sign of fermentation is the bubbles at the corner / surface. So next day morning, you can have this elixir with added spices(optional), or however you like it. You can also drink the water.

⿩Do not boil/warm the fermented rice again as it will kill the good bacteria in it.


When fermenting rice, various vitamins and minerals can be present in the final product, depending on the specific rice variety used and the fermentation process. While the exact nutrient content may vary, here are some vitamins and minerals commonly found in fermented rice:

  1. B Vitamins: Fermented rice can be a good source of B vitamins, including thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), and folate (vitamin B9). B vitamins are essential for energy metabolism, nervous system function, and red blood cell production.
  2. Vitamin K: Fermented rice can provide vitamin K, a fat-soluble vitamin important for blood clotting and bone health. Vitamin K is also involved in regulating calcium and promoting heart health.
  3. Antioxidants: Fermentation can enhance the antioxidant content of rice. Antioxidants, such as phenolic compounds and flavonoids, help protect cells from oxidative stress and may have potential health benefits, including reducing inflammation and preventing chronic diseases.
  4. Minerals: Fermented rice may contain minerals like potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. These minerals play essential roles in various bodily functions, such as nerve function, muscle contraction, bone health, and oxygen transport.

Collective content shared by Yamini, Dr. Lakshmy & Archana.

12 Magnificent Vegetables

An un’beet’able, ‘peas’ful online Gurukul by Velu Jayaprakash

12 vegetables to take you on a tantalizing culinary journey with a delightful fusion of astrology and nutrition

Take a ride through your taste buds to a whole new universe of flavors, nutrition, and soul nourishing experience with 12 vegetables that energizes your health and life

Are you drenched in a pool of stress, fatigue, anger, and other health issues?

Are you soaking too much information on keeping yourself healthy but finding it difficult to implement/consume them?

Are you looking for a comprehensive, informative, and accessible guide to good practices about food and everything related to it?

It’s time to change the gear of your culinary journey and reroute your navigation for healthy and active lifestyle.

A healthy outside starts from inside

HLP World is geared up to take you on a delicious trip on everything about food (and astrological connections) that is going to stay in your mind forever and change the texture, color, and feel of your food in your plate.

Right from understanding what our body is made of to knowing the causes of diseases, we will explore deeper knowledge on food description, its types, its relation to subconscious mind, six types of tastes, and dig into great methods of panchbhuta energy.

In this online wisdom event, we will specially concentrate on 12 lesser known/neglected vegetables that are power-packed but aren’t used in our daily life due to ignorance. You will become aware about:

  • Powerful 12 Vegetables and their gunas
  • Mystic connection of 12 vegetables with 12 zodiac signs
  • Relating 12 vegetables with physical activity zone
  • Bija mantras blessed by Siddhas
  • How to select and clean the vegetables, and methods followed by our wise ancestors
  • How to incorporate these 12 vegetables in your daily life – sharing recipes of salad, juices, and other forms

If you want to bring healthy revolution in your life, then NOW is the ripe time to join the right tribe!

Day 1 – If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here
Day 2 – If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here
Day 3 – If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here

Sacred Threads & Knots

A Gurukul by Velu Jayaprakash

Strengthen the roots of ancient ritual through a story of knots and threads woven around culture and spiritual guidance for blessings, protection, and divine connection

Are you tired of sieving truth from fabricated stories about one of the most traditional practices?

Are you looking for ways to piece together ancient practices with scientific explanations?

Do you want to embrace spiritual guidance without twists and turns?

If you are willing to go on a sensory exploration about the sacred thread, we will gift you an opportunity.

HLP world is bringing a golden chance to debunk and untangle knots of misinformation and bring to surface truths and facts that have been submerged with time.

From knowing the different colors and materials used to tie at different parts of the body to choosing the color, it will be a complete hands-on session with guidance on protection, divine connection, and empowerment.

The session is carefully stitched with bagful of information on:

  • How to tie a knot and how many knots to tie?
  • Who should prepare it and how to clean it?
  • What are the related mantras for specific purposes?
  • What are the benefits; what evils can be prevented?
  • What is its role in witchcraft?
  • How long the effect lasts?

Family heads, astrologers, family matriarchs, priests, celebrants, and everyone else can learn and bring it to use and help themselves and the community around them.

We are opening the doors for learning this subtle culture @Bangalore! Join us!

black pleated fabric placed on table

Date & Time:
25th June 2023, 8AM – 4PM IST

Montfort Spirituality Center, Bengaluru

Enroll here:

Enrolment closes by:
22nd Jun 2023 11:11 PM IST

More details, contact
Minu : +91 95135 80222

Astrology Consultation with Inhouse Astrologer at Bangalore

Introducing a unique opportunity for in-person consultations with our esteemed astrologer. Join us as we embark on this stellar adventure to unlock the secrets of your stars and gain valuable insights into various aspects of your life.

Why you can’t miss this opportunity:

1. Expert Guidance: Our astrologer is highly knowledgeable and trained in various astrology disciplines, ensuring accurate and unbiased guidance to help you make well-informed decisions in life.

2. Personalized Experience: In-person consultations provide the opportunity for deeper understanding, clarity, and personalized guidance tailored to your specific needs and concerns.

3. Privacy Guaranteed: Your confidentiality is our priority. Rest assured that your discussions with our astrologer will remain private and secure.

4. Comprehensive Consultations: Whether you have questions about your education, work, career, health, lifepath or finances, our astrologer is here to provide answers and guidance.

5. Embrace Holistic Living: By understanding the cosmic influences on your life, you can better align your actions and decisions with the holistic values of our HLP World community.

Points to note-

1. The service is available in limited slots, on first come first serve basis.

2. Only one profile per registration and reading is allowed.

3. A maximum of 45 minutes will be provided per profile.

4. If you want to bring in multiple profiles, please register again with details.

5. Walk-ins are not entertained. In case if time and astrologer permits, we might allow few more profiles. But there will not be any commitments on this.

cluster of stars

Date & Time:
25th June 2023, 10AM-5PM IST

Montfort Spirituality Center, Bangalore

Enrolment Link –
Shared in your respective whatsapp groups!

Enrolment closes by:
22nd June 2023 11:11 PM IST

Minu- +91 95135 80222

Ayurvedic Camp at Bengaluru

“One of the most sublime experiences we can ever have is to wake up feeling healthy after being sick.”

Rabbi Harold Kushner
  • Wouldn’t it be great to have a doctor who’s been a member of our HLP Community since day one and understands holistic living?
  • They would be able to better understand the pulse of our people and guide us toward a healthier lifestyle.
  • Are you looking for a reliable and experienced Ayurvedic doctor to consult with for your health issues?
  • We are thrilled to announce that we are organizing an Ayurvedic Camp in Bangalore, fulfilling a long-standing request from our community members. Our Ayurvedic expert, Dr. Lakshmy.
Colorful gradient badge clipart, abstract

Date & Time:
24th June 2023 2PM to 6PM

Montfort Spirituality Center, Bangalore

Appointment Link:
Check your respective whatsapp group

To ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience, please follow these instructions:
✔ Come on time and wait in line
✔ Bring your supporting documents, reports, and tests
✔ Be clear, ask questions to the doctor, and clarify your doubts
✔ Follow the treatment and have faith
✔ Ask for the next follow-up date with the doctor

Priority will be given to those who book an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome but may have to wait. In case of an emergency, the team will decide to send the respective patient to meet Dr.

We invite everyone who is in need of Ayurvedic consultation to come and meet the doctor. Depending on the response we receive, we will also bring in experts in other areas such as Siddha medicine, Naturopathy, Healing, and Psychology Counseling.

Spread the word and let’s take a step towards a healthier lifestyle with Ayurveda.

Empowering Your Inner Goddess: A Spiritual Menstrual Workshop – June 2023

By Mareeswari Aravindhram, Spiritual Menstrual Coach

Unlock the power of your menstrual cycle and connect with your spiritual self in our upcoming Spiritual Menstrual Workshop. This workshop is a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. Learn about the spiritual significance of your menstrual cycle and how to harness its energy to manifest your desires.

Our experienced facilitators will guide you through various spiritual practices, including meditation, yoga, and breathwork, that will help you connect with your inner self and unlock your full potential.

Join us for a day of transformation and sisterhood as we explore the sacredness of our menstrual cycle and embrace our divine feminine energy. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with like-minded women and explore the spiritual dimensions of your body. Register now for our Spiritual Menstrual Workshop.

  • Learn about the spiritual significance of menstruation and how it can be a time for deeper connection with yourself and the divine
  • Develop a greater understanding of your own menstrual cycle and how to work with it in a way that honors your body and supports your spiritual growth.
  • Explore practices such as meditation, yoga, and journaling that can help you connect with your inner wisdom and intuition during your menstrual cycle.
  • Connect with other women who are on a similar path and create a supportive community for yourself.
  • Gain tools and practices for working with menstrual challenges such as painful periods, irregular cycles, or premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
  • Tap into the power of your menstrual cycle for manifesting and setting intentions.
  • Experience greater self-awareness and personal growth as you deepen your relationship with your body and its natural rhythms.
red leaf with water dew

Date & Time:
24th Jun 2023 10.00AM to 5.00 PM IST

Montfort Spirituality Center, Bengaluru

Enroll here:

Enrolment closes by:
21st Jun 2023 11:11 PM IST

More details, contact
Minu : +91 95135 80222

Rudraksha: Divine Seeds for Spiritual Journey

A Gurukul by Velu Jayaprakash

Experience the transformative power of the legendary Rudraksh in our upcoming virtual event!

❓ Do you know that a Rudraksh tree can bear Rudraksh beads with multiple mukhis (faces)?

❓Do you want to know how the different faces (mukhis) of Rudraksh can help you in specific outcomes?

❓Are you aware that the type of Rudraksh changes according to person’s numerology?

❓Are you curious to know how the divine power of Rudraksh beads can transform the journey of your life?

In Shiva Purana, Lord Shiva said to Parvati:

Rudraksha vividhaha protastesham bhedanvadamyaham |
Shrinu parvati sadbhaktya bhuktimuktifalapradan

Meaning: There are many types of Rudraksh. Apart from providing salvation, there are many secrets which I’m going to reveal to you. 

In this virtual event, you will get enlightened on:

  • Understand the spiritual significance of Rudraksh and how it will benefit you
  • Explore in-depth about the different types of Rudraksh seeds, their properties, and using them correctly to maximize benefits 
  • Get to know about the various ranges (1 mukhi to 21 mukhis) and how they help in a different situations to different people
  • Immerse in the divine connection, vibrations, and transformations the beads gift us
  • Learn the ways to cleanse the divine seeds to maintain their powerful potency
brown beaded necklace on beige background

Date & Time: 23 -25 May 2023 5-7PM IST

Contact : Minu +919513580222


If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here

If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here

If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here

Empowering Your Inner Goddess: A Spiritual Menstrual Workshop

By Ritu Jain, Spiritual Menstrual Coach

Unlock the power of your menstrual cycle and connect with your spiritual self in our upcoming Spiritual Menstrual Workshop. This workshop is a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. Learn about the spiritual significance of your menstrual cycle and how to harness its energy to manifest your desires.

Our experienced facilitators will guide you through various spiritual practices, including meditation, yoga, and breathwork, that will help you connect with your inner self and unlock your full potential.

Join us for a day of transformation and sisterhood as we explore the sacredness of our menstrual cycle and embrace our divine feminine energy. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with like-minded women and explore the spiritual dimensions of your body. Register now for our Spiritual Menstrual Workshop.

  • Learn about the spiritual significance of menstruation and how it can be a time for deeper connection with yourself and the divine
  • Develop a greater understanding of your own menstrual cycle and how to work with it in a way that honors your body and supports your spiritual growth.
  • Explore practices such as meditation, yoga, and journaling that can help you connect with your inner wisdom and intuition during your menstrual cycle.
  • Connect with other women who are on a similar path and create a supportive community for yourself.
  • Gain tools and practices for working with menstrual challenges such as painful periods, irregular cycles, or premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
  • Tap into the power of your menstrual cycle for manifesting and setting intentions.
  • Experience greater self-awareness and personal growth as you deepen your relationship with your body and its natural rhythms.
red glittered wallpaper

Enrollments closed!
If you are interested to join this program,
please join our whatsapp group!
Link –

More details, contact
Minu : +91 95135 80222
Ritu: +91 88866 66150

Secrets of the Siddhas: Exploring the Mystical World of Mantras

A Gurukul by Velu Jayaprakash

For centuries, mantras have been used as a powerful tool for healing, meditation, and spiritual growth. Today, more and more people are turning to this ancient practice to find balance, harmony, and inner peace. it is a journey through the rich history of mantra, exploring its spiritual, psychological, and astrological aspects. It is designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of how mantras work, and how they can be used to transform your life.

We will cover the

  • Basic principles of Mantras
  • More advanced practices of Japa,
  • How to use specific mantras with different types of Japa malas.
  • How to use mantras for various purposes, including healing, manifesting abundance, and spiritual growth.
  • Techniques to help you stay focused and centered, even during times of stress and chaos.
  • How to use mantras to unlock your potential, and to achieve your goals and dreams.

What sets this course apart from others is that it is based on the rich tradition of Siddhas, who have passed down their knowledge of mantras through oral tradition. This means that the wisdom you will gain from this course cannot be found on Google or in books.

If you are looking to deepen your spiritual practice, to heal emotional wounds, or to find balance and harmony in your life, then Mantra is the course for you. Join us on this journey, and discover the power of mantras for yourself.

prayer beads necklace in close up photography

Date & Time: 23rd April 2023 8AM to 4PM IST

Enrollment closed!

Contact for more details: Minu : +91 95135 80222