Studies show no toxicity on Swarna Prashana on Albino Rats

We found yet another extraordinary work by Dr.Vinarma Sharma: Toxicity Study of Suvarna Prashana in Albino Rats, KLE University.

Albino Grey Squirrel
Long term use of Suvarna Prashan has been recommended for neonate and claimed as a wide range of therapeutic efficacy in classics. Its modified form Swarnaprashana may have some unknown toxicity profile.This study was done to find out of possibility of toxicity of swarnaprashana.

The study shows that no sign of toxicity was observed in the chronic level of administration in Albino rats. No mortality and abnormal behaviour changes were found. Maximum increase in weight was observed in the Swarnaprashana group.

The present study shows that no signs of toxicity when used for longer term.

Source here

Evidence based observational study of Swarna Prashana in children (2 of 2)

Further to the study by the SDM college of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan Karnataka, 30 children between the age group of 3-8 participated in the pilot clinical study. They were administered 1 ml swarnaprashana once daily for thirty days before food on empty stomach.

Symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections like cough, sleep disturbance, ronchi, tonsillitis, dyspnoea and pharyngitis were scored arbitrarily and noted before and after treatment.

  • The infections reduced by 50-66%
  • Sleep disturbance improved by 69.22%

Evidence based observational study of Swarna Prashana in children (1 of 2)

We found an extraordinary journal published at International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy.

A multicentric public health initiative was conducted by the SDM college of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan Karnataka to understand and to note the preventive and promotive aspect of Swarnaprashana in children. It was conducted in their college and other identified swarnaprashana centres across Karnataka.

Over 3,14877 children participated in the public health initiative. Children aged between 0-16 years were administered swarnaprashana once in a month in 16 centers.

After the completion of 21 doses that is 21 months the results were assessed.

  • 94.73% reported improvement in mental and physical health.
  • 56.14% parents reported that the child is free from recurrent respiratory tract infections in past 6 months.
  • 79.46% showed improvement in memory and concentration.
  • 79.82% showed improvement in digestion related complaints.

Great work by respective people. Read the actual research journal here.

Don’t Spank, It hurts more than you can imagine!

If you spank your kid, they easily lose 10 points of IQ and 15-19% reduction in brain areas associated with self-regulation and empathy! Do you want this to happen to your kids? Please share to all parents.

Psychology of Spanking