Amavasya(Ancestral) Meditation

Through D.E.A.R meditation, we all experienced the benefits of meditating daily and how it helped us physically, mentally and spiritually. Also this simple daily routine, opened our eyes on how fit/unfit our body and mind are!

Similar to what we mentioned for Full Moon, New Moon day meditation also has the power of rewriting your Karma. While we have been discussing in numerous occasions on the rituals to be performed on Full Moon/New Moon days like donating food, praying to ancestors, lighting special lamps, praying to Family deity, travel related, lighting sambrani, rituals learnt from 48 days of Holistic Living etc. , meditating on these special days is also very important and a must thing to do.

So why is this Amavasya special?
Chaitra Amavasya is the new moon day that falls in the Indian month of Chaitra, which is the first month of the Indian calendar. It usually falls in March or April in the Gregorian calendar. This day is considered auspicious and is observed as a day of fasting and performing puja (worship). It is believed that observing fast and performing rituals on this day can bring prosperity, happiness, and fulfillment of wishes. Chaitra Amavasya also marks the beginning of the Hindu New Year in some regions in India.

Please note, this will be a special meditation session, and not a class. Only 96 members are allowed to join in ZOOM. So book your slots today itself!

Enroll only if you agree to these conditions

  • You have to be in video and mute audio.
  • Make sure you wear loose and comfortable dress
  • Cover yourself with shawl, dupatta if needed.
  • You can use a pillow so that the spine can be erect.
  • Doing some warm up exercises would be good, so that you can sit continuously for 1hour without any pains, numbness and other complaints.
  • Please finish your meals before 1hour at least.
  • Keep a lighted lamp/crystals near you. Optional.
  • There will be no recording provided for this session.
  • 🗒️You will be added in a dedicated Whatsapp group before the meditation timings.
  • 🗒️On the day, you can join the session and follow the instructions. Post meditation, we will spend 30mins to share your feedback and for QnA.

Date : 16th Aug’23, 07.0 PM – 08.08PM IST & 30 mins QnA

Venue – Online Zoom session

Link to register

Price : Pay As Gift

Last Day to register : 16th Aug’23 03.33PM

Contact : Minu +919513580222

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12 thoughts on “Amavasya(Ancestral) Meditation”

  1. I have attended the New Moon meditation along with other participants through online. It was a feeling that, spent only 15 mints, but we meditated an hour. After meditation, could sense the calmness in mind. Could pay gratitude towards ancestors and parents in the meditation. Overall it was a good meditation session. Thank you volunteers and Velu Anna.

  2. New moon meditation-
    Always a wonderful experience of meditation with presence of Velu sir. In this meditation I feel the energy flows from my hands and goes to third eye Chakra and than to head. It was a great experience. Blessing all loved ones and also forgiving every person is an Amazing thing. Slowly I learn to forgive myself and others and also learn to let go the past. New moon mediation is very very powerful. It is a complete blessing. Thank you velu sir and all team.

  3. Nice experience. I have attended butterfly, dear meditation too.. but remembering our dear ones was a different experience…

  4. Very intense meditation and also this meditation is little different from regular meditation. Thank you anna for guiding such a wonderful practice

  5. it was a very nice experience .. I did it first time guided meditation and it is actually worth it…. Anna has actually great knowledge about this field ..

  6. Good experience and the most that imoacted me was bringing faces and letting go with people who are difficult for us
    Thank you velu for the experience

  7. Felt Peaceful .
    Participated from a different timezone . It was 12 noon . Not sure if my experience would be even better if I did it at night as this is a specific new moon meditation
    Gratitude to Velu , Archana , Karthik and Team for making this possible for everyone across the Globe .

  8. Very intense meditation. Remembering all the dear ones lost and blessing them was nice. Started meditation while feeling sleepy and after finishing was so fresh.

  9. Good and different one from regular day meditation. Felt light after attending this meditation.

  10. I have attended the DEAR meditation and the full moon and the new moon meditation. The new moon meditation was so amazing and cannot described in words but has to be experienced. I could feel the vibrations in my hands and my body and felt completely grounded.. It was a beautiful experience and my sincere gratitude to Velu and othres in the group.. Thank you

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