Herbal Pouch For Nutritious Hair

Hi Friends,

When I was sharing my Shikakai powder, many were asking some solution for hair-fall. So I thought I will share another grandmas home-made solution for hair-fall.  This is a pouch which consists of 8 major herbs required for a healthy hair growth. Our grandma insists us to use this as our daily combing oil. May be because of this we used to have healthy thick hair in our childhood. Time passed on and as I grew up, started using all cosmetics available in the markets which are easy to be applied and readily available. The results are:

  • Pre mature greying
  • Dandruff
  • Hair fall
  • Dull hair

I was also a person who was affected by all these problems. Use of chemicals  are not the only reason for these above mentioned issues, its because of our lifestyle, pollution and atmospheric changes too.

Just then my grandmas herbal oil struck in my mind which she used to make for us. I called her and asked for the recipe. Thank you Grandma! for sharing this recipe with me. Yes!!! it worked again. Wondering how come our ancestors found solutions for all problems with items which are connected to nature. Now I see a drastic reduction in my hair fall. Just thought that I would share it with a bigger community.

How this works

The below 8 natural and basic ingredients are added and slowly heated in the natural sun light, it provides the necessary nourishment needed for the hair.

  • Methi seeds – Treats Dandruff and acts as body coolant
  • Dried Amla – Improves the texture of the hair
  • Surul Pattai/Alkanet root – Naturally colours the hair
  • Dried Hibiscus flower – Gentle cleanser and prevents hair shedding
  • Mehandi cake – Prevents premature greying and conditions the hair
  • Dried Curry leaves – Repairs damaged roots n reduces hair fall
  • Rose petals – Tightens the scalp
  • Vettiver – Fragrant and coolant

How to prepare

Take a glass jar/bottle with lid and drop this herbal bag in 300 ml normal coconut oil. Pour  oil which the necessary to cover the bottom part of the pouch and place it under the sun for 4 to 5 days. The warmth and light from the sun will help to infuse the herbal properties into the oil. The oil will turn into light red colour. Now you can add the rest of the oil and use it. This oil mainly helps in  premature greying of hair and makes the hair denser and smoother. It reduces dandruff and hair-fall too. This herbal oil can be kept till 4 months.

Each pocket costs Rs.108. If anyone is interested you can place your order at sriharicares@gmail.com or call me at 7760292062/9884554149.

Note : If in case you want the entire process viz. soaking of herbal pouch in cold pressed coconut oil and exposing to sun to get the complete herbal oil, please let me know. This can be done on request basis to facilitate parents who are unable to do it. This is done with additional cost for the coconut oil.

We are part of HLP.World/Store, a community driven shopping project, that revives Indian indigenous traditional organic food. A project initiated exclusive by parents for parents at whatsapp holistic group.

Author: Sri Nandhini Hari

I’m Sri Nandhini Hari, a B.Com & M.B.A finance post graduate and have worked in American Express Bank as an Asst. Manager and later with CTS as Financial Analyst. I have a passion towards our own tradition and culture and this has triggered me to share the natural and homemade products to a bigger community for the benefit of all.

Curry Leaf Oil – Hair Care

Dear Friends,

Healthy and strong hairs are the dream of many and let us take a step to achieve it.  With great pleasure introducing the home-made natural wonder “Curry Leaf Oil”.  As a rich source of natural antioxidants Curry leaf oil helps in contracting the muscles and tissues, thus strengthening the roots of the hair and preventing hair fall. The healthy nutrients in this oil promotes natural hair growth and effectively works on the real pigmentation of the individual’s physique and helps in bringing back the original colour of the hair.  This attribute of Curry leaf oil makes it a wonderful natural aid for premature greying of hair.


Ayurveda calls this Curry leaf tree as Girinimba or Krishnanimba, named after Lord Krishna, the God of ultimate protection. Curry leaf oil has the power to pacify aggravated kapha and vata doshas and increase pitta dosha. With such well-built healing values, Ayurveda prescribes Curry leaf oil as an aid to assist every human being with healthy hair.

This ancient art of holistic healing has used Curry leaves and its essential oil in various Ayurvedic preparations for the treatment of diabetes, eye diseases, liver problems, diarrhea, high cholesterol, hair fall, gastrointestinal problems, skin pigmentation and oral disorders.  Curry leaf tree is an easy to cultivate herb and is indigenous to India and Sri Lanka, the countries of rich cultural heritage. Every part of this tree including its leaves, berries and flowers have enormous medicinal values and the best part is that it is easily affordable.


Curry leaves boiled in coconut oil in a particular traditional way is a natural tonic for hair growth. This home-made herbal tonic is trusted to nourish hair follicles and restore its natural colour.  In our family we have been using this home-made curry leaf oil for generations. If you have premature greying in the family line start using the curry leaf oil for your kids at a younger age.  It takes 36 hours for curry leaf oil preparation and is a risky process if not handled properly.  Once receiving the order, time taken to deliver the freshly prepared oil will be 7 to 10 days.  Apply this hair oil on a daily basis or massage this oil one hour before a hair wash.  Do not mix this oil with any other oil, can be applied directly.

Each pocket is of 200ml, and it costs Rs.360. If anyone is interested you can place your order at krithikakaruppiah@gmail.com or call me at 97404 71261.

We are part of Hlp.world/store, a community driven shopping project, that revives Indian indigenous traditional organic food. A project initiated exclusive by parents for parents at whatsapp holistic group.

About author


Krithika is dedicated mother of two kids. Being a post graduate in Science, she comes with a wide range of abilities starting from HOD in Microbiology, worked as a Research Associate in Anna University, Assistant Manager HR, etc.

Author: Krithika Sudhakaran

Krithika is dedicated mother of two kids. Being a post graduate in Science, she comes with a wide range of abilities starting from HOD in Microbiology, worked as a Research Associate in Anna University, Assistant Manager HR, etc.

Health-Mix made from traditional ingredients


Today our kids are not getting their sufficient energy through their irregular food habits. So we are feeding unnatural food, drinks and so on.

Many times, the greatest secrets to our healthy living is with our granny. In our house, we never had those modern so called health drink. Many people do not have time or know to get these forgotten natural food ingredients to make a health mix that we can consume daily. When I was connecting farmer’s traditional products to parenting community, one of the key questions all the parents or old age people ask me was, can I recommend a good natural health mix. So I decided to get my granny’s recipe we used for ages. Not to be surprised, it was a big hit! Now, I am honored to share this recipe to our holistic parenting group.


S.No Ingredients Description
1 Mapillai Samba (traditional rice) Known as Bridegroom’s rice :). It helps in increasing Ojas in our body (energy). This rice is said to improve digestion, cure mouth ulcers, Fight against cancer, Increase haemoglobin content in blood and peoples with diabetic also can consume this rice.
2 Kodo millet Known for medicinal properties (including anti-diabetic and anti-rheumatic attributes), helps heal wounds and has a tranquilizing effect.
3 Little millet Known help prevention of constipation & heals all the problems related to stomach. It improves the semen counts of men. It also helps for women with irregular periods problems. Its high fiber helps to reduce the fat depositions in the body.
4 Barnyard millet Known to have 6 times high fiber content when compared with wheat. Its a gluten free millet with high calcium, phosphorous & fiber. It is high in carbohydrates and fat too. It helps to maintain the body temperature. It acts as a good anti oxidant too.
5 Foxtail millet
Known for its rich in dietary fiber and minerals such as copper & iron. It helps us to keep our body strong and immune. It helps to control blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
6  Pearl millet  Known for have 8 times more iron of the rice. It is very rich in Calcium, Protein, Iron & Magnesium. It helps to reduce the bad cholesterol level in our body. Its a great body coolant. It helps to improve the digestion power & heals stomach ulcers too. It helps to improve bowel movements & prevents constipation. It makes our body strong. It helps to increase the secretion of milk for lactating mothers.
7 Ragi It reverts Skin aging, Increases Lactation, Helps Digestion, Treats Anemia, good Source of Protein and Amino Acids, Aids Relaxation, Reduces Cholesterol, Controls Diabetes, Increases Bone Strength and Helps in Weight Loss.
8 Sorghum It has vitamins like niacin, riboflavin, and thiamin, as well as high levels of magnesium, iron, copper, calcium, phosphorous, and potassium, as well as nearly half the daily required intake of protein and a very significant amount of dietary fiber.
9 Green gram Known for its rich in Vitamin A, B, C and E and also in many minerals including iron, calcium, potassium vegetarian protein. As per Ancient Chinese medicine it also contains anti-cancer properties.
10 Black gram  Known for Anti inflammatory properties and strengthens nervous system cure male and female sexual related problems.
11 Horse gram  Known for its rich in iron, calcium and vegetarian source of protein.
12 Bengal gram  Known as Energy booster, Diabetics, Digestive system, Treat anemia, Eliminates stones,  treatment of curing skin problems like acne, pimple, dermatitis, eczema and scabies etc.
13 Roasted gram  it prevents constipation and lessens the risk of heart disease also a good source of calcium, potassium and magnesium.
14 Ground nut  Known for health benefiting nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that are essential for optimum health.
15 Dry ginger  Known to relief from gastrointestinal distress, very beneficial in the prevention of motion sickness. It reduces nausea and cold sweats, dizziness and vomiting.
16 Pepper  Known to relief from cold, detox your skin, and even help fight cancer and lot more.
17 Cardamom  Anti-Carcinogenic Properties, Good for Cardiovascular Health, Control of Cholesterol, Anti-Depressant, Treating Urinary Disorders, Anti-Asthmatic Property and Anti-Inflammatory Properties and lot more.
18 Flax seed Know for its omega 3, Reduce Hypertension, Depression, Liver Disease and lot more.

Apart from this we have added the dry nuts like badam, pistas, Cashews, peanuts and many other healthy ingredients too. The full list of ingredients can be read here.
These ingredients are taken in a definite proportion – sprouted, roasted and grinded to powder so that it stays fresh for long time without adding any preservatives or additives. The ingredients and the process is from the ancestral recipe book. It was followed and benefits were reaped by many generations.

It takes 3 people as a team to work for at least 7 days to prepare this mix, end result is 54 kg to 72 kg pack. Since there are no preservatives, buy only the quantity that you plan to use within few weeks.

How to Use/Cook?

For single person – Take 250ml of water, make it warm, put 2 spoons of this health mix, stir with warm water for 2 minutes. After that, add little organic jaggery and drink it.

You can make Porridge, Adai dosa, Puttu, Paayasam, laddu etc.

We are part of HLP.World/Store , a community driven shopping project, that revives Indian indigenous traditional organic food. A project initiated exclusive by parents for parents at whatsapp holistic group.

The miracle rice “Karuppu Kavuni Arisi”, Black Kavuni Rice.


In olden days, the Chettinad community in south India were known for their wide spread of trading network ranging from Arabia to South East Asia. During their business travel to sell our Indian spices, precious stones, and so on, there was huge cultural exchange of value and knowledge. Best example is Burmese teak to adorn their palaces, and less known rice to south India, which has become a part of their cuisine as well, Karuppu Kavuni Arisi, black kavuni rice.

All these ancient rices are packed with health benefits than these Modern day supplements. There is rice for every human need. Sample this, there is a rice called a maapillai samba, given to married people or people trying to conceive, fundamentally it increased the ojas in the body. There is another rice variety called as Neela samba, which would increase lactation for feeding mothers. The list goes on and on.

Black Kavuni Rice was once served only for royal family in china. General public was denied access to this rice, probably merchants were always friends with royal families that’s how they got their hand with this rice varities. Even today there is no chettinad wedding without black kavuni rice desserts.

Black rice, white dishIn ancient days, when a girl attends puberty, they used to make black rice pudding (called as puttu also known as Rangoon puttu). This is because this will help her stabilizes her body and increase the iron in blood and stops accumulating fat in back and hip region, a place women add more fat. Over a period of time, we forgot the black rice and we only followed the ritual and pudding part. Even today, in some part of villages, when a girl is getting ready to be married, they used to give black rice based food to rebuild her into proper shape.

American Chemical Society (ACS) says, one spoonful of black rice contains more anthocyanin antioxidants than a spoonful of blueberries.
Today lot of scientific data points are surfacing about this miracle rice, American Chemical Society (ACS) says, one spoonful of black rice contains more anthocyanin antioxidants than a spoonful of blueberries. Until then, blueberries was considered the richest source of anthocyanin antioxidants. Black kavuni has 18 amino acids, zinc that counts for immunity, iron that counts for carrying oxygen and the list goes like, copper, carotene, anthocyanin and several important vitamins. Our ancient healing text says, black rice helps to prevent cancer, diabetes and heart disease. This is very good for your kidney, stomach and liver. Another beauty of this is. Due to high fibre content, consuming just 1/3rd the quantity is more than enough for the day and you will not feel hunger. It is amazing to see how our ancestor’s contribution for balanced holistic life. That is why they say, food is our medicine and medicine is our food!
How to Use/Cook? (Recipes) You can prepare Sweet Pongal / Adai / Puttu / Dosa. Check here for some quick recipes. 
One of the purpose of our group is to create awareness of our ancient rich food habits, that can be incorporated in our daily life to keeps us healthy, and avoid those junk, cereals, chemical based food. If you like to order this rice, Mr.Mani has got a commitment from farmers to supply 108 kgs to our parenting group. Each family can order either 1kg or 2kg max. This is more than enough for a family for 4 members / month. Click Here to Buy
HLP Store, a community driven shopping project, that revives Indian indigenous traditional organic food. A project initiated exclusively by parents for parents at whatsapp holistic group.

How to wash hair with Shikakai Powder

This post will explain the way of using the Shikakai powder. First of all let me thank all of you  for showing interest in using shikakai powder. I am really thankful to the people who helped me in doing this product.

I got to know that many of them have doubt about how to use this shikakai powder as some are using it for the first time. Please refer below for the procedure.

  1. Mix this Shikakai powder 2 hours before the wash  or previous night with water (Actually rice water works well) into a smooth paste and leave it.
  2. Massage your hair and scalp with oil of your choice.
  3. Split your hair into two halves n Take shikakai  paste and spread all over the hair and scalp and wait for 5 min.
  4. Take little water  and rub the hair with your hand gently. Take more water as required.
  5. Wash off and redo if necessary.
  6. You will feel the softness once your hair dries.

The amount of shikakai depends on the length of your hair. I hope this is clear if you have any doubt feel free to reach me at sriharicares@gmail.com.

Author: Sri Nandhini Hari

I’m Sri Nandhini Hari, a B.Com & M.B.A finance post graduate and have worked in American Express Bank as an Asst. Manager and later with CTS as Financial Analyst. I have a passion towards our own tradition and culture and this has triggered me to share the natural and homemade products to a bigger community for the benefit of all.

HOMEMADE UBTAN- Traditional bath powder

Homemade Green gram powder is a herbal bath powder used for babies. The custom of making this homemade bath powder for babies has been followed for many years. Generally you would not get this bath powder at shops. This powder is very effective antiseptic and prevents the child from skin diseases. We give oil massage to babies and bath them with this powder. You can see the benefits of oil massage for babies in this link . Regular use of this powder will gradually reduce the body hair growth in girl babies. If you need for boys please let me know as you have to lessen the amount of Kasthuri Manjal and Poolankazhangu.


We used to make this powder at home especially for new born babies. I found out from our watsapp group that there were expectant mother and new born babies, so I thought I would help them in making this powder.

All the ingredients used to make this powder are  natural. Therefore, it does not have any harmful side effects and suits all skin types.  I have listed the ingredients used to make this ubtan below with its benefits.

Payatha Maavu (For Baby Skin)
S.No Ingrediants Use
1 Green moong Does not strip natural oil,softens skin,Removes the baby hair in the skin
2 Channa dhal Helps to improves complexion, lightens n maintains fairness
3 Kasthuri Manjal/ Wild Turmeric Anti onxidant,anti inflamatory,anti septic n anti bacterial,removes unwanted hair,keeps the baby skin blemish free
4 Poolankayangu / White Turmeric Good for skin, imparts fragrance, prevents infection n heals damaged skin
5 Vasanai podi* Consists of Rose petals, Vettiver , vasambu

*This vasanai podi is used to suppress the smell of green gram powder.

Please note that this product should be made during hot summer as all the ingredients must be dried properly. I will collect orders and make as per the demand. In case you need it later , you can always let me know as I can get it ready during the month of October as it is the next possible time to get this prepared. The shelf life of this product is 4 to 5 months if  maintained properly. Make sure you take little for the usage and store the rest in an air tight container. See to that the powder is kept away from any moisture.

Cost is Rs. 360/ Half KG.  If anyone is interested you can place your order on the above mentioned link . For more information email us @sriharicares@gmail.com or call me at 7760292062/9884554149.

We are part of HLP STORE , a project initiated exclusive by parents for parents at whatsapp holistic group.

Author: Sri Nandhini Hari

I’m Sri Nandhini Hari, a B.Com & M.B.A finance post graduate and have worked in American Express Bank as an Asst. Manager and later with CTS as Financial Analyst. I have a passion towards our own tradition and culture and this has triggered me to share the natural and homemade products to a bigger community for the benefit of all.

Shikakai Powder – For the Health of Hair

Dear Friends,

In our whatsapp group, we generally insist on oil bath as we all know that benefits of the same. You can see the benefits of oil massage for babies in this link. For an oil bath one of the best hair washing powder is shikakai powder and Green Gram Powder (Payatha Maavu) – Ubtan For Babies. I found out that many parents do not have option other than buying shikakai power available from market. That is when I decided to help the bigger community with this homemade product which is natural and does not have any chemicals.

Our Ancient Indian practice uses Shikakai powder for washing our hair. I am one of the parent of this group who believes that there should be some scientific reason behind our ancient practice. This Ancient Shikakai powder acts as a natural astringent for hair enhancing its binding properties. It clears dandruff and cleans the dirt accumulated on the scalp. Being a natural conditioner for hair, shikakai strengthens hair roots and promotes luxuriant growth. This homemade Shikakai powder has certain vital properties that act as coolants for the scalp.

At our home we have been using this homemade shikakai powder for generations. Generally during summer we prepare this  SHIKAKAI POWDER which includes ingredients that will enhance the growth and health of hair. I had learnt the art of making this shikakai powder from my grandmother and have been preparing this at home.


I generally try to restrict myself from buying these kind of items outside. But nowadays most of us do not have time to do all these things because it is a long process and time consuming. As this is not a business , I will collect orders and make as per the demand. This is a product has to be prepared only during summer , so I may not have extra stock. In case you need it later , you can always let me know as I can get it ready during the month of October which is the next possible time to get this prepared.

Normal Shikakai Powder available in the market consists only of 3 to 4 ingredients like Shikakai, Soap nut or Methi or dried amla but at home we make this ancient shikakai powder with 14 ingredients which i have listed below with its benefits

Ancient Shikkakai Powder
S.No Ingrediants Use
1 Shikakai Hair growth, Treating Dandruff, Scalp related disease,Keeps the hair healthy and lusturous
2 Methi seeds Treats dandruff and Helps in regrowth of hair,Reverses baldness, prevents premature greying, Body coolent
3 Green gram Reduce hair breakage,Removes dandruff,Gives dark colour n shine to hair
4 Lemon skin Improves dull hair,Hair smells fresh n clean
5 Dried amla / Nellimulli Conditions hair leaving it Soft n luscious,Prevents greying
6 Rice Helps to detanle n manage hair, improves hair elasticity,strenghtens hair roots
7 Hibiscus flower Improves texture,Stimulates blood circutaion in scalp,Strenghthens root n hair
8 Hibiscus leaves
9 Boondhi Kottai/ Soap nut To get Soapy nature,cleans scalp,adds shine,anti fungal agent
10 Neem leaves / Veppilai Prevents hairloss,enhances growth,kills head lice,anti bacterial
11 Curry leaves Repairs damaged roots,Reduces hair fall,stops hair thinning,treats premature greying, strengthens hair  follicules
12 Dried Rose petal Tightens scalp,Gives a good smell in hair
13 Dried Maruthani leaves Treats dry brittle hair, colours n conditions hair
14 Vettiver Very fragrant n cooling,treats lice n relieves stress

You can keep this product for more than 6 months if maintained properly. Make sure you take little for the usage and store the rest in an air tight container. See to that the powder is kept away from any moisture.

 If anyone is interested you can place your order by clicking on the above button. For more information please mail @sriharicares@gmail.com or call me at 7760292062/9884554149.

Natural Lathering Shikakai Powder

As per feedback from many of you, here is another version of shikakai powder which produces lather and makes it easy to wash the oily hair. Wanted to have an All Natural Lathering Shikakai Powder which can substitute the use of shampoos and was working on it for quite sometime and here it is for you! !

This combination of natural products will be –

  • Easy to wash
  • Produce lather in order to remove the oil and clean the scalp
  • Helps to have healthy, smooth and shiny hair
  • Naturally conditions the hair

This all natural product which consists of shikakai, amla, methi, reetha and arappu powder is sun dried and grinded in shikakai grinding machine . This frothing shikakai powder can be used just like a shampoo. We need to mix the powder with water and make it thin, to a pouring consistency, like a shampoo. This can be used separately or can be mixed with the ancient shikakai powder in equal amount to get the benefits of other herbs.

Please refer the below link for easy way of washing hair with shikakai powder


You can keep this product for more upto 6 months if maintained properly. Make sure you take little for the usage and store the rest in an airtight container. See to that the powder is kept away from any moisture.
 If anyone is interested you can place your order at below link. For more detail email @sriharicares@gmail.com or call me at 7760292062/9884554149.

We are part of HLP STORE, a project initiated exclusive by parents for parents at whatsapp holistic group.

Author: Sri Nandhini Hari

I’m Sri Nandhini Hari, a B.Com & M.B.A finance post graduate and have worked in American Express Bank as an Asst. Manager and later with CTS as Financial Analyst. I have a passion towards our own tradition and culture and this has triggered me to share the natural and homemade products to a bigger community for the benefit of all.