Rituals to Redesign Every Day

Do you all know that we are under the influence of a specific planet every Day?

Do you know each Day of the week is dominated by a particular planet?

Our Ancestors have formulated very simple practices to follow through which we can reap the maximum advantages of the Day.

This webinar is all about those easy-to-follow Tantric Tips that have been followed for generations. 

Learn the Dos and DON’Ts of every Day and pave your way for a more fruitful life with less burden.

Avail the recording of this past event: https://rzp.io/l/webinar-recordings

Contact : Minu +919513580222

Contact for more details: Minu: +91 95135 80222


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Subhashita #12 – Shlokas For Our Daily Life

Anything that we do, we should show our gratitude to His holiness.

Here are the shlokas  which are to be chanted during our daily routine, from the time we wake up in the morning till we go to sleep at night.


Author: Roopa

By Roopa Prasanna I am a homemaker with two kids a son and a daughter aged 9 and 6 yrs respectively. I love telling stories to my kids. It has helped them to grow up better and they are more relaxed at the end of the day. My other hobbies are listening to music and reading. I have always believed our ancient wisdom holds the key to many of our questions. You can reach me at roopa.hebbar AT gmail.com