Whole Black Urad Dal Laddoos

Healthify your snacks!

When I tried Homemade Sathu Maavu laddoos and shared with my friends and family, I got more requests, motivation and confidence to try other varieties of laddoos. No one cannot say no to these healthy laddoos right? 🙂

This time I tried with Unpolished Whole Urad Dal which I bought from the monthly grocery shopping from HLP Store. We all know how Black Urad helps all the women to strengthen their hip region. This is one of the best dishes for the young girls who are nearing / just attained / started puberty.

Also it can be considered as the ultimate post-workout laddoo for the health conscious people! It has the right amount of minerals, energy for your body!

Here is the recipe I followed for making these yummy and healthy laddoos.



  • In a pan, dry roast urad dal until it turns crispy, on a low flame without burning.
  • After it turns crispy, cool down and make fine powder in mixer along with jaggery powder & cardamom powder.
  • If you like the crunchy texture, coarsely grind the urad dal. For kids, it’s better to make it fine powder.
  • Add ghee and check the consistency. You should be able to hold the laddoo shape when you roll it with hands.
  • You can also coarsely grinded dry roasted cashews to get the nutty flavor or add the crushed ones.
  • Roll them into laddus and store them in an air tight container.

Shared by Hima Bindu, HLP WORLD Community

Healthy Sathumaavu Laddoos

We started using Sathu maavu at our home when my grandma was feeling weak and fatigued. At the same time my sister also delivered a baby, and she was in search for food items that can give her better strength & health.

As preparing of this mavvu/powder at home itself from scratch is time consuming process (sprouting, drying, roasting and powdering), my mom started to use a store-bought famous brand. But we were not satisfied as it increased our body weight.

So, we started to make our own powder at home, and it was super food for babies & adults. As days passed, we couldn’t prepare it due to daily workload, unavailability of people and arranging good quality ingredients.

After I joined HLP community, I understood the importance of avoiding 5 whites and wanted to replace milk at home. I was eagerly waiting for this product in HLP Store, as it is the one place, we could buy trusted products.

 I started to make kanji with this sattu mavvu. Sometimes I add ginger, jeera, onions, and fresh coriander leaves and it would be my first drink in the morning after having water on empty stomach. If you have 1 glass of this kanji, you will not feel hungry or fatigue until lunch. Unfortunately, my kids and husband are not very fond of this health mix.

But I wasn’t ready to compromise on their health. Being a mother, you need to learn tweaking healthy foods into whole family’s diet, understanding their taste buds and body needs too. I made laddoos out of it so that they can also enjoy Satthu as healthy snacks.

Heartful gratitude to HLP World Store for bringing this product for us. Hope all start to reap the benefits of this wonderful product.

Sharing the recipe, I followed for making the delicious laddoos. Hope you all try this and share the feedback.



  • Dry roast the Sathu Maavu Mix for 2-3 minutes in low flame. Make sure not to over-roast/burn it.
  • Transfer to mixing bowl and allow it to cool.
  • Chop the deseeded dates, coarsely grind the nuts, jaggery and ghee.
  • Add to the roasted powder and mix well.
  • Roll them into laddus and store them in an air tight container.


  • If you use jaggery syrup, make sure you finish the dish in 15 days.
  • If you use dry jaggery powder, the shelf life is more.
  • Add a pinch of Himalayan salt to enhance sweet taste.
  • Adjust ghee as per your needs
  • You can add your own creative culinary ideas, like you can add  dry rose petals.

Shared by Hima Bindu, HLP WORLD Community



  1. Poha – 1 cup
  2. Honey – little
  3. Palm jaggery – little
  4. Red banana – 1


Wash poha well and soak in water for half an hour. Then squeeze out the water and add poha to a mixer. Add jaggery, honey and banana to it. Pour very little water and grind it to a smooth paste. This can be given to kids above 1 year once a day.

Author: Saranya

I’m HomeMaker and a mother of 1 year old baby girl. I have 6 yrs of IT experience with Accenture and IGATE and currently taken break to take care of my little one. I have an interest towards home made ancient recipes which is very healthy for kids and adults and hence started preparing all those at home and thought of sharing the same with all parents.