D.E.A.R – 5 Days of Meditation – Batch 4

Drop Everything And Recharge with Velu Jayaprakash

23rd October – 27th October 2023

The most demanded need of our community ever since we started the WhatsApp Groups is – MEDITATION . Almost everyone I have met in person or online, everyone wants to learn & practice it. I did not take this seriously initially, as I believe, if we do not have a proper body, it is hard to even sit for that long.

I have spent many years in the community trying to make the shift in all our lifestyles with holistic and home remedies to help with all common ailments. But I realize the battle with food is an ongoing one. As we research more and more and help people to come out of this toxic food, the mafia itself is transforming at greater speed with the media to make it even more challenging.

Additionally, pandemic and lockdown created too many psychological issues in everyone’s mind that it might take generations to recover. Over a decade, as a community, I strongly now believe that many of our parents here are now ready with the shift we have already implemented in our lifestyle .

The time has finally come to start sharing this wisdom with all of you . My intuition has given a green signal to go ahead! I have learnt and practiced various types of meditations from various gurus, self taught teachers and many masters. But everything I found is not a direct approach, I felt there is some hidden agenda or some catch or some drawback in every process that I have followed. Over my years of practice I have refined a few methods with the help of some real Siddhas, who are not in Social Media or on the Internet to arrive finally to one of the best ones.

I have followed it for years and it these methods does not require any prerequisites. When we stop doing those fancy meditations, we are back to square one, the same monkey mind will wake up. But what you are going to learn now is something that will transform your life and even if you stop it(which you might not). In case you did, you will stay at that elevated level for a long time.

So here we are with D.E.A.R -Drop Everything And Recharge ! On these 21 days, I will be guiding you step by step daily on how to MEDITATE. You might wonder if you can sit for an hour and meditate ??? Then get ready to discover yourself !!!. I will guide and meditate along with you and expand my Pranamaya Kosha to accommodate you all. I don’t have to be in person to make you all feel the experience. You will feel it wherever you are in the world.

Who can enroll?

🚩 One who wishes to learn meditation and don’t know where/how to start.
🚩 One who believes that they can spend 1hr out of 24hrs for their own wellness which may have multi folded results in all aspects(with their past, previous, present or future lives)
🚩 One who finds the only one reason to join and NOT give 100s of excuses.
🚩 One who can commit to attend regularly on time and practice sincerely.

Enroll only if you agree to these conditions

🚩 Daily you will be up and ready by 4.45 AM IST. Join the session daily before 4.55AM IST. Post 5.05AM IST entries will not be allowed. Kindly respect everyone’s time and efforts.
🚩 You should be MUTE in Audio, UNMUTE in Video. YOU can also MUTE other senses too :).
🚩 NO Discussions, directly dive into the ocean of meditation. You listen to my voice and follow what I say for the next 1 hour. If you want to go for natural urges, leave quietly and come back without much delay.
🚩 NO recording allowed nor will we be sharing any recorded files. As this is heavily customized as per that particular day. I will refine various things to various people based on the need and as a channel. So there is no benefit you get from recordings.

Few Feedbacks received from Batch 1 members

“60 minutes to a better you” is the simplest way to describe this program. I had tried meditation before but couldn’t sit more than 10 minutes due to neck stiffness. Under Velu Anna’s guidance I have been able to sit through the whole hour with ease. The guidelines are practical and easy to follow. These 21 days have made me a calmer person. So if you wish to improve yourself this is surely the path. Thank you Velu anna and the HLP team for this opportunity!


This the most practical introduction to meditation that I’ve had. Though I missed couple of sessions I’m happy I completed. At least 3 different people have told me that I’m glowing. From feedback perspective I feel in the initial sessions there were many comments on correcting people’s postures etc. I feel this could have been shared individually without affecting the flow of the meditation. Of course I leave it to the team to find the best way possible. Otherwise it was a great experience. Never seen so many 5ams continously in my life before. I wish to continue practicing.

Priya Thej

Was part of this beautiful 21 day journey. It brings in calmness, peace with one self. I wasnt sure if i could sit for 1 hour in meditation but it was totally possible with Velu’s guided meditation even from day1. Throughout the day had meditative effect, could resent to sit for meditation anytime. Thank you so much Velu anna for sharing this meditation process. You are such a wonderful soul.


I was lucky to be a part of the first batch of 21 days of meditation. It was a beautiful experience for me especially on the 21st day. I felt really blissful. If someone wants to start meditation or want to learn authentic way of doing meditation then please do enroll. Infinite Gratitude to you Sir for sharing your valuable time, knowledge and experience with all of us


Always wanted to do a meditation class but very skeptical of Joining the classes. But any class at HLP, has been very knowledgeable and techniques have been very effective This 21day journey of meditation has been wonderful and learnt a lot about myself and my body and my personal challenges


Feel really blessed to be part of the first batch, this is my first ever meditation class and am grateful that I didn’t miss even a single day of class and was on time and could sit through the whole one hour.. looking forward to practice it daily and enjoy the benefits of it


It’s a wonderful experience . Every day gained a new experience . So many changes in my body (my sleeping time, food cycle and awakening up early morning )… whether I did the meditation in correct procedure I don’t know but I tried my best and deeply followed ur instructions Anna … Thank you for the wonderful opportunity.. feeling blessed to have this session!


I was part of this 21days meditation, it has been amazing experience. I enjoyed it. It made me calmer ,focused and gave me clarity of thought. So many great things I learnt and best is that we have to behave normal and breathe normal and just have to be aware all the time ( tried many meditations before where they tell to concentrate, to visualize etc). Best ever experience


Thanks for giving the wonderful start of different lifestyle, which I was trying to do it for long time. This 21 days of program, helped to achieve or change things in me like first and foremost waking up by 5.00 am. Even after having a stressful work schedule and restless sleep due to kid’s health issues could able to manage whole day without any issues, thanks to meditation session. Thanks for this wonderful knowledge.


Being a person with zero idea about meditation, these 21 days of D.E.A.R have taken me on an incredible journey. It brought a new and unique experience every day. There’s still a long way to go, and I’m enjoying my baby steps towards a wonderful journey to my inner self.

Find more testimonials here

Lets D.E.A.R together !!!
Date : 23rd- 27th October 2023

Time : 5 AM – 6 AM IST
Register Here: https://rzp.io/l/DEARB4Oct

Register before: 22nd October 2023, 03.03 p.m. IST
Venue : Online , Zoom session

Contact : Mareeswari +919566025481
Note : The introduction video is about the first batch of D.E.A.R Meditation which was a 21days Program. This Batch 4 event is for 5 days from 23rd October to 27th October 2023

10 thoughts on “D.E.A.R – 5 Days of Meditation – Batch 4”

  1. My sincere gratitude to Velu and team for offering this 21 day program . I missed several sessions as I am in a different time zone . 7:30 PM is just a difficult time for me to drop everything .The few sessions I attended were simple yet powerful . I never thought I could sit for an hour , but I was able to do so each time I participated . I hope to join the next 21 daysession and learn a few things that I missed .
    If you are new to meditation, this is your golden opportunity .

    Gratitude to Velu , Archana , Karthik , Anusha, Minu and all the HLP volunteers who worked behind the scenes .
    God bless All .

  2. Thanks to Velu Anna for introducing the D.E.A.R meditation. Waking up early everyday, sitting continuously for an hour has improved my will power. Being a very short tempered person, I have drastically changed to a calmer, more peaceful person. My food habits have automatically changed and I feel healthier. I’ve been having blocked ears from last two years, no medication has helped it cure permanently. Surprisingly I don’t have it anymore from the second day of meditation! Another major change is I have become more efficient in my daily tasks, even the toughest task seems to be simpler and can be accomplished in a shorter time! A million thanks to Anna and his team!

  3. This was my 3rd session of meditation..I m not a morning person so rt. from d beginning, I thought how will I get up so early & that too for 21 consecutive days , yet donno what energy I got during d meditation that I could do it happily. ( I missed only 1-2 days in each of d session). So that was my first achievement.
    2. I feel during last 6 months, I have become very cool, I don’t lose my temper so often . Even if, I do then m back to normal soon
    3. Last 1 month was very challenging for me. There were 4 medical emergencies at my place, I was very much worried, I got this intuition that …just take action rather than worrying…& I just did that…with d grace of God, now all is well and I didn’t lose my temper during that challenging time.
    These r few of d many advantages that I can narrate here, else it’s a big list..but in nutshell, I m grateful to Anna who puts his heart n soul during each meditation session to impart this knowledge to us…Gratitude

  4. Sitting for 1 hr of meditation, waking up as early as 4:30 am every morning are things that I never thought I could introduce into my daily routine. But the last 21 days has made it possible and credit goes to D.E.A.R Meditation.
    These 21 days have benefited me in several ways right from controlling my hunger pangs to helping me with my migraine to introducing discipline in my day to day life.
    The whole day I felt focused, clear and full of energy. The best part was that i was able to maintain my calm during stressful & emotional situations and deal with them more effectively.
    My sincere gratitude for introducing the technique of meditation in the simplest yet most effective way into our lives.
    Heartfelt gratitude to the entire team who supported us through out and gave us the necessary push when it was most needed

  5. I feel extremely happy- and blessed to be part of this meditation group. I thank Velu anna, admins and the other friends whom I am meditated along.
    I wanted to list a few things that I have felt during this 21 days.
    1.Bucketting the thoughts was a beautiful idea which brain got trained. Those unwanted negative thoughts just got vanished over time. Infact I was telling this to my kids. Special Thanks Velu anna.
    2. I had a very deep sleep.
    3. Getting up at 4.30 was a task impossible for a long time. But I was able to happily getup and start. It broke down that impossible block within me.
    4. I was energetic throughout the day and my family members commented about that.
    5.I had headache few times, but then when I started doing Egg in the evenings , that vanished.

    My sincere prayers to velu anna and team to be healthy and spread this to many people. Thank you.

  6. I wanted to be a part of DEAR meditation ever since 1st batch was announced.

    I have seen visible changes in me, as follows :

    Laziness has reduced a lot almost close to none.
    I feel Energy level is always good. If I see my recent past 21 days ago I used to get tired or bored easily which is not the case anymore.
    Procrastination is becoming lesser. It’s not over yet but I can see I am inclined toward getting thins done instead of postponing it.
    Irritation or feeling anger on very small things or toward family member is also significantly reduced.

    I am sure as I will continue everyday i will become better at everything. I have deepest & sincere gratitude for Velu Anna & also for HLP World.


  7. Last 21 days how they passed I don’t know … Because of the festival lots of places I changed, sleeping schedule changed but one thing is same that is meditation… I thought meditation itself provide me that dedication… It provide lots of energy in both the ways mentally and physically… give balance strength and calmness…by mediation i identify how much energy i have and got an idea also how i use my energy … I don’t have words to explain the feeling after meditation… It was amazing experience… .Thank you thank you so much Anna for the lovely 21 days of meditation… I eagerly want to join offline meditation under the guidance of you …

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