Venthaya kanchi with millets (Natural body coolent)


Varagu/saamai/thinai/kuthiraivali – 125g
Moong dal- 50g
Garlic pods- 7
Fenugreek seeds soaked overnight- 1/2 table spoon                                       Coconut paste                                                                                           Butter milk


Cook the above specified ingredients to pongal consistency.

After removed from the stove, add 1 cup of coconut paste and mix well

Allow it cool down a bit and add buttermilk and it’s ready

Goes well with any Chutney/thuvayal or pickle.

A very good coolent for our body. A must try during summer!!!

Aval/Poha Ladoo


Aval: 200g
Mix of walnuts, cashews and badam: 50g
Brown sugar: 200g
Cardamom powder: 2 tsp
Desi ghee:100 ml



Grind brown Brown sugar separately
Grind the nuts separately
Grind the aval separately
Mix the powders without any lumps… heat the ghee and add to the mixture and make ladoos.

Healthy ladoos ready to give power for the chota bheems of our house….

Black rice aval(Karuppu Kavuni)can be substituted with other Millets and flattened rice like Ragi aval, Bajra Aval/Poha , Diabetic/Arthirites Poha ( Kattuyanam), Normal Aval or Poha

Sweet Dry Fruit Aval/Poha (Traditional Rice Variety)


Irungu cholam Aval – 100g
Grated Coconut- 25g
Jaggery powder – 50g
Cardamom powder a pinch
Ghee – 2 table spoons
Mix of dry fruits – 2 table spoons


Was and soak the aval for 5 min…Remove excess water…
In a pan, add one spoon of ghee and add aval, jaggery powder and coconut.. sprinkle a bit of water and toss nicely until the jaggery powder dissolves and mixes well with aval… fry the dry fruits in another vessel in 1 spoon of ghee and add to aval.. add a pinch of cardamom and toss well… the dish is ready…

Note: the coconut and jaggery powder quantities can be increased or decreased as per the like..

Irugu cholam aval/poha can be substituted with other  flattened rice like Ragi aval, Bajra Aval/Poha , Diabetic/Arthirites Poha ( Kattuyanam), Black rice aval(Karuppu Kavuni), Normal Aval or Poha

Black Rice Sweet Paniyaram


Karupu kavuni Rice -200g

urad dal 25g

fenugreek seeds  1/2 tbsp

Cardamom powder a pinch

Jaggery Powder 250ms

Dry ginger powder 1tbsp


Soak the Black rice, urud dal and methi seeds for 4 hours. Grind to idli batter consistency and let it sit for overnight fermentation

Add jaggery powder, dry ginger powder and a pinch of cardamom powder after fermentation.

Heat oil in a pan or paniyaram vessel and make healthy tasty sweet paniyarams.

This Black rice can be substituted with other traditional Rice like  Immunity Rice( Mappilai samba),Diabetic/Arthirites ( Kattuyanam), Black rice flour (Karuppu Kavuni),normal Idli rice….

Ancient way of storing water in Copper Vessel

(28/365) Glass of water

We all know water is the elixir of life. It comprises two-thirds of our body, and we utilize this bodily resource during our various daily activities – eating, breathing, walking and more. We all know that it is commonly recommended to drink 8 glasses of water per day. Do we know that drinking water during winters is as important as drinking water during summers, to keep our body hydrated. As the weather gets colder and colder outside, we tend to wear or cover ourselves with heavy clothes to keep us warm. We dont feel thirsty anymore and without even realising, we take less amount of water, which eventually leads to dehydration. Dehydration has a major effect on the brain and energy levels and various other functions of the body parts.

Having said that, are we drinking enough water? Is our drinking water safe? Chances of water borne diseases caused by virus and bacteria are high during rainy and winter seasons. So, how do we make sure our drinking water is really safe for drinking? Here is a very simple, cost effective and easy solution which our ancestors having been using for ages.

Today we talk about various scientific methods of filtering the water and yet, we know it all comes at a cost to get a good healthy tasty water. It is amazing to know how our ancesters were able to use simple methods to filter water to free from various harmful particles and micro organisms.

Copper Vessels

Copper Vessel

Storing water in copper pots for purification of water finds mention in ancient texts of Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, water stored in a copper vessel has the ability to balance all the three doshas in our body, (vata, kapha and pitta) and it does so by positively charging the water. The storage process is known to kill all the micro-organisms that includes virus and bacteria. Thus making it perfectly fit for the drinking purpose.

Curious to know how it works? When water is stored in a copper vessel for about 16 hours, copper, in very small quantities gets dissolved in water. This process, known in scientific parlance as the  “oligodynamic effect”  has the power to destroy a wide range of molds, fungi, algae and harmful microbes due to its toxic effects on living cells.

Storing water in copper vessels not only kills the harmful microbes but also provides various health benefits. Copper is an essential micro-nutrient required by our body at a level of about 1mg/day. Drinking water stored in copper vessel meets this requirement. In-addition, it stimulates the brain, promotes bone strength, aids in digestion , regulates body fat, acts as anti-carcinogenic, regulates functioning of thyroid gland, prevents joint pain, aids in hemoglobin synthesis, maintains acid-alkaline balance in body, helps in improving fertility and conception, prevents white patches on skin, helps in healing of internal wounds and slows down ageing due to its antioxidant property.

Wondering how to start? buy a good quality copper jug. Fill water and keep it overnight and drink the positively charged water early morning or 2-3 times in a day – that is more than enough to reap its benefits. Don’t refrigerate that water.

Here is how to clean the jug. Copper oxidizes naturally and needs to be cleaned at regular intervals. Wash the copper vessel regularly with fresh lemon or a paste made out of salt and tamarind. Do not scrub or use normal dish wash chemicals as they could react with copper.

No wonder our ancestors had copper vessels for drinking water. And don’t you think they had lived longer and healthier. In this modern age, we often choose convenience over a healthier living – drinking bottled water for example is not only harmful for the environment but also pose health risks. Isn’t it better to follow this old practice instead?

Have you decided to buy a copper jug? I have already bought mine 😊