Secrets of the Siddhas: Exploring the Mystical World of Mantras

A Gurukul by Velu Jayaprakash

For centuries, mantras have been used as a powerful tool for healing, meditation, and spiritual growth. Today, more and more people are turning to this ancient practice to find balance, harmony, and inner peace. it is a journey through the rich history of mantra, exploring its spiritual, psychological, and astrological aspects. It is designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of how mantras work, and how they can be used to transform your life.

We will cover the

  • Basic principles of Mantras
  • More advanced practices of Japa,
  • How to use specific mantras with different types of Japa malas.
  • How to use mantras for various purposes, including healing, manifesting abundance, and spiritual growth.
  • Techniques to help you stay focused and centered, even during times of stress and chaos.
  • How to use mantras to unlock your potential, and to achieve your goals and dreams.

What sets this course apart from others is that it is based on the rich tradition of Siddhas, who have passed down their knowledge of mantras through oral tradition. This means that the wisdom you will gain from this course cannot be found on Google or in books.

If you are looking to deepen your spiritual practice, to heal emotional wounds, or to find balance and harmony in your life, then Mantra is the course for you. Join us on this journey, and discover the power of mantras for yourself.

prayer beads necklace in close up photography

Date & Time: 23rd April 2023 8AM to 4PM IST

Enrollment closed!

Contact for more details: Minu : +91 95135 80222

Switch on your potential with Switchwords!

A Gurukul by Velu Jayaprakash

As you all know, We at HLP focus not only focus only Ancient wisdom from our ancestors, we keep an keen eye on new age approach in healing, we believe best of both and holistic approach towards life.

In those lines, one of the most demanded topics from our community for Gurukul is Switchwords. You may notice a striking similarity between these powerful words and the ancient practice of mantra. Both Switchwords and mantra are sacred sounds that are believed to hold transformative power, and both can be used to help us connect with our inner selves and unlock our full potential.

Like mantra, Switchwords are a tool for harnessing the power of sound and vibration to create positive change in our lives. And just as chanting a mantra can help us cultivate a deeper sense of peace and calm, using Switchwords can help us access our inner wisdom and tap into the limitless potential of the universe.

So if you’re drawn to the power of mantra and looking for a modern, accessible tool to support your spiritual growth and transformation, consider exploring the world of Switchwords. You may be surprised at the profound impact these simple yet powerful words can have on your life and well-being.

Join us on a journey of self-discovery and transformation as we explore the incredible healing potential of Switchwords. The program is designed to help you tap into your inner wisdom and unleash your full potential, using powerful tools and techniques to support your growth and healing.

Whether you’re struggling with emotional pain, physical ailments, or simply feeling stuck in your life, our program offers a path towards healing and transformation. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to tap into the power of Switchwords and unleash your full potential.

Enroll in our 30-day program today and experience the transformation for yourself! This program is entirely online, you can participate from anywhere in the world, at your own pace and on your own schedule.

Meanwhile, we would like to share few of the feedbacks we received from the current batch

Today I was panic after hearing some bad news. Immediately to come out of the I did chant the SW. Didn’t remember exactly how many times I did. But after 3,4 mins I was fine and my mind was calm. It tremendously worked today.


I used the switchwords and It immediately worked for me with in 1 hr.

I continued with same intension for next day too .. it improved very well and I am really happy …😊😃

It worked well when u feel that it really happened …your positive thinking is more important to attract the benefits of this switch words is what I felt personally …

Hima Bindu

Today I completed Day-3.
The keyword you taught last day really worked in my case. I took the affirmation yesterday but today after chanting, I got the answer for that memory / emotion which I released. Also I have been waiting for an answer to that incident more than 25 years .
Today I literally relieved Anna🙏🏻

Third day
Today morning after chanting whatever intention I set immediately after few mins it is manifested . Really surprised 😮

Thank you and Gratitude for everything Anna 🙏🏻


Enrollments are closed!

Unlocking the Secrets of Yantra: The Siddha Tradition

We are excited to announce our upcoming workshop on Yantra as a part of our Tantra series. Our ancestors have bestowed upon us various practices and wisdom that can help us elevate our soul experience. Yantra is one of the highly demanded topics of our audience, and we are delighted to offer this workshop in Bangalore Gurukul.

In spiritual terms, Yantra is a sacred geometry that represents the energy of a particular deity or a specific intention. The shapes and patterns of Yantra are believed to hold immense power and can be used for meditation, manifestation, and healing purposes. It is said that by using Yantras, one can align their energy with the divine source and receive blessings, protection, and abundance. Yantra is a tool that can help individuals to connect with their higher self and gain spiritual insight and wisdom. 

The intricate geometrical patterns of Yantra can have a calming effect on the mind and can help individuals to focus their attention and concentration. As a result, practicing Yantra meditation regularly can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and promote feelings of relaxation and inner peace. It is a tool for self-improvement, personal growth, and spiritual development. It can help individuals to tap into their inner resources and connect with their higher self, ultimately leading to greater happiness, fulfillment, and well-being.

Ayurveda and Siddha Medicine, it was used as a way to balance and harmonize the body’s energy systems. For example, Yantras may be used in combination with specific herbs, acupuncture, or other healing modalities to enhance their effectiveness.

In this workshop, you will learn the importance of Yantra, where and how to use it, and how to create your own Yantra. You will also learn about Yantras for various problems such as relationships, finances, health, ancestral, and past life…

This physical workshop is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to immerse yourself in the ancient wisdom of Yantra. Please do not miss this chance, as we might not be doing this again. However, we might do a tailored version later for those who are unable to attend this workshop.

So, come and join us for this life-changing workshop and take the first step towards unlocking the power of Yantra in your life.

white clouds on blue sky

Date & Time:
26th Mar 2023, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM IST. 

Enrollment Closes
by 23rd Mar 2023, 11:11 AM IST.

Montfort Spirituality Center, Bangalore
(Google Map:

Click here to Enroll

Please Note

  • *After you enroll, you will be added to a dedicated group 2 days before the program.
  • *Enrollment fee may vary, post-enrollment date, Subject to availability of seats.
  • *The Enrollment fees once paid will NOT be eligible for any refund, unless the event gets Postponed/Canceled by the HLP World Team. In such cases, the fees paid will remain with the organization and can be redeemed for future Gurukuls/Sessions or as HLP Store credits. The redemption request made, has to be approved by the program coordinator and once approved the refund option will have a validity period of 6 months to redeem. The final decision remains with the organization. Please reach out to the team in case of any help or have further queries on the same.

Contact for more details: Minu: +91 95135 80222

Interested in learning more about holistic, spiritual with common sense, traditional therapies, healing methods, etc.? Check out our recordings list of all our Gurukuls & E-webinars! Avail first-time discounts if you are enrolling for the first time!

Forgotten Indian Veggies

This was shared in our whatsapp community as part of reviving the ancient wisdom regular series. Join us to gain more wisdom!

These veggies may be rare and slowly disappearing from our plates, but they are bursting with flavors and nutrients that our bodies and souls crave. We have included common names in English and the botanical name only otherwise the post would be longer if we cover the native language names.

  1. Bread fruit – Artocarpus altilis
    Family of jackfruit & mulberry. It gets its name from the fact that its texture is often compared to that of freshly baked bread. While breadfruit is often cooked and eaten like a vegetable, it is actually a fruit that is harvested when it is mature but still unripe. When cooked, the flesh of the breadfruit is soft, creamy, and slightly sweet, with a mild flavor that is often compared to that of potatoes.
    Breadfruit is a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It is also a good source of complex carbohydrates, which can provide sustained energy. Because of its high nutritional value, breadfruit is sometimes referred to as a “superfood.”
  2. Sword Beans – Canavalia gladiata
    They are known for their long, slender pods that resemble a sword, hence their name. The pods of sword beans can grow up to 1.5 feet long and contain 6-12 seeds each. In addition to being used as a food source, sword beans are also used in traditional medicine in many cultures. They are believed to have various health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, lowering cholesterol levels, and improving digestion.
  3. Palmyra Sprout
    Also known as toddy palm sprouts or ice-apple, are the young shoots of the palmyra palm tree. It can be eaten raw or cooked and are often used in salads, soups, and stir-fries. You can also make flour out of and it and consume it several ways.
  4. Veldt Grape – Cissus quadrangularis
    A good source of calcium and may help to strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis. While we all might have seen the ordinary 4 sided(sathura pirandai, hence quadrangularis) pirandai, there are more in Nature like rounded one(mani/uruttu pirandai), 3 sided(muppirandai), sweet(inippu), flat ones(olai), puli(sour), wild pirandai, leaf pirandai(ilai) etc. Also if its nodes are close to each other, they are classified as female and if far apart, they are classified as male. If you are reluctant to grow, or go through the precautionary measures of cleaning them, our fast selling store products made using Pirandai – Pirandai idli podi, Pirandai Vathal/papad are here for your rescue!
  5. Turkey berry – Solanum torvum
    Apart from its medicinal properties, it is used as a food source in many parts of the world. The fruit is often used in cooking as a flavoring agent and is particularly popular in Indian, Thai, and Indonesian cuisines. A great source of iron and calcium. It can heal stomach aches and enhance digestion. Tamil cuisine’s famous recipe Vathal Kuzhambu, Angaya podi are made with dried turkey berries. Make sabjis/stir fries, kuzhambu or curries.
  6. Clove Beans – Ipomoea muricata
    The name came because it looks like clove. The name of this vegetable in Malayalam is “Nithya Vazhuthina”, literally means, ‘Daily Brinjal’. Once it grows and starts flowering, you will get the veggie almost daily!. You need to know the right stage of harvesting time as it matures very soon. There are 3-4 varieties, like green and white long ones, purple ones, green & white short ones etc. This creeper plant comes from the same family as Morning glory, but unlike morning glory which flowers in day time, Clove bean flowers in the evening.
  7. Winged Beans – Psophocarpus tetragonolobus
    They are so named because their pods have distinctively winged edges, which make them resemble small airplanes. A highly nutritious vegetable with a good source of protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. The plant is versatile and the entire plant, including its leaves, flowers, roots, and tubers, are edible and are used in different ways in different cuisines. The young and tender pods of the winged bean can be cooked and eaten like green beans, while the seeds can be cooked and eaten like peas or roasted and ground into flour. The leaves and flowers of the plant can be used in salads or cooked dishes, and the tubers can be boiled, roasted or fried and used in various recipes.
    It is also used in traditional medicine for various health benefits. They are relatively easy to grow and are an excellent addition to any vegetable garden or a healthy diet.
  8. Little WildGourd – Momordica cymbalaria
    A relative of bitter gourd but contains higher amounts of calcium, potassium, sodium, vitamin C and fiber than bittergourd. It can be used to make Poriyal,fry, pulikulambu, pickle, and vadagam etc. The fruits and tubers were used in the traditional medicine and as well as vegetable food by the tribal farmers. The fruits are useful in treating gout, rheumatism and sub-acute cases of the spleen and liver disease. The fruits juice and leaf tea of Little Wild Gourd is employed for diabetes, malaria, colic, sores and wounds, infections, worms and parasites, as an emmenagogue, and for measles, hepatitis, and fevers. Fruit pulp, leaf juice and seeds possess antihelimetic activity. This veggie is under threat of extinction.
  9. Giant Granadilla – Passiflora quadrangularis
    One of the largest fruit producing plant in the passiflora(passion fruit) family. Its a climber with squared sides(like Veldt Grape), hence the name ‘Quadrangularis’. While fruit is consumed as juice/beverage in some parts of the world, it is cooked as a vegetable for curries too. If you are growing this plant, if you can grow the passion fruit also, can help this plant to have more fruits. It is a tropical fruit that is not widely available in many parts of the world, but is certainly worth trying if you have the opportunity.
  10. Purple Yam – Dioscorea alata
    The plant is a type of yam and is related to other starchy root vegetables, such as sweet potato and cassava(tapioca).The root vegetable can be cooked in a variety of ways, including boiling, steaming, baking, or frying, and can be used to make everything from cakes and pastries to ice creams and jams. Purple yam is also a nutritious food, rich in complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and various vitamins and minerals. It is particularly high in potassium, which is important for maintaining healthy blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart diseases.
  11. Red Sorrel – Hibiscus sabdariffa
    Also known as Roselle, is a species of hibiscus plant. The one in poster is the edible calyces, which are the fleshy, cup-shaped structures that surround the seed pods of the plant. Red sorrel has a tart, fruity flavor and is used in a variety of culinary applications, including making teas, jams, jellies, sauces, and beverages. It is a good source of antioxidants, including vitamin C and anthocyanins, which are plant compounds that have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and disease-fighting properties. Some studies have suggested that red sorrel may have beneficial effects on blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and liver health. The plant is also used in traditional medicine for a variety of purposes. The leaves and flowers of the plant are sometimes used to make a poultice that can be applied to the skin to help with inflammation, while the seeds of the plant are sometimes used to treat digestive problems.
  12. Red Okra
    If you ask anyone to tell the okra color they would say green color. But are you aware that there are many varieties out there? Red okra is one of the native variety. There are more, like elephant tusk, musk/wild okra etc.
    Red okra is a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins C and K, folate, and potassium. It also contains antioxidants, such as quercetin and rutin, which can help protect the body against cell damage. In terms of culinary uses, red okra can be prepared in a similar manner to green okra. It can be boiled, roasted, fried, or pickled, and can be used in a variety of dishes, such as soups, stews, and curries. Red okra can also be used in fresh salads, as a garnish, or as a colorful addition to vegetable platters.

Let us not forget the wisdom of our ancestors, who knew the value of these vegetables long before we did. By rediscovering them, we can learn to appreciate the bounty of nature and reconnect with our roots. So, let’s spread the joy of these forgotten veggies and inspire others to do the same. Let’s sow the seeds of love, beauty, and health in our hearts and in our communities.
