Various Groups
As mentioned in your welcome message, there are various groups the core teams handles. Let share the it, as many parents are confused that we run many group, technically there are many group we do not own, to clarify I am share the group we officially support. They are Aloevera
The above group is same where we discuss all holistic topics. Admins make sure any thing interesting from each other group is passed on to others. So you will not miss any action from other group. Since the parents are in large volumes, we created different groups.
Follow are specialized group with specific purpose, To join ping admins. these groups are
Sanjevani group – This is a dedicated group of parents who only seek and offer blessing to each other. To join ping admins.
A2 Milk group – This group is only for A2 users from A2 project and parents who are in waiting list for milk in A2 project. Here there is no discussion about the wisdom, it is only restricted to Accounts & Logistics of the project. solo admin.
Nalla group – This group is a set of dedicated parents, who at a regular interval, use the ancient food ingredients to come up with new recipes. There is no discussion, But moving forward we are open for discussion, once they share the recipes with photo, we blog it. So that other parents who switch to natural / organic food can follow. Unless you contribute, do not join the group.
Parenting group – few parents use this discuss about the next parenting blog, etc. we will add more parents into this group as the survey or based on their passion. You have to be a contributor here. This group is not about parenting discsion, rather, they come up with blogs, workshop etc.. for parenting that needs to feed into the group..
Support Group
Without this group the whole project, community of selfless service will fall. They are the foundation. If you like to join this group and contribute. Feel free to ping the admins.
Accounts group – This is a group, where the team discuss about swp accounts & tracking, etc. This is group is the fuel for all projects. Amazing set of dedicated parents. To join ping @98732 50616 (Esha) @98943 92720 (Arty) and @98867 09180 (Sandhya)
Parent Coordinators – This is a group has parent’s numbers at the blog, basically, they get calls from new parents to know about the group or swp, they usually talk to them in local language and help to understand our group and introduce them the whatsapp group.
The Core Group – This is a mother of all group, all the FW are reviewed, administration related discussion and so on happens here. Currently this group is big with less active parents, we will soon reduce the size, and will add more active parents. to join – ping admins. You can be quite here, it is a committed group.
There are n number of small group created between parents for a specific purpose.
Add phone +919880138502 to holistic and parenting group
Please fill the call.
My phone +919880138502 please add me to holistic and parenting group
please fill the form to join the group.
Please add me to parenting group and holistic
Please add my phone number to WhatsApp group. I have already submitted the request by filling the questionaire
We did add you. But you have left the group. We do not add people ourselves unless you make a request yourself.
Pls add me back to aleovera group sir….9844372917
you already added in group with other number?
Sir I am already a member of aleoveta holistic group..becaz of some phone problem..I resented my again and me to that group sir..
you have been added