Thanks for amazing response about the reviving food we eat. Now, we are aware of the fact that, we just need 20% of food (including water) twice a day to stay healthy. Let us explore further…
Today, we are bombarded with plenty of artificial and chemically processed food. It is a great myth that, healthy food is not in market or expensive, such as organic or natural farming food. With this false assumption, people consume processed food or fall victim to marketing campaign. They hardly know a fact that, they are opening doors towards non-communicable disease such as, diabetes, heart attack, cancer and so on.
Now, Rather than getting to the various food that is good to eat, let us explore the food, that we should completely avoid. The reason is, it does not makes sense to eat the good food, and we also consume the food that is harming us. It is like taking pure milk and a drop of poison.
Many parents in our whatsapp group constantly ask, what are the remedies to regain or live a healthy lifestyle. The answer is not found in those rare or expensive food, but rather avoiding certain food, does the magic. You will be surprised to see there are plenty of food options that is econimical and healthy.
To lead a holistic healthy lifestyle, we need to avoid 5 white food ingredients. They are:
- Refined Sugar – Replace with Palm Jaggery, Brown Sugar
- Table Salt – Replace with Rock salt and Pink Salt
- Milk – Sukku Malli Water or coconut milk.
- Polished Rice / – Unpolished, traditional Rice. Say no to hybrid rice.
- Maida – There is no replacement for this, you can use Millets powder to some extent.
Just by switching these simple five elements, you will notice tremendous health benefits in short time. It is very important, to adopt these lifestyle changes ASAP, to our children. It is a big topic to discuss on each “White” items which I will blog later…
We got this wisdom from members in our group who has dedicated his life to revive ancient food of India. In case if you like to switch to a healthy lifestyle, do check here and encourage them.