Testimonials on Lockdown Learning

Learning and staying positive during the pandemic times. Let us spread knowledge than spreading virus.

When the lockdown started and when everyone was thinking what to do and how to deal with the lockdown, our community quickly devised a learning plan so all of our paretns make use of the lockdown time effectively and enjoy it it positively. So for 3 weeks, parents from our community who have expertise in their own areas and are passionate about what they do and practice came forward to do the webinars. Thanks to every parent who contributed and selflessly shared their knowledge.

Thanks to Subash and Karthik from the technology team without their support it would have been impoosible to conduct the event.

Here is a huge list of feedbacks from our parents:

I do participate,I think all individuals who are doing seminar and the people who support them are great and we all are so grateful for the effort,the  most memorable thing and  u can see that most of parents are so grateful from their soul. So it’s a soul satisfaction to meet the great practitioner and like minded pioneers. I guess it’s the  first time in the whole great times that such wonderful crowd with positive attitude and great knowledge leaves the session and never forgets it..” – Deepa Babu

The webinar sessions are so informative and very useful as a knowledge source. Instead of lockdown period, these webinars can be conducted on a regular basis so that whichever topics need elaborate discussion can be handled. Above all, We are very grateful for the people who are presenting, thanking them for their time, patience and the effort to share their knowledge with others. Priya, you are doing an amazing job..I saw your first workshop in ezone learning and then today..You are an inspiration to many..It’s actually simple but we have all lost these practices due to our convience, say laziness and so called advertisement world..Thanks for people behind this wonderful session making is us realise” – Minu Amar

“The webinars are truly inspiring and informative. It has helped in lot of learning and now want to explore it by trying to make few changes in life. As told in the admin message the webinars are truly spreading wisdom within. Thank you to all who are taking the initiative”– Bharathi Balarajan

“I joined the group yesterday and attended two webinars live, Watched the earlier ones too. Really inspiring,motivating and informative. The people talk,convey things so lively in such a way that, While we leave the session,some values have already got transferred to us from the speaker.The talk delivery is simple,yet powerful that none can leave the session empty handed. Many thanks to everyone for this initiative, Thanks for the opportunity. We are getting a satisfaction that,The lockdown is being used for learning something new and valuable. Thanks & Regards”.


“Amazing session Anusha. You shared lot of valuable information n tips .On my personal experience One thing I would like to share .I never took iron tabs during my preg though I have twin babies..infact my doct didnt suggest me at all.The reason is the values are always with in the limit.People who are anaemic or haemoglobin levels are dropping, the best home remedy is, take 2 to 3  dry dates n soak over night n take it with water.when you  chew the dates consciously actually you enjoy the juice.I have taken this throughout my preg. Also  make sure you take pomegranate or apple daily once min.These really helps alot in increasing the haemoglobin levels.  
When I tested my haemoglobin levels in 8th month actually it was increased by 0.3. Compared to 3rd month Thank you again Anusha for sharing valuable info.”
-Samatha Kudilika

“I am attending all the webinar daily. My sincere gratitude to the speakers, coordinators and everyone who is making it happen.  Started playing board games which I forgot. Exploring ancient art forms with my six year old. Inspired by up cycling session. Following yoga in a fun way with my daughter which is far easier than the counting. I loved all the sessions, looking forward for more of them. Special thanks to Velu Anna”– Amruta Zhope

I am not able to join in for the live sessions. However i am veiwing them later during my convenient time. The sessions are really good, very informative and helpful .– Balaji

“Lockdown webinars has been one of best part of lockdown. The range of topics and the experience shared by our parents has been truly overwhelming and I thoroughly enjoyed each and every webinar till date. So far I’ve missed only 2 live sessions,but I always ensure I view the recorded versions.
Today’s webinar on Special Children/Parents has touched my heart in numerous ways. My thoughts on todays webinar-“The more we approach without judgement.the more the kids open up. This is great and True. Its starts with mother. Love your child unconditionaly !!!
“Serve your child” is my take away message from this Webinar. These words apply to every parent and child relationship.” Thank you HLP team and Velu Anna for this initiative. My gratitude!


“The sessions are great with lot of information.. It’s a wonderful opportunity to know about new and unique topics like art forms, minimalism, upcycling.etc..” -Jisha

“Indeed a great Insight. Never missed any sessions. The good thing is I have started follow and implement the take away from each session. Except Day-9 session”- Vijay Tejas

“Really feel very blessed to be part of these webinars. My gratitude to each & every soul behind this initiative so far, Most of the topics were like it was particularly for me. Its really thought provoking. As Tanushree said in her Upcycling webinar about her machine -same story with me. I too have a new Machine lying untouched. I was actually exploring with old clothes available @ home during this locked down, now after the webinar i am going to try my hands on Denim as well. Going forward, will be very keen on buying stuffs. Likewise, each webinar has taught me sooo many good things. Thanks a bunch once again” -Shylendhiri Ravi

“I have been watching few webinars , had to miss the rest due to time constraint. They are extremely useful anf inspiring. Choice of topics were diverse and that way it made it more interesting. Kudos to the presenters and experts and the organising team.”-Ramya

“Hi, I am participating or watching recording daily. I am loving it. It’s very inspiring, informative and transformative..My kids also enjoy watching it with me..I don’t know how much they understand but I guess they like the energy of it.. Thank you all so much.” -Monika Mehta

“Today’s parenting session made me cry Priya .I don’t know why but I m not getting connected to my daughter the way I wish to maybe bcoz of my unstable health & due to which mind is always unstable at times & her energy s always on peak so I m getting under scale with her energy & to match her demands .Yes the Parenting session by Divya & today by Bindu had really touched me so deeply that If I express more than words teardrops will roll out .So,I just hope you can understand my feelings & thoughts . It’s really interesting very learning & very informative .Thank you to esteemed Parents,Community Members & ofcourse the Founder Anna”

Ruchi Parmar

“The sessions are very useful . All the topics are really great ‘ Eye openers ‘. Really appreciate all of them who have conducted the sessions with complete professionalism! The content  provided was  mind blowing !!! Each one them open heartedly shared everything that they know”– Vishnu Priya

“Thanks entire team for beautiful sessions.. though I couldn’t login at 9am.. I watch videos later.So much knowledge sharing.Thanks each of the speakers for wonderful sessions n knowledge sharing.Thank you admins n Velu Anna for giving all of us an opportunity to attend such sessions 20 Our Ancient board game with what we have!!Had great fun playing this game.my son enjoyed alot… infact he won the race .Thank u Roopa for reminding us at right moment.”- Harika Balam

“Thank you very much for giving this oppurtunity. Bindu haridas explained well. At the time of explaing about self support i got tears, my current situation made me cry. But her words gave me possitive energy to fase the situation. My 3.3 years autistic kid Athreya can enjoy today unwards with me while playing. Thankyou so much to whole team.” – Savitha

“Today’s session of Divya on parenting 0 to 3 years was too good..Every other sessions were also good..I felt very connected as i have a toddler and  felt to be very helpful information.Thanks Divya”

Kiranmayi Vikram

“Very very nice session.. I don’t have a child yet.. but I thoroughly learnt from it.”- Kanu Jain

Totally second that! Things you mentioned require continuous efforts and kudos to you to keep at it and improving on it.! Inspiration abundance! – Sandhya

“She has given wonderful food for thought..some are very small things that go unnoticed but cause huge changes. Wonderful session by @Priya” – Kiranmayi Vikram

“I connected most of the sessions. Loved the traditional games one! I heard that the rules of the games will be shared in the group. Would be nice, if it is shared. Dr. Lakshmi’s session was very helpful“- Uma Jairam

Although I am unable to be live for the webinars but I am catching up when ever I can. They are very interesting and informative.. The speakers all have immense knowledge and speak from years of experience. Thanks to all the speakers who share their wisdom with us.” – RituSinghi

“I am not able to join live and hence missing to post live queries as well. But I make it a point to go over later whenever I have free time. All the topics covered so far resonates to what I would like transform my lifestyle to. I loved the spiritual embryo topic, native eating and minimalistic living so much. The speakers are definitely experienced and are talking out of there own experiences which brings a different dimension to topics being spoken. I am thankful for the yoga webinar we got introduced to Bihar school of yoga and now while family does / follows yoga lessons from there YouTube site( we were doing random yoga sessions until now ) Gratefulness and looking forward for future webinars !

Nanda Pandey

Author: Priyadarshini Somasundar

Priyadarshini is an Engineering graduate in Electronics and Communication. She used work for Dell, Later shifted to Chennai after marriage and worked in Ericsson as system analyst. I have always been passionate about our tradition and curious to know about our ancient wisdom and practices, which made me join this group.

Spirituality and Money

How money and spirituality is interconnected and learn the art of planning your finances.

It is a common notion that money and spirituality don’t go hand in hand. But the fact is money and spirituality together can bring abundance into our life. Money is not everything, but it plays an important role in our lives towards a more aligned spiritual experience. Money is neutral and the way we think about money brings a greater impact on the kind of energy it brings into our lives. It’s our conscious efforts in handling the money that decides the true worth. Improper planning of your finances can create an imbalance to your inner self and your ambience.
We learnt the spiritual significance of money being the catalyst to heal and elevate our lives. In this webinar, we understood the art of planning and prioritizing your finances, needs, investments, saving, insurance and many more without compromising your cosmic ethics.



If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here

Here are a couple of feedback from the parents:

Thank you Anna, for a very insightful session. So many times it so happens that you need something so badly and when you actually get it you no more need it…I guess it happens because of unnecessary clutter which we carry in our minds…This session gave the required clarity and consciousness. Very thankful for this, will try to incorporate today’s teachings.-Shweta

Thank you for yet another wonderful session Anna.
Every session of yours, I am have a unique experience, I feel as if you are addressing/answering to that one problem I am facing in life, for which I hardly had a solution. Thank you for today’s gyaan, will try to practice the Formula you have shared.


My insight with money was changed. Never expect that there are so many things we have to plan. -Chitra

Was a great session and yet another learning this time. Have not given much importance to money and have treated as a commodity so long. Now have a new perception of money as something which is also god gifted and has so much purpose for spiritual awakening. Have a new found respect for money. Thanks Anna and team for all your patience and guidance


Author: Priyadarshini Somasundar

Priyadarshini is an Engineering graduate in Electronics and Communication. She used work for Dell, Later shifted to Chennai after marriage and worked in Ericsson as system analyst. I have always been passionate about our tradition and curious to know about our ancient wisdom and practices, which made me join this group.

Decoding Dreams Webinar – 1 &2

A webinar to help you understand about dreams and how to decode it.

Finally, after the successful completion of our Live lockdown webinar series, we started our long awaited first Webinar Series on Dreams in the month of May. Thanks to some new parents who joined us to understand and decode the process of dreams. We began with understanding different types of dreams and effects of dreams in our day to day life. We discussed about the methods to decode dreams and were able to do it with few of the parents during the session. We will be doing the series of dreams sessions with the interested parents from our first webinar series in the upcoming months. It was really great to see parents from US stayed up still late night 4 AM to attend this session.
Amazing spirit.

My gratitude to technology team, Subash and Karthik for making this long-awaited Session happen online during this lockdown period.
Thanks to Minu for coordinating with the parents.

Avail the recording of this past events:

Decoding Dreams 1: https://www.hlp.world/challenge-page/decodingdreams1

Decoding Dreams 2 : https://www.hlp.world/challenge-page/decodingdreams2


If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here


If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here

Here is are few feedbacks that we received from parents.

Hieee!! I’m a super fan of Velu Anna’s sessions (which I guess is usual )…Unfortunately I have not got too many opportunities though. I had signed up for this session with a lot of curiosity/questions and what I got is more than I expected….” Sirisha Kambadur

Loved the way the whole webinar progressed and the step by step approach actually helped…. Enjoyed every bit of it and for me it was also to do something different…. Over all – super happy.” – Radhika

“Today’s dream decoding technique, was another fascinating topic decoded for me.I remember my dreams from very young age and wanted to understand it, so with each topic samskaras, swarnaparshana, dream decoding my euphoric state keeps going higher. Thank you Velu, for the knowledge and in depth explanation.“-


One good thing i learned today is karma…. nice explanation about how  we should cook and give not just giving donations.” -Dr. Jagruti K Jani

Today’s workshop was great! ty Anna!… The take-home message is to reflect on d day’s happenings@ bedtime & release the negative emotions & sleep relaxing each n every joint . Yoganindra….” -Divya Nadiyanselvam

“I was looking forward to this workshop for a long time. It was an amazing session with lot of learnings.  Thank you so much Anna for the one of a kind topics!!! Like every time, it was a great learning and experience..” – Divya Chittoor

“Dreams, is one of the subject which I wanted to learn, know and understand more.. I thoroughly loved the session session yesterday.. Bundle of knowledge.. At the end I felt I was in hypnotic state .. Not sure if was was or it was coz the time was 4am in the US.. But I had a deep sleep n went into a dream where I was watching a Dream..thank u Anna for taking time to give us this knowledge..Gratitude.”-Chitra C

“As always an amazing ,knowledgeable, exciting content from Velu Anna.. I m waiting to decode my dream as it is always disturbing and make me scared every time I get it… thanks Anna…” -Minu Amar

I was fascinated by name of topic itself. There was lot of curiosity quotient attached to it..I was waiting this for a long time to take place in Gurukul..the explanation was simple. Made me more aware. Thanks Anna for lovely session” -Kanmani

“As always it was a very unique session beautifully presented. The dream decoding part was the best! Even I felt numb and chill after the decoding session. I wish I had been more attentive, I had to prepare lunch and skipped some portions here and there. I wish the recorded version is shared!” -Ruchi

“It’s been really awakening Session on Decoding Dreams had never seen such thing.Especially the Dreams Category Slide & then the Decoding the Dream Slides were really amazing.Anna your an Ocean of Knowledge to any subject to touch or you . It was totally different & amazing experience.I have dream does have some meaning but never knew you your set can decode your own dreams in such a simple practical way that’s so amazing .Thnkyou Anna for an awakening session on Dreams a actually it’s a beautiful Subject in it.”


“Had a good deep sleep yesterday.  Generally it will take sometime for me to sleep yesterday  as soon as I went to bed , I slept within 5 to 10 min.As soon as I got up today I got a good answer for something which I was thinking about for a long time. Thank you very much Velu for sharing your knowledge and clearing our doubts about dreams.” – Jyothsna

“Dream is a fascinating subject and the one that interests me the most. Velu anna told us how we can ask (in the process train) children to remember dreams. Had an  interesting event as soon as my daughter woke up she, on her own, told “Amma in my dream me and you went to Velu uncle’s color therapy class and I painted earth there. Hoping to decode dreams and unlock the treasure it can offer in various walks of life.Gratitude to Velu Jayaprakash Anna” – Shilpa Sudhakar

Hello everyone.  For me this workshop was an amazing experience. I could not believe how in a matter of 3 min i felt as i was in a trance and could decode a dream that i had seen sometime back.
I was left with a severe headache after the session but the night sleep helped.  The entire night i drifted from one dream to another.. The first thing i did this morning before coming out of the bed is take a few min to remember my dreams.Thank you for teaching us these techniques that can give us a key to understand the messages that have been sent to us in our dreams… Which otherwise wud have gone unnoticed.
“- Ritu Jain

“Thanks To Mr.Velu, As usual this session helps to have different vision on a known aspect,knowledge shared about How to sleep and what need to done before sleeping,how dream is helping us,how to look for solution through dream and that 3 minute dhyana will be very helpful,pls share the recording of that Webinar.
 It would be helpful,if PPT or small AV is shared to have a clear vision on certain Dhyana Techniques in each session, for example if we get it for  yoganithra in yesterday’s Session that would be helpful.Once again thanks To Mr.Velu” – Arun Kumar”

“Hi everyone. Had read that our dreams carry message, but did not think that at individual level I could interpret my own dream. Session was presented in simple way , full of knowledge. Definitely want to understand what messages I am missing.  Also Please share if possible the recording . Would like to revisit certain parts once again. Thanks.” – Neepa Kankaria

” Thanks for the wonderful session. Realised after the class that dreams carry information to us” – Marees Aravindh

Marees Aravindh

Today’s dream decoding technique, was another fascinating topic decoded for me.I remember my dreams from very young age and wanted to understand it, so with each topic samskaras, swarnaparshana, dream decoding my euphoric state keeps going higher.Thank you velu, for the knowledge and in depth explanation.” – Radhika

Author: Priyadarshini Somasundar

Priyadarshini is an Engineering graduate in Electronics and Communication. She used work for Dell, Later shifted to Chennai after marriage and worked in Ericsson as system analyst. I have always been passionate about our tradition and curious to know about our ancient wisdom and practices, which made me join this group.