Case Study on Oil Bath from our parenting community

One of the key activities, to revive our ancient practices, we often push in our whatsapp group is to perform oil bath. In short time, many parents started to follow it for their kids and themselves.  We always wanted to capture some data points on a person who has not done it before and study this improvement after participating it.

One such parent from a MNC was stressed out and was worried about changes in his body. We simply suggested out oil bath practices along with other simple to follow technique invented and practiced by our ancestors. After few week this parent came to me with the following message.

“From 26th July it got improved from 5 hours to seven hours. Now my body temperature is normal due to twice a week oil both. Thanks”

Thanks to technology wearable device. He captured his sleeping pattern and you can clearly see improvement from the real data!

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performing an oil might seems time, but the benefits are plenty. If you have not started it. We would highly recommend doing asap and join our club. Read this article about oil bath for detailed procedure.

Author: Velu Jayaprakash

Velu Jayaprakash is a social entrepreneur, product manager, techy, photographer, meditator, father of two angels, ancient wisdom seeker, holistic adviser and Soul coach. You can reach him at velu.jayaprakash AT gmail DOT com

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