Balarishta Graha Dosha

eGurukul by Velu Jayaprakash

A webinar that focuses on healing and protecting children from inner wounds.

The birth of a child is one of the happiest events for the family. It brings in lot of auspicious events in our lives. Sometimes, due to the planetary movements and combination at the time of birth it might bring in some situations that can endanger his childhood.

A child comes in to the world to fulfill certain duties, in his lifetime. During his early formation time, it is susceptible to various doshas, at times even spirits. This can raise problems during his infancy – it may be ailments or any other adversity – to him, to parents, or to close relatives.

Balarishta Dosha can affect a child’s health and well-being, sometimes causing a rippling effect to parents or close relatives. That’s why it’s imperative for parents to protect their child from such doshas. A timely remedy will prevent psychological effects on the child that may well travel to his adulthood. Performing right remedies will provide relief.

So how do we know more and correct information about BalaGraha Dosha – how it affects, remedies, and so on?

Take aways from the session

  • Explore the reasons for BalaGraha Dosha
  • How it affects children from 1 to 16 years
  • 16 types of yantras and their moola mantras
  • Complete explanation of simple, ancient tantric remedies, how to do them, and specific amulets

Join us in the BalaGraha Dosha eGurukul and how to heal and protect children from inner wounds !

Date : 24th, 25th and 26th May

Time : 5 pm – 7 pm

Venue : Online

Avail recording of this past event :

Contact : Minu +91 95135 80222

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4 thoughts on “Balarishta Graha Dosha”

  1. Learnt BalaGraha Dosha affects, remedies, and different yantras+mantras for each doshas. Thank you Velu anna for the session.

  2. It was well explained for each type of dosha and corresponding bird/animal presence on that time. Thank you Velu Anna for sharing valuable mantras.

  3. This topic was very unique, never knew that following such a simple techniques would help us so much. It’s amazing to know what we write off or ignore simple procedures has such a compound effect .

    Thanks Anna for taking it up. Thanks you team for organizing it.

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