The sinking childhood ship, Perils of visual media.


Screen time has taken an essential seat in the lives of modern childhood. Various forms of media have penetrated into several functional elements of life, taking away the Magic of Childhood….the very life and creativity from our children. Childhood is no more about wild chases, silly conversations, the giggles, and wiggles.

It is an insurmountable challenge we are aware of, that remains as a conundrum for parents and facilitators who are working towards breaking this spell of Television and media on the little naive minds. I often wonder “Are the kids who have embarked on childhood journey sailing through the perils of visual media; are going to reach the shore of life with a brave heart of a traveler or going to be doomed into a no man’s world!!”

Are parents the anchors of a child’s life? Are the reins of the child’s future is in our caring hands or hidden under a stranger’s veil? Do we allow strangers into our house and perch them on a high seat of honor?

Television is a triumph of a machine over people – Fred Allen

Children, Tv, Child, Television, Home, People, Boy

Definitely not. So, Can you fathom a stranger taking a parents role or any significant role in shaping your child’s mind and destiny? Unequivocal, NO.

Yet through media in the name of television, game stations, mobiles and gadgets with endless hours of viewing, we allow strangers into the minds and souls of our children every day. The agenda and motivation behind various programs, advertisements, apps and visual modules are outright mundane and commercial but boldly prophesied for its suitability and sterling benefits for developing brains of the children. It has turned into a modern babysitting tool.

Many young parents claim harmless healthy content viewing that is structured and screened as helpful. On the contrary, several reports have stated that the actual act of viewing TV as more insidious and potentially damaging to the brains of the developing child than the actual content of the TV programs.

Television viewing hurts the development of children under 3 years age and poses a certain number of risks. It induces passivity, slow language acquisition, over-excitement, troubles with sleep and concentration as well as dependence on screen time even when it involves channels specifically aimed at them.( High Audiovisual Council 2008 ). It is the breeding ground for hyperactivity, Childhood obesity, ADD/ADHD etc.

Screen media have become integral to our lives and to alienate it completely from our daily lives is hugely challenging. With all our consciousness we need to protect both our own and our children’s viewing.

What are we doing to our children growth and learning potential by allowing them to watch TV and videos and spend endless hours playing computer games? Developing an understanding and raising awareness of the detrimental effects of screen viewing empowers us to make good decisions for our children, ourselves and for others in our care.

The infant is born with 10 billion nerve cells or neurons and spends 3 years adding billions of glial cells to support and nourish these neurons.

The brain of 6-7 years old child appears to have a tremendous capacity for making thousands of dendrites connections among neurons. This developmental potential ends around the age of 10 -11 when the child loses 80% of these neural connections. An enzyme is released within the brain and literally dissolves all the poorly myelinated pathway. can we all read it again…it dissolves all the poorly myelinated pathway!!! In earlier times, this space and time of childhood are filled with free play, outdoor activities, theaters, stories, puppet show, music and family evenings which is recreational n rejuvenating.Hence, it is imperative to limit or avoid screen time to the maximum extent and bring the classic moments back.

There is a sequential development of child’s brain from most primitive to the highly evolved thought brain or neuro-cortex. It is important that the young children who are in the process of forming their motor-sensory pathways and sense organs need the rhythmic movements to facilitate this development but it is curtailed by the TV and screen time.

Child’s visual activity and full binocular (3-dimensional) vision are not fully developed until 4 years of age.  The picture produced on the TV screen is an unfocused(made up of dots) two-dimensional image that restricts our field of vision to the TV screen itself and eyes of our children, have to strain to make the image clear besides the ill effects of invisible waves of Electromagnetism.

Visual skills which are needed for various activities are impaired in this process. Watching TV do not dilate the pupils of eyes, show little to no movement and lack Saccadic movements of the eyes (required for reading). This hinders their reading and writing skills leading to poor performance. This explains why many kids nowadays are struggling with their homework time, sitting for a long time to finish a task which essentially calls for focus and concentration.

The advancements in the technology brought Colour televisions and have its own impact. Colour combinations produced on TV result from the activation of only 3 primary colors- Red, Blue, Green.  The colors from it are exclusively processed by the Right hemisphere and hence Left hemisphere is diminished. Thus, Corpus callosum is poorly utilized here. A child can receive the full spectrum of colors from nature alone and it’s highly recommended antidote for captives of new age maladies.

Interestingly, Reading produces active fast beta waves while TV watching leads to an increase in slow alpha waves in the Left hemisphere and at times even in the Right hemisphere. No rationalizing of information happens during TV time. It doesn’t give time for a higher level thinking that inspires deeds that a simple book reading offers.

The trap of various visual media interactive programs promising knowledge adept kids turn a blind eye to the repercussions referred above. To reap the same benefits, parents can bank on the repertoire of books and theater plays. The gift of time and book reading are the best gifts that parents can give their children in the present times that nurtures the intelligence of heart and just not the minds.

Just like fasting is beneficial for our health; ELECTRONIC FAST is instrumental in shaping a healthy mind and soul of a child enriched with joy, imagination, innocence and creativity which is oozing with delicacies of childhood; a treat to eyes!!

In our next post, we will see how visual media can be avoided/minimized and electronic fast can be incorporated into our lives by filling with essential elements of a child’s core needs.

I am so thankful I had a childhood before technology took over. let us create the same magic again in our children’s lives… 

Author: yamini

I am Yamini, a Science and Education graduate, currently a work from home Mom as Subject Matter Expert - SME at e- learning solutions. Being a learner at heart in a voyage of self discovery for me, Motherhood is a calling and Parenting my passion. Belief in sharing and giving is my faith. Exercising the same faith, would blog on topics of interest like Parenting and education to learn, reflect and grow together. You can teach me at yamini2523 AT gmail DOT com.

Brown Rice Halwa

Ingredients :

Brown rice** – 250gm
(Use only boiled brown rice variety n not raw rice variety)
Organic Jaggery – 200gm
Desi ghee – 150ml / as per choice
Dryfruits powder
Cardamom powder

* Soak the Brownrice overnight/ 10hours.
* Soak Chanadal for an hour and cook it in a pot/ vessel until just cooked. ( Pressure cook for 1whistle)
* Wash and grind Brownrice into smooth consistency like Vada batter consistency.
* Dissolve Jaggery in the water in which Chanadal was cooked. Filter it and keep aside.
* Take a thick bottom vessel, add chanadal. Slowly, add the Brown rice batter (ladle by ladle) stirring continously.
*Add the Jaggery syrup. Slow down the flame and keep stirring until cooked. (The batter firms up, colour darkens and gathers well in 10- 15min apx)
* Continue until it leaves the sides of the vessel.
* Add ghee, dry fruit n Cardamom powder and mix well.
Once done, put off the flame and transfer it into a bowl smeared with ghee. Let it rest to set well for few hours.

Simple Healthy Halwa variety.

Author: yamini

I am Yamini, a Science and Education graduate, currently a work from home Mom as Subject Matter Expert - SME at e- learning solutions. Being a learner at heart in a voyage of self discovery for me, Motherhood is a calling and Parenting my passion. Belief in sharing and giving is my faith. Exercising the same faith, would blog on topics of interest like Parenting and education to learn, reflect and grow together. You can teach me at yamini2523 AT gmail DOT com.

Newsletter July, 2016

The parenting community with roots in holistic living has witnessed organic shaping into a versatile multifaceted platform with all the wonderful and priceless contribution and participation of passionate parents. We are extremely delighted to share our growth with each of you. This newsletter is a sneak peek into our journey. Looking forward for many such self sustained milestones!!

Surekha Kumbhar (India)

Small acts when multiplied by millions of people can transform the world – Howard Zinn

Swarnaprashana is a collective of parents with a dynamic platform for holistic living and approaches. The group’s aspirations are central to authentic holistic practices and revival of ancient wisdom to this time of living. It calls for an efficient integration of these principles into daily lives across the country.

It is amazing to see how a simple parenting community, connected virtually, can contribute so much in their free time.

This season has been amazing and alive with new learnings , Webinars , Meetups , launch of new Indigenous spin offs, growing into new groups and many more parents joining the Whatsapp community and into core team sharing their knowledge and expertise and the ripple effect continues…


  • Swarnaprashana Sangam
  • Swarnaprashana logo on Packaging kit
  • Subhashithas by Roopa
  • Touch Therapy by Anandji
  • Webinars : Immunity redefined (Uploaded YouTube version )
  • Dinacharya by Velu Jayaprakash
  • Specialised yoga with Yogacharya by Sri.B.Shankaranarayana Shastri
  • Stargazing with Shiva
  • Ancient Indigenous produce 
  • Homepreneurs time-honored remedies
  • Sanjeevani holistic group ( a dedicated blessings platform )

First Parenting – MEETUPS

Bangalore meet upSwarnaprashana SANGAM witnessed coming together of parents and whole team of swarnaprashana together for the first time for two interesting talks on ancient wisdom and how this group evolved from inception to the present stage by Velu Jayaprakash. He exuberantly unlocked the science behind the ancient practices and traditional home remedies while Manikandan gave a wise talk on Ancient food and passionate revival of the rice and millet varieties. Watch Video


swp-web-star-banner-v2Shiva, a passionate life coach, helped many embark on an ancient practice of Stargazing, Tree Hugging, Gamification of ancient lifestyle. He gave a glimpse on healing trees as per your birth nakshatra. Read more about this here.

A must read: Cosmic healing with birth stars and trees.

Swarnapashana kit gets an upgrade.

When community joined hands, various parents from the whatsapp group stepped outside the virtual world and explored various ways to upgrade the packing. From July, the swp is now shipped in the form of storage vials that is leak proof. Tamper Proof Packaging with branding is worth mentioning.


Immunity Redefined

First webinar by our parenting community where knowledge sharing desk was decked by healer and acupuncture expert Healer Anand , Ayurveda specialist Dr.lakshmy , Homeopath Dr. sheetal and holistic advisor Mr.Velu Jayaprakash. The same has been uploaded on YouTube. Watch the video here.


A webinar by Velu jayaprakash. A streamlined smooth transition from Bramhamuhurtham to Rathricharya where the best daily practices and procedures that is advocated by Ayurveda and siddhas which can be followed by one and all were revealed. Video will be uploaded later.

Specialized Yoga with Yogacharya Sri. B. Shankaranarayana Shastri

It was indeed a great privilege to air the latest webinar featuring Yogacharya Sri.B.Shankaranarayana Shastri. It is a humbling experience to have Yoga specialist among us with over 50 years of experience. Special thanks to Roopa of Subhashita fame, a parent from our core team for roping in such an eminent personality.

Ancient Indigenous Food of India

HLP Store provides the best from natures basket with ancient rice, millet varieties, and various organic supplies along with coldpressed oils, pure desi ghee and other ancient products. The new entrees are Kichali Samba (replacement for regular rice), and Purest world-famous Udankudi palmsugar and palm jaggery.

Parents contribution has scaled up by providing the best and rare HONEY varieties like Jamun honey, Chestnut honey, Himalayan honey by Velu, who collects honey from various sources as a hobby.

ParentPreneurs Krithika, Srinandhini and Ojas home-made remedies are on the shelf with raving reviews. And lot more parents are in the line to share their age old home remedies that are learnt from their grandmothers and other elders. We never knew this will be a platform for sharing the home remedy supplies made by parents with love to others.

A moment of pride was when Vaccha Band was launched literally in a span of few hours. A parent shares how Vaccha band is a life saviour for kids, a few share their experiences and a parent comes forward to provide it to all of our parent community. Within few hours, everything is conceptualized and implemented…rest is history.


YouTube is blessed with Subhashithas by Roopa, a parent from our core team who offers her knowledge selflessly with a melodious voice narrating the fables and explaining the Subhashithas. They are epigrammatic poems and their message is an aphorism, maxim, advice, fact, truth, riddle. Long-lived practices came to life again in lives of our kids.

Indian Classical Acupuncture popularly known as Touch Therapy

We are blessed to have Anandhji in our group who has come up to offer his free time to conduct a weekly webcast on “Mind-Body Wisdom, Path to Well-being”  Watch the video here.


Touch Therapy Session for Bangalore parents.

Anandhji practices Indian Classical Acupuncture popularly known as Touch Therapy every 1st and 3rd Saturdays at Indira Nagar, Bangalore. You can reach him with prior appointment.

Satkriya Foundation

Satkriya foundation has organised a fundraising event, Satswara by Sri Shivaranjivi, for and by  a group of Visually challenged people. Few parents partially contributed to this event. We were happy to take part in this initiative. Do follow their page for participation in future activities.

In Media

NEWSBYTES –  It was a day filled with pride as newsbytes has covered Swarnaprashana helping Agricultural sector with a share of 10% in nation’s export can be a fertile field for innovative startups.

newsbites media cover WhatsApp-Image-20160721While all these are rolling, the whatsapp community has grown big and two new groups namely Chandan group and Amla group are revived to join our Bramhi Holistic group and Aloevera Holistic group. Each group is named after a herb. To maintain the objective of the group and yet sail through the ebb and flow of the lives of our parents, Sanjeevani group is created as a dedicated group for blessings and prayers. With interesting posts and discussions on spirituality and enlightment.

Whatsapp – Important Discussions

  • Naming with sounds not with letters
  • Stem cell and ancient umbilical cord preservation
  • How we can sync with nature
  • Ekadesi significance
  • Chaturmas..seasonal foods
  • Thirumaloor’s Thirumandhiram.
  • Storing ghee for years for medicinal usage
  • Real truth about cholesterol, gluten sensitivities and myths
  • Chandranamaskar
  • Various Goshala products and importance of Ghee
  • Panchagavya treatment
  • Ancient practices on Vibudhi and its significance
  • Ecofriendly products and practices, terrace gardening
  • Alternate therapies n treatments
  • Schools and holistic education
  • Parenting

The beauty of this parent community is felt when many parents respond in wee hours, pray n follow up too. What better way to use this platform.

Screening through these talks n concerns, many blogs have been added in areas of Health¸Healing, long lived traditional remedies and recipes, Parenting.

In case, if you are not part of this amazing group. Do join us here.

Recent Blogs

  • Ashtavarga Chywanprash
  • Ancient way to test the Mother’s milk
  • Dos and Donts during Summer, Grishmaritu
  • Garbhinicharya paricharya – The ancient art of Conceiving, pregnancy and Post delivery
  • liquid food madness
  • Tharpanam/ Tilodakam
  • Reviving the food we eat
  • Black rice idli
  • Ancient ways to cleanse colon safely
  • Vaccha bracelet
  • Art of Parenting
  • Parenting workshops
  • Specialized yoga with Yogacharya Sri.B.Shankaranarayana Shastri
  • 5 simple home remedies to arrest Vomiting
  • Remedies for cough with simple herbs
  • Indian classical Acupuncture (TOUCH THERAPY)
  • Subhashitas
  • Cosmic healing with Birth stars and trees
  • 7 amazing benefits of clapping

Wrapping up this season here, we venture into more learnings and growing together as a parenting community. We the swarnaprashana team, sincerely thank each and every member who are part of this new momentum of HOLISTIC LIVING.

Miles to go before we sleep…the journey continues…

Author: yamini

I am Yamini, a Science and Education graduate, currently a work from home Mom as Subject Matter Expert - SME at e- learning solutions. Being a learner at heart in a voyage of self discovery for me, Motherhood is a calling and Parenting my passion. Belief in sharing and giving is my faith. Exercising the same faith, would blog on topics of interest like Parenting and education to learn, reflect and grow together. You can teach me at yamini2523 AT gmail DOT com.

Art of Parenting


Parenting styles have changed but children have not

Parenting has taken a pervasive change over the past decades with a paradigm shift in family and sociological setup. Traditional parenting roles of man as breadwinner and wife as homemaker has changed into parents micromanaging their child lives, losing the very art of parenting in this fast-paced technology driven lifestyle.

To cater to this need of guiding the next generation to the summit of their individual potential, many parenting theories and philosophies have mushroomed. To help navigate this journey, Smitha Rao, a parent from our whatsapp group, has sieved and enlisted few parenting workshops that empowers parents and families to spearhead the task. These programs enables parents to connect to the intuitive and joyful way of parenting.

“Knowledge isn’t power until it is applied; Practice is the key”

In upcoming blogs, I will address my own experience to handle complex situation in parenting. We will take a holistic approach than specific technique or tips. I plan to cover more from a common sense and from children’s point of view. Until then, please check the list of workshop and share your experience. 

Happy Parenting!

Author: yamini

I am Yamini, a Science and Education graduate, currently a work from home Mom as Subject Matter Expert - SME at e- learning solutions. Being a learner at heart in a voyage of self discovery for me, Motherhood is a calling and Parenting my passion. Belief in sharing and giving is my faith. Exercising the same faith, would blog on topics of interest like Parenting and education to learn, reflect and grow together. You can teach me at yamini2523 AT gmail DOT com.