Celebrating 120 antibiotics free days of my daughter. I am not exaggerating, we were regular at docs place atleast once and at times twice a month for antibiotics for high fever, throat infection and chest congestion. I came to swp website just by chance and have been a part of this group from June and have been following all the good practices. The results have been amazing. Thank you to the great team and the home remedies.
Author: Velu JK
Raedita’s Mother Ishaniverdia, Udaipur
Yes, it does. My daughter has been taking arka since she was 6 months old. I feel she has good immunity. She doesn’t fall sick that often.
Having said that, I also feel living a holistic life is the key. For eg., We might give our children arka and let our kids eat bread the whole week, that might not work in building a strong immunity.
I am not taking away the amazing benefits of arka, I am just trying to say that along with arka, parents should also be conscious of the food our kids eat.
Karthik, Dubai.
Feedback about Subhashita project initiated by a parent. https://swarnaprashana.org/category/holistic-child-care/subhashita/
Really big thnks to Mrs Roopa for the great talent and service ..
Unique passion n ur tym fr this service feels v r really very lucky to hear it ..
Definitely will teach n educate kids about this.
V r very inspired by hearing ..
Thnx admin for giving us opportunity to shape/design our life in beautiful way ..by all these tips n v r educated every day ..
Shashaank’s Mother Chitra Sarav, Bangalore
I give swp for past 5 years..it works for immunity, bed wetting, cough, memory..
Don’t stop swp..I m planning to give till 12 years..an allopath dr suggested this to me.. that is the wonderful part of it..
Jenitha and Jàson’s Mother Aradhana, Bangalore
Hi this aradhana gave Swp for my kids first time I can find a lot of difference in both of them .both of them have cold regularly but n first hour of giving them a the congustion started cmg out usually cold increases but after giving Swp started reducing thank you parenting for answering all my doubts patiently and dr.lakshmy for her selfless service..
Priya, Chennai
Even I want to share my gratitude to the group and to all people from whom I have learnt so many valuable things and become a better person
I have inculcated so many best practices in my day-to-day life.It all started after my son. I wanted to bring him up with the knowledge that our ancestors have gifted us.The right practices and traditions. These are jus few..
Dint want to Pierce his ear , afraid he can’t handle it.But after knowing the reason behind this samsakar ensured we got his ear pierced n tonsured his head
Oil bathing weekly twice keeps your body light and balanced.
Silver and black hip thread after knowing it activates certain nerves n absorbs heat
No whites in the kitchen.
Swarnaprashana another important samsakar I started which has increased his immunity several folds n also good development in his growth not just physical but it’s more with his cognitive skills.
started using lot of millets n cold-pressed oils and helped me reduce all the baby fat and keeping the entire family healthy.
In short, my lifestyle has become very disciplined n healthy.I am more aware of wat I eat and what I do.
Thanks Anna for making this happen n meet so many wonderful souls.
There is loads to write but stopping it as it might get boring
Aniketh’s Mother Vyshalie, Bangalore
Good spirit of teamwork. It really feels great see our group moving forward and amazing parents who are eagerly there to help each other. Great job ! Many more such initiatives to come in a healthy pack .
Stuti’s Mother Bidisha, Bangalore
“Too much of a good thing can be wonderful”…and this group lives by these words..thank you all of you for your wonderful advice..
Adithya’ Mother Manju Kumar, Pune
Wonderful to be a part of this group…where learning is a continuous process! ! Kudos to team SWP & super parents who put their efforts to make this holistic approach to parenting a big success
Saanvi and Skanda’s Mother Roopa, Bangalore
This is the feedback from a dedicated blessing whatsapp group
Dear all ,
I felt like sharing my part regarding the birthday of my son .
Ten years ago when my son was born we were not given too much of hope about him. Although I had a normal delivery my son was born with low apgar score, was there in the ni u for three days and we took him to all kind of places till one year.
I remember sitting with my 28 day old son in parijma ( a center for differently abled children) waiting for his brain test , when an elderly man who was a stranger blessed my son and said he’ll be fine . That’s the day I started believing in blessings.
Now my son is an active boy who is a voracious reader and a budding tabla player .
Both my kids have allergies which use to make them sick almost every month for two years now. It was like I had either one of the kid at home for fifteen days a month .
I started giving them Swarnaprashana and arka since April this month along with home made chwanprash (since a month and a half). Their rate of falling ill has drastically reduced and even if they fall sick they recover fast and are active during the sickness too.
Thanks to Dr Lakshmi and other people who are behind this.