Ancient Ways to Cleanse Colon Safely With Castor Oil

Learn the art of natural way to detox your stomach, bowel & colon to rejuvenate the digestive system.

There is always a heated discussion among our parents at our whatsapp group on what best to eat, but seldom discuss about how to remove the waste that we eat and accumulate in our system. At our recent webinar, we discussed in great detail and we came up with this blog.

It is often an assumption that what we eat is absorbed by the body and the waste is disposed in the form of urine and stool. Ideally that works for a healthy body. But most of the undigested food, now known as toxins are always stored inside our digestive system.  Did you know that the path from mouth to the anus is approx. 33ft? Yes, it is a long journey indeed!

Then these toxins take a permanent position in our body, disturbing our physical health, but mental and spiritual health as well. More the toxins we accumulate, more the health problems we may have to face. Most of the health problems can be easily avoided by basic detoxing method followed by our ancestors. Our ancient texts have given a lot of ways to remove this toxins regularly. It is an important duty to clean bowel, often!

There is a song by Thirumoolar, that says, yearly at least twice we have to clean our stomach. Given that Thirumoolar advised this 1000+ years ago; today, with junk and processed food, almost all the Siddha doctors advises to clean the stomach at least once in  4 months.

There are plenty of ways to do this. Here is a simple ancient technique.


  1. 3 to 4 Teaspoon of Castor Oil (15ml – 20ml)
  2. 3 Teaspoon of Ginger juice (without skin) (15ml)
  3. 3 Teaspoon of Honey (15ml)
  4. 50 ML of warm water
A day before

Take light food at the night.

On the day

Make sure, you do not have any outdoor-activities on this day, as you might have to visit rest room very frequently.

This process has to performed in an empty stomach and early morning would be the best time. Mix castor oil, ginger juice, honey and water as per the proportion mentioned above. Depending on your body type, in next few mins or an hour, you might have to visit the restroom more than 3 to 6 times. Make sure your diet is warm water only.

The right time to stop this process is, when you notice the urine quantity is more than the stool, and the stool is in the color of plain water. Your body will tell you to stop it, then you can either take, some buttermilk with rock salt or lime juice with salt. It would stop the loose motion.

It is necessary not to eat or drink anything except warm water.

Once you stop it, give some time to rest your body. At noon, have liquid diet, with rasam or kanji. Later at dinner, have semisolid food. Next day, you can follow normal diet.

The quantity of Castor oil, Ginger, honey and so on, might not work for all, all the time. You can increase /decrease as per your needs.

This simple process, will detox the body and prevent from non-communicable disease such as cancer and so on.

You can buy pure castor oil and various types of herbs honey from our community store – HLP Store.

Author: Velu Jayaprakash

Velu Jayaprakash is a social entrepreneur, product manager, techy, photographer, meditator, father of two angels, ancient wisdom seeker, holistic adviser and Soul coach. You can reach him at velu.jayaprakash AT gmail DOT com

7 thoughts on “Ancient Ways to Cleanse Colon Safely With Castor Oil”

  1. Castor oil is very effective for weight loss.I can say here the benefit of Castor oil is described very well which will be helpful for weight loss conscious peoples.

  2. The above process is called Virechana and is described very badly. Following the above method would cause excessing purgation and will weaken the system. This should be done only 2 times in a year once during spring as you come out of winter and later in monsoon as you come out of summer. Castor oil is very powerful purgatory and should be avoided for children, elderly and women who are pregnant or trying to convince. This is one of the panchakarma and needs to be done only if there is excess pitta.

    1. Virechana – is lot more than castor oil method. 2 times a day was suggested for olden days life style. today’s world various siddha dr suggest 4 months once.

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