Specialized Yoga with Yogacharya Sri. B. Shankaranarayana Shastri

When Yoga is a Multi-billion dollar Industry, Meet the man, who spent almost half a century in teaching yoga as service all at “Free of cost”.

It is a privilege to invite Yogacharya Sri. B. Shankaranarayana Shastri to share and guide our parenting community.

He has more than 50 years of teaching yoga as a service. Trained from “Sadhana Sangama Yoga Pitha – The center established in the linage of the renowned “Himalayan Yogi – Swami Rama”.

  1. Imparting yoga training for the Teachers and Students of the education institutions from Pre-primary to Postgraduate centers and professional institutes like Medical Colleges and Technical Engineering Collages to redress –
    1. Learning disabilities
    2. Lack of concentrations
    3. Abnormal behaviors in the teenagers
    4. Emotional problems
    5. Health ailments
  2. Designed syllabus for “Yoga teachers training” and headed the workshop for the preparation of “Yoga Text Books” – under National Curriculum guidelines – D.S.E.R.T
  3. A unique “Yoga Sandhya” program is designed for the benefits of “Gayathri Upasakas” and conducted training on that.

Till today, He has conducted more than 900+ till date and has benefited more than 89000+ people from all walk of life. Apart from regular camp, He has enriched more than 150+ educational institutions.

Problems of the Children solved by regular practice of Specific Yoga activities:

  • Learning disabilities
  • Exceptional behavior disorders
  • Concentration and memory problem
  • Bedwetting problem
  • Stammering
  • Lack of interest and perseverance in studies

Some of the Health problems solved by regular practice of specific Yogic activities:

  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Blood pressure
  • Asthama
  • Exima
  • Migrane
  • Insomnia
  • Obesity
  • Side effects of Cancer treatment
  • Monthly cycle problems faced by women
  • Nervous disability
  • Memory problem
  • Side effects of cancer
  • Under development in children
  • Thyroid problem

He is town this weekend, 3rd July, 2016 a 10.30 AM-12.30 PM. It is a indeed an honor to invite him to our whatsapp parenting community. Hopefully we end up doing a workshop in future soon.

Please Books your Invite for Google Hangout-On-Air.

Author: Roopa

By Roopa Prasanna I am a homemaker with two kids a son and a daughter aged 9 and 6 yrs respectively. I love telling stories to my kids. It has helped them to grow up better and they are more relaxed at the end of the day. My other hobbies are listening to music and reading. I have always believed our ancient wisdom holds the key to many of our questions. You can reach me at roopa.hebbar AT gmail.com