Awakening the Inner Genius
Unlike our childhood, where we grow with limited options, today’s children have plenty of choices, right from birthing to schooling. The evolution across the globe has brought in diverse choices for current generation from birthing to schooling compared to the limited opportunities in the past. The modern approaches have established their own unique theories to the child development.
As society is trying to adapt to changes, schools are also trying to unlock the child’s potential in their own way. The question is, did we really unlock the true self of a child? Or if our kids are being experimented in new concept schools? Which schooling method suits certain kids?
Join us for the heart to heart discussion with various parents from different types of schooling. Let us learn from their experience, thought process and truth!
Key takeaways:
Did you really unlock our child’s potential?
What are the various schooling methodologies?
Does the School meet actual needs of the child?
Which is the best method for our child?
Unschooling – Ishani
Montessori – Harini Karthik
Mainstream – Tanuja Jitesh
Waldorf – Smitha Dwivedi
Homeschooling – Preetha
Event date: 27th June, 2020
Time: 9am – 11am
Watch this event recording: Facebook
CONTACT : +91 95135 80222 ( Mrs. Minu Amar)