Bach Flower Therapy

Based on your Star Birthday

This is one of the traditional therapies. Basically, it uses flower essence to treat our, emotional pains and trauma, which over time impacted our health. These pains are mostly caused by our karmic imprints. Few from our group have already been benefited by this therapy and seeing a huge shift in their physical and emotional side. After their request, we have finally designed this healing to reach more people who are in need. 

Let’s see what Bach Flower Essence practice is

🌸 This was discovered by Dr Edward Bach, an English doctor, bacteriologist, homeopath and spiritual writer. Initially, it was not well received, but later many healers took this to a different level. When this knowledge reached India, our traditional healers (Siddhas) were able to unlock the hidden potential of this great healing. Why? Because we already have the wisdom with us, which we forgot and now it is taking a huge shift in the healing process. 

🌸If you look deeper, in ancient times, our ancestors had a great knowledge of various flowers, herbs, and everything around them. They used these gifts from mother nature to bring in harmony between body, mind and soul. Based on the specialization, over practice, various medical and lifestyle changes was implemented and attached to a religion.

🌸Then a story of fear and faith was colored so that people will follow it without fail. The main hidden agenda of our enlighten master was to be in peace with us.  Dr Edward Bach, took various flower essence from mother nature and was able to see how it influenced over the human mind. He classified Human beings into various psychological profiles.

🌸When we intake this certain combination of flower essence, it does a great impact on our emotional side of our mind, which is one of the root causes of various health issues we face today. 

🌸Ideally, to recommend a proper essence for your personal needs, you must spend a considerable amount of time with the healer who is well versed in the usage. The healer has to observe few areas, such as: What does the client say, Body language, healer’s intuition, and so on. There are few drawbacks in this method because many fail to express their true emotions, sometimes false body languages etc. may lead to improper combination. There is nothing wrong in these medicines, some may not work for you in the previous case

🌸Fortunately, we in India have a powerful tool that many may not have. Medical Astrology with astrology we can easily decode a person’s mind, the way they think. What happened in their life and where it is leading? So, the mind plays a huge role here. So, based on your birth time we can make various combination of flower essence as designed and proved by Dr Bach to heal able karmic emotional related issues (needless to say, it heals the health part as well). 

Who will benefit from Bach Flower Essence?

  • Persons who are suffering from long term physical pain in their body, like feet, lower or upper back, headache etc, or some issues which is hard to explain to any healer. Deep emotional issues such as Unknown fear, Uncertainty, inability to talk freely, Loneliness, Over-sensitivity, hidden relationship issues, emotional instability etc. 
  • As said many times at the group, we get diseases from various channels. Our own thoughts are one such avenue that creates these imbalances in us, that could lead to various emotional and physical issues. Bach flowers work wonder here. 

Who cannot get this essence?

  • People who do not know their correct birth time, place.
  • People outside our WhatsApp community.
  • People outside India.


According to your birth time and position of planets in your horoscope and current position, you will be given a unique combination of flower essences, you must take it continuously to the recommended cycle. Usually, it will be 12 or 27 months. Remember, every month the combination is different. So you have to daily intake it. Do not give a break. 


One Dose costs Rs 400. You will be taking 3 sets at a time, that is for 3 months (on Pushya days) so it is Rs. 1200 for cycles. Then we will be sending the next set of 3 and so on. Once you enroll, you do not have to re-enroll again. Automatically it will come to you, every three months. And you must make sure you pay on time.

You cannot reuse this for others, what is made will only match you, it cannot be shared as well. This is one of the unique healing programs, hence we are keeping this only for parents in our community.

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3 thoughts on “Bach Flower Therapy”

  1. My feedback- Before i started the karmic essence i used to worry about every small thing in life, i used to overthink and stress myself. But after i started taking this it has been more than 1 year, nothing matters in life that is the essence i get. I am more free flowing, just taking things as it comes. there is more assurance and just going with the flow.

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