Art of Parenting


Parenting styles have changed but children have not

Parenting has taken a pervasive change over the past decades with a paradigm shift in family and sociological setup. Traditional parenting roles of man as breadwinner and wife as homemaker has changed into parents micromanaging their child lives, losing the very art of parenting in this fast-paced technology driven lifestyle.

To cater to this need of guiding the next generation to the summit of their individual potential, many parenting theories and philosophies have mushroomed. To help navigate this journey, Smitha Rao, a parent from our whatsapp group, has sieved and enlisted few parenting workshops that empowers parents and families to spearhead the task. These programs enables parents to connect to the intuitive and joyful way of parenting.

“Knowledge isn’t power until it is applied; Practice is the key”

In upcoming blogs, I will address my own experience to handle complex situation in parenting. We will take a holistic approach than specific technique or tips. I plan to cover more from a common sense and from children’s point of view. Until then, please check the list of workshop and share your experience. 

Happy Parenting!

Author: yamini

I am Yamini, a Science and Education graduate, currently a work from home Mom as Subject Matter Expert - SME at e- learning solutions. Being a learner at heart in a voyage of self discovery for me, Motherhood is a calling and Parenting my passion. Belief in sharing and giving is my faith. Exercising the same faith, would blog on topics of interest like Parenting and education to learn, reflect and grow together. You can teach me at yamini2523 AT gmail DOT com.

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