5 Simple home remedies to arrest Vomiting

By SriniG - Photograph taken by SriniG, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1026082
By SriniG – Photograph taken by SriniG, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1026082

There are various way to arrest vomiting. At our whatsapp group, we have plenty of parents sharing their age old home remedies to each other. We have made an attempt to collect all those and share it for anyone. Apart from the information we share from our group, We have gone little deeper into ancient siddha script and shared few remedies.

When you try these do share your feedback and or if you have any more tips so share it at our comments.

  1. Soak Seeragam (sumin Seed) in the lime juice and dry it. Then powder the it nicely.
    • Dose: 500 mg two times a day with honey.
  2. Burn Vasambu (Sweet Flag) until it became coal and powder it.
    • Dose: 200 mg with honey.
  3. Recommended Mix equal quantity of juice from pomegranate, ginger (without skin) and cane sugar. Boil it, till it becomes a syrup.
    • Dose: One tsp twice daily
  4. powder coriander or cardamom with tender coconut water
    • Dose: 2 gms
  5. For Morning sickness: take some quantity of coriander powder with rice washed water and sugar candy
    • Dose: 5 gms in 50 ml

Author: Velu Jayaprakash

Velu Jayaprakash is a social entrepreneur, product manager, techy, photographer, meditator, father of two angels, ancient wisdom seeker, holistic adviser and Soul coach. You can reach him at velu.jayaprakash AT gmail DOT com

One thought on “5 Simple home remedies to arrest Vomiting”

  1. Good post
    Cumin when mixed with lime ia best for indigestion bloating n acidity too
    It helps in metabolism n weight reduction to an extent ..

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