Indian Classical Acupuncture Popularly known as Touch Therapy.

Mind-Body Wisdom, Path to Well-being
1)To develop keen in depth practical knowledge on Mind-Body intelligence and its functions
2)To understand & follow natural life enhancing rhythm conducive to our Mind and body.
3)Becoming medicine free by restoring and strengthening the natural ability of our immune system.

 Part – 1
Part – 2

Part – 3

Anandh JI practices Indian Classical Acupuncture popularly known as Touch Therapy  every 1st and 3rd Saturdays at Indira Nagar, Bangalore. You can reach him with prior appointment. Drop a message below and our parenting team, will reach you for coordination.

Author: Anandhji

Anandh. G, Trainer and teacher in Hospitality field for 18 years, Professor and HOD at a Hotel Management College in Wayanad, Kerala. Found his passion in Energy medicine and Healing sciences from the year 2003, starting helping people to heal from 2005 onwards. Apart from his work he is pursuing and practising Indian Classical Acu-puncture, popularly known as Touch therapy. He can be reached at

7 thoughts on “Indian Classical Acupuncture Popularly known as Touch Therapy.”

  1. Hi- What nuber can I reach you for appointment? Does this therapy works for addictions as well like smoking drinking?

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